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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040622522
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  • 2024-06-28
  • 1180
  • 752

 Chapter 1 Environmental Chemistry and the Five Spheres of the Environment
  1.1 Earth and the Earth System
  1.2 Biogeochemical Cycles in the Earth System
   1.2.1 Oxygen Cycle
   1.2.2 Nitrogen Cycle
   1.2.3 Sulfur Cycle
   1.2.4 Phosphorus Cycle
  1.3 Natural Capital of the Earth System
  1.4 What Is Environmental Chemistry?
   1.4.1 Environmental Chemistry and the Spheres of the Earth System
  1.5 Environmental Chemistry of Water and the Hydrosphere
   1.5.1 Water Pollution
   1.5.2 Water Treatment
  1.6 Environmental Chemistry of Air and the Atmosphere
   1.6.1 Atmospheric Chemistry
   1.6.2 Air Pollution
  1.7 Environmental Chemistry of the Geosphere
   1.7.1 The Geosphere and Natural Capital
   1.7.2 Soil
   1.7.3 Chemical Composition of Soil
  1.8 Environmental Chemistry of the Anthrosphere
   1.8.1 Chemistry and the Anthrosphere
   1.8.2 Industrial Ecology and Green Chemistry in the Anthrosphere
  1.9 Environmental Chemistry of the Biosphere
   1.9.1 Biomaterials from the Biosphere
   1.9.2 Toxicological Chemistry and Biochemistry
   1.9.3 Exposure to Toxic Substances
  1.10 As We Enter the Anthropocene
   1.10.1 Environmental Priorities for the Sustainocene
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 2 The Hydrosphere and Water Chemistry
  2.1 Water: An Essential Part of Earth’s Natural Capital
  2.2 Sources and Uses of Water
   2.2.1 The Groundwater Crisis
  2.3 H2O: Simple Formula, Remarkable Molecule
  2.4 Life in Water
  2.5 Chemistry of Water
  2.6 Gases in Water
   2.6.1 Oxygen in Water
  2.7 Water Acidity and Carbon Dioxide in Water
   2.7.1 Carbon Dioxide in Water
  2.8 Alkalinity
   2.8.1 Contributors to Alkalinity at Different pH Values
   2.8.2 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Alkalinity
   2.8.3 Influence of Alkalinity on CO2 Solubility
  2.9 Calcium and Other Metals in Water
   2.9.1 Hydrated Metal Ions as Acids
   2.9.2 Calcium in Water
   2.9.3 Dissolved Carbon Dioxide and Calcium Carbonate Minerals
  2.10 Complexation and Chelation
   2.10.1 Occurrence and Importance of Chelating Agents in Water
  2.11 Bonding and Structure of Metal Complexes
   2.11.1 Selectivity and Specificity in Chelation
  2.12 Calculations of Species Concentrations
  2.13 Complexation by Deprotonated Ligands
  2.14 Complexation by Protonated Ligands
  2.15 Solubilization of Lead Ion from Solids by NTA
   2.15.1 Reaction of NTA with Metal Carbonate
   2.15.2 Effect of Calcium Ion on the Reaction of Chelating Agents with Slightly Soluble Salts
  2.16 Polyphosphates and Phosphonates in Water
   2.16.1 Polyphosphates
   2.16.2 Hydrolysis of Polyphosphates
   2.16.3 Complexation by Polyphosphates
   2.16.4 Phosphonates
  2.17 Complexation by Humic Substances
  2.18 Complexation and Redox Processes
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 3 Oxidation/Reduction in Aquatic Chemistry
  3.1 The Significance of Oxidation/Reduction in Aquatic Chemistry
  3.2 The Electron and Redox Reactions
  3.3 Electron Activity and pE
  3.4 The Nernst Equation
  3.5 Reaction Tendency: Whole Reaction from Half-Reactions
  3.6 The Nernst Equation and Chemical Equilibrium
  3.7 The Relationship of pE to Free Energy
  3.8 Reactions in Terms of One Electron-Mole
  3.9 The Limits of pE in Water
  3.10 pE Values in Natural Water Systems
  3.11 pE–pH Diagrams
  3.12 Humic Substances as Natural Reductants
  3.13 Photochemical Processes in Oxidation–Reduction
  3.14 Corrosion
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 4 Phase Interactions in Aquatic Chemistry
  4.1 Chemical Interactions Involving Solids, Gases, and Water
  4.2 Importance and Formation of Sediments
   4.2.1 Formation of Sediments
   4.2.2 Organic and Carbonaceous Sedimentary Materials
  4.3 Solubilities
   4.3.1 Solubilities of Solids
   4.3.2 Solubilities of Gases
  4.4 Colloidal Particles in Water
   4.4.1 Colloids in Water and Contaminant Transport by Colloids
   4.4.2 Kinds of Colloidal Particles
   4.4.3 Colloid Stability
  4.5 The Colloidal Properties of Clays
  4.6 Aggregation of Colloidal Particles
   4.6.1 Flocculation of Colloids by Polyelectrolytes
   4.6.2 Flocculation of Bacteria by Polymeric Materials
  4.7 Surface Sorption by Solids
  4.8 Solute Exchange with Bottom Sediments
   4.8.1 Trace-Level Metals in Suspended Matter and Sediments
   4.8.2 Phosphorus Exchange with Bottom Sediments
   4.8.3 Organic Compounds on Sediments and Suspended Matter
   4.8.4 Bioavailability of Sediment Contaminants
  4.9 Interstitial Water
  4.10 Phase Interactions in Chemical Fate and Transport
   4.10.1 Rivers
   4.10.2 Lakes and Reservoirs
   4.10.3 Exchange with the Atmosphere
   4.10.4 Exchange with Sediments
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 5 Aquatic Microbial Biochemistry
  5.1 Aquatic Biochemical Processes
   5.1.1 Microorganisms at Interfaces
  5.2 Algae
  5.3 Fungi
  5.4 Protozoa
  5.5 Bacteria
   5.5.1 Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Bacteria
   5.5.2 Oxic and Anoxic Bacteria
  5.6 The Prokaryotic Bacterial Cell
  5.7 Kinetics of Bacterial Growth
  5.8 Bacterial Metabolism
   5.8.1 Factors Affecting Bacterial Metabolism
   5.8.2 Microbial Oxidation and Reduction
  5.9 Microbial Transformations of Carbon
   5.9.1 Methane-Forming Bacteria
   5.9.2 Bacterial Utilization of Hydrocarbons
   5.9.3 Microbial Utilization of Carbon Monoxide
  5.10 Biodegradation of Organic Matter
   5.10.1 Oxidation
   5.10.2 Microbial Oxidation of Hydrocarbons
   5.10.3 Other Biochemical Processes in Biodegradation of Organics
  5.11 Microbial Transformations of Nitrogen
   5.11.1 Nitrogen Fixation
   5.11.2 Nitrification
   5.11.3 Nitrate Reduction
   5.11.4 Denitrification
  5.12 Microbial Transformations of Phosphorus and Sulfur
   5.12.1 Phosphorus Compounds
   5.12.2 Sulfur Compounds
   5.12.3 Oxidation of H2S and Reduction of Sulfate by Bacteria
   5.12.4 Microorganism-Mediated Degradation of Organic Sulfur Compounds
  5.13 Microbial Transformations of Halogens and Organohalides
  5.14 Microbial Transformations of Metals and Metalloids
   5.14.1 Acid Mine Waters
   5.14.2 Microbial Transitions of Selenium
   5.14.3 Microbial Corrosion
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 6 Water Pollutants and Water Pollution
  6.1 Nature and Types of Water Pollutants
   6.1.1 Markers of Water Pollution
  6.2 Elemental Pollutants
  6.3 Heavy Metals
   6.3.1 Cadmium
   6.3.2 Lead
   6.3.3 Mercury
  6.4 Metalloids
  6.5 Organically Bound Metals and Metalloids
   6.5.1 Organotin Compounds
  6.6 Inorganic Species
   6.6.1 Cyanide
   6.6.2 Ammonia and Other Inorganic Pollutants
   6.6.3 Asbestos in Water
  6.7 Algal Nutrients and Eutrophication
  6.8 Acidity, Alkalinity, and Salinity
  6.9 Oxygen, Oxidants, and Reductants
  6.10 Organic Pollutants
   6.10.1 Bioaccumulation of Organic Pollutants
   6.10.2 Sewage
   6.10.3 Soaps, Detergents, and Detergent Builders Soaps Detergents Microbial Toxins
  6.11 Pesticides in Water
   6.11.1 Natural Product Insecticides, Pyrethrins, and Pyrethroids
   6.11.2 The Emergence of Neonicotinoid Insecticides
   6.11.3 DDT and Organochlorine Insecticides
   6.11.4 Organophosphate Insecticides
   6.11.5 Carbamates
   6.11.6 Fungicides
   6.11.7 Herbicides
   6.11.8 Bipyridylium Compounds
   6.11.9 Herbicidal Heterocyclic Nitrogen Compounds
   6.11.10 Chlorophenoxy Herbicides
   6.11.11 Miscellaneous Herbicides
  6.12 Organochlorine Compounds in Water
   6.12.1 By-Products of Pesticide Manufacture
   6.12.2 Polychlorinated Biphenyls
   6.12.3 1,2,3-Trichloropropane in Groundwater
   6.12.4 Naturally Occurring Chlorinated and Brominated Compounds
  6.13 Emerging Water Pollutants, Pharmaceuticals, and Household Wastes
   6.13.1 Bactericides and Antibiotics
   6.13.2 Estrogenic Substances in Wastewater Effluents
   6.13.3 Biorefractory Organic Pollutants
  6.14 Radionuclides in the Aquatic Environment
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 7 World Water Crisis and Climate Change: Water Renovation and Recycling
  7.1 The Most Important Body of Water—You
  7.2 Water Treatment and Water Use
  7.3 Municipal Water Treatment
   7.3.1 Failures in Water Treatment
  7.4 Treatment of Water for Industrial and Commercial Use
  7.5 Wastewater Treatment
   7.5.1 Industrial Wastewater Treatment
  7.6 Advanced Water Treatment
  7.7 Aeration of Water
  7.8 Removal of Solids
   7.8.1 Dissolved Air Flotation
   7.8.2 Membrane Filtration Processes
  7.9 Removal of Calcium and Other Metals
   7.9.1 Removal of Iron and Manganese
   7.9.2 Removal of Heavy Metals from Water
  7.10 Removal of Biodegradable Organics from Water and Sewage Treatment
   7.10.1 Biodegradable Organics Removal from Wastewater
   7.10.2 Membrane Bioreactor
   7.10.3 Sludge Handling and Disposal
   7.10.4 Chemical Sludges
   7.10.5 Additional Purification of Water from Secondary Wastewater Treatment
  7.11 Removal of Dissolved Organics
   7.11.1 Removal of Herbicides
  7.12 Removal of Dissolved Inorganics
   7.12.1 Ion Exchange
   7.12.2 Reverse Osmosis
   7.12.3 Phosphorus Removal
   7.12.4 Nitrogen Removal
  7.13 Water Disinfection
   7.13.1 Chlorine Dioxide
   7.13.2 Green Ozone for Water Disinfection
   7.13.3 Ferrate and Percarbonate
   7.13.4 Disinfection with Ultraviolet Radiation and Photocatalytic Processes
  7.14 Natural Water Purification Processes
   7.14.1 Industrial Wastewater Treatment by Soil
  7.15 Green Water and Total Water Recycle
  7.16 Water Conservation
  7.17 Protecting Water Supplies from Attack
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 8 The Atmosphere and Atmospheric Chemistry
  8.1 The Atmosphere and Atmospheric Chemistry
   8.1.1 Atmospheric Composition
   8.1.2 Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulfur
   8.1.3 Atmospheric Methane, Hydrocarbons, and Photochemical Smog
   8.1.4 Particulate Matter
   8.1.5 Primary and Secondary Pollutants
  8.2 How the Atmosphere Got That Way and Its Natural Capital
   8.2.1 Chemical and Biochemical Processes in Evolution of the Atmosphere
   8.2.2 Self-Purification of the Atmosphere
  8.3 Physical Characteristics of the Atmosphere
   8.3.1 Variation of Pressure and Density with Altitude
   8.3.2 Stratification of the Atmosphere
  8.4 Energy Transfer in the Atmosphere
   8.4.1 Earth’s Radiation Budget
  8.5 Atmospheric Mass Transfer, Meteorology, and Weather
   8.5.1 Atmospheric Water in Energy and Mass Transfer
   8.5.2 Air Masses
   8.5.3 Topographical Effects
   8.5.4 Movement of Air Masses
   8.5.5 Global Weather
   8.5.6 Weather Fronts and Storms
  8.6 Inversions and Air Pollution
  8.7 Global Climate and Microclimate
   8.7.1 Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Human Modifications of Climate
   8.7.2 Microclimate
   8.7.3 Effects of Urbanization on Microclimate
  8.8 Chemical and Photochemical Reactions in the Atmosphere
   8.8.1 Photochemical Processes
   8.8.2 Ions and Radicals in the Atmosphere
   8.8.3 Ions at Lower Altitudes in the Troposphere
   8.8.4 Free Radicals
   8.8.5 Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxyl Radicals in the Atmosphere
  8.9 Acid–Base Reactions in the Atmosphere
  8.10 Reactions of Atmospheric Oxygen
   8.10.1 Tropospheric Ozone in the Unpolluted Atmosphere
  8.11 Reactions of Atmospheric Nitrogen
  8.12 Atmospheric Water
  8.13 Influence of the Anthrosphere
  8.14 Chemical Fate and Transport in the Atmosphere
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 9 Particles in the Atmosphere
  9.1 Particles in the Atmosphere
  9.2 Physical Behavior of Particles in the Atmosphere
   9.2.1 Size and Settling of Atmospheric Particles
  9.3 Physical Processes for Particle Formation
  9.4 Chemical Processes for Particle Formation
   9.4.1 Inorganic Particles
   9.4.2 Organic Particles
  9.5 The Composition of Inorganic Particles
   9.5.1 Fly Ash
   9.5.2 Asbestos
  9.6 Toxic Metals in the Atmosphere
   9.6.1 Atmospheric Mercury
   9.6.2 Atmospheric Lead
   9.6.3 Atmospheric Beryllium
  9.7 Radioactive Particles
  9.8 Organic Particles in the Atmosphere
   9.8.1 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
   9.8.2 Carbonaceous Particles from Diesel Engines
  9.9 Effects of Particles
   9.9.1 The Asian Brown Cloud: Climate and Health Effects
   9.9.2 Partitioning of Semivolatile Organic Substances between Air and Particles
  9.10 Water as Particulate Matter
  9.11 Atmospheric Chemical Reactions Involving Particles
  9.12 Control of Particle Emissions
   9.12.1 Particle Removal by Sedimentation and Inertia
   9.12.2 Particle Filtration
   9.12.3 Scrubbers
   9.12.4 Electrostatic Removal
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 10 Gaseous Inorganic Air Pollutants
  10.1 Inorganic Pollutant Gases
  10.2 Production and Control of Carbon Monoxide
   10.2.1 Control of Carbon Monoxide Emissions
  10.3 Fate of Atmospheric CO
  10.4 Sulfur Dioxide Sources and the Sulfur Cycle
  10.5 Sulfur Dioxide Reactions in the Atmosphere
   10.5.1 Effects of Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide
   10.5.2 Sulfur Dioxide Removal
   10.5.3 Oxy-Fuel Combustion for Sulfur Dioxide and Carbon Dioxide Recovery
  10.6 Nitrogen Oxides in the Atmosphere
   10.6.1 Atmospheric Reactions of NOx
   10.6.2 Harmful Effects of Nitrogen Oxides
   10.6.3 Control of Nitrogen Oxides
   10.6.4 Limiting Production of Nitrogen Oxides
   10.6.5 Removal of Nitrogen Oxides from Stack Gas
  10.7 Acid Rain
  10.8 Ammonia in the Atmosphere
  10.9 Fluorine, Chlorine, and Their Gaseous Compounds
   10.9.1 Chlorine and Hydrogen Chloride
   10.9.2 Hydrogen Chloride in the Atmosphere
  10.10 Reduced Sulfur Gases
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 11 Organic Air Pollutants
  11.1 Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere
   11.1.1 Loss of Organic Substances from the Atmosphere
   11.1.2 Persistent Organic Pollutants
   11.1.3 Global Distillation and Fractionation of POPs
  11.2 Biogenic Organic Compounds
   11.2.1 Biogenic Methane
   11.2.2 Biogenic Hydrocarbons from Plants
   11.2.3 Removal of Atmospheric Organic Compounds by Plants
  11.3 Pollutant Hydrocarbons
   11.3.1 Aromatic Hydrocarbons
   11.3.2 Reactions of Atmospheric Aromatic Hydrocarbons
  11.4 Carbonyl Compounds
  11.5 Miscellaneous Oxygen-Containing Compounds
   11.5.1 Alcohols
   11.5.2 Phenols
   11.5.3 Ethers
   11.5.4 Oxides
   11.5.5 Carboxylic Acids
  11.6 Organonitrogen Compounds
  11.7 Organohalide Compounds
   11.7.1 CFCs and Halons
   11.7.2 Atmospheric Reactions of Hydrofluorocarbons and Hydrochlorofluorocarbons
   11.7.3 Perfluorocarbons
   11.7.4 Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans
  11.8 Organosulfur Compounds
  11.9 Organic Particulate Matter
  11.10 Hazardous Air Pollutant Organic Compounds
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 12 Photochemical Smog
  12.1 Reduced Visibility When the Sun Shines
  12.2 Smog-Forming Emissions
   12.2.1 Control of Exhaust Hydrocarbons
   12.2.2 Automotive Emission Standards
   12.2.3 Polluting Green Plants
  12.3 Smog-Forming Reactions of Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere
   12.3.1 Photochemical Reactions of Methane
   12.3.2 Addition Reactions in the Atmosphere
  12.4 Overview of Smog Formation
  12.5 Mechanisms of Smog Formation
   12.5.1 Nitrate Radical
   12.5.2 Photolyzable Compounds in the Atmosphere
  12.6 Reactivity of Hydrocarbons
  12.7 Importance of HOx/VOC Ratios
  12.8 Inorganic Products from Smog
  12.9 Effects of Smog
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 13 The Endangered Global Atmosphere
  13.1 Saving the Atmosphere to Save Ourselves
   13.1.1 Preservation of the Atmosphere’s Natural Capital
  13.2 Earth’s Evolving Atmosphere and Climate Change
   13.2.1 Changes in Climate
  13.3 Effects of the Anthrosphere on the Atmosphere and Climate
  13.4 The Greatest Threat to the Atmosphere and Earth System: Global Warming
   13.4.1 Methane and Other Greenhouse Gases
   13.4.2 Particles and Global Warming
  13.5 Consequences of Global Climate Change
   13.5.1 Increasing Temperature
   13.5.2 Passing the Tipping Points
   13.5.3 Loss of Ice Cover
   13.5.4 Glaciers and Water Supply
   13.5.5 Expansion of Subtropical Arid Regions and Drought
   13.5.6 Some Other Effects of Global Climate Change
  13.6 Green Science and Technology to Alleviate Global Warming
   13.6.1 Minimization
   13.6.2 Counteracting Measures
   13.6.3 Adaptation
  13.7 Acid Rain
  13.8 Stratospheric Ozone Destruction
   13.8.1 Shielding Effect of the Ozone Layer
   13.8.2 Ozone Layer Destruction
   13.8.3 Green Chemistry Solutions to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
  13.9 Atmospheric Brown Clouds
   13.9.1 Yellow Dust
  13.10 Atmospheric Damage by Photochemical Smog
  13.11 The Urban Aerosol
  13.12 Nuclear Winter
   13.12.1 “Doomsday Visitors” from Space
  13.13 What Is to Be Done?
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 14 The Geosphere and Geochemistry
  14.1 The Geosphere
   14.1.1 The Fragile Solid Earth and Its Relationship with the Other
  Environmental Spheres
  14.2 Physical Form of the Geosphere
   14.2.1 Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift
   14.2.2 Structural Geology
  14.3 The Nature of Solids in the Geosphere
   14.3.1 Structure and Properties of Minerals
   14.3.2 Kinds of Minerals
   14.3.3 Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Rock in the Rock Cycle
   14.3.4 Rock Cycle
  14.4 Geochemistry and Weathering of Rock in the Geosphere
   14.4.1 Physical Aspects of Weathering
   14.4.2 Chemical Weathering
   14.4.3 Biological Aspects of Weathering
  14.5 Clays: Especially Important Weathering Products and Secondary Minerals
  14.6 Sediments
  14.7 Groundwater in the Geosphere
   14.7.1 Water Wells
   14.7.2 Water Wells and the Arsenic Problem
  14.8 The Geosphere as a Source of Natural Capital
  14.9 Environmental Phenomena of the Geosphere
   14.9.1 Natural Hazards
   14.9.2 Anthropogenic Hazards
  14.10 Volcanoes
  14.11 Earthquakes
  14.12 Surface Earth Movement
  14.13 Effects of Human Activities
   14.13.1 Extraction of Geospheric Resources: Surface Mining
   14.13.2 Environmental Effects of Mining and Mineral Extraction
  14.14 Air Pollution and the Geosphere
  14.15 Water Pollution and the Geosphere
  14.16 The Geosphere as a Waste Repository
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 15 Soil: Earth’s Lifeline
  15.1 Have You Thanked a Clod Today?
   15.1.1 What Is Soil?
   15.1.2 Agriculture and Soil
  15.2 Structure of Soil
  15.3 Composition of Soil
   15.3.1 Water in Soil
   15.3.2 The Soil Solution
   15.3.3 Air in Soil
   15.3.4 Inorganic Solids in Soil
   15.3.5 Soil Organic Matter
  15.4 Acid–Base and Ion-Exchange Reactions in Soil
   15.4.1 Acid–Base Reactions of Soil
   15.4.2 Adjustment of Soil Acidity
   15.4.3 Ion-Exchange Equilibria in Soil
  15.5 Macronutrients in Soil
   15.5.1 Sulfur in Soil and as a Macronutrient
  15.6 Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium in Soil
   15.6.1 Nitrogen
   15.6.2 Phosphorus
   15.6.3 Potassium
  15.7 Micronutrients in Soil
  15.8 Fertilizers
   15.8.1 Fertilizer Pollution
  15.9 Pesticides and Their Residues in Soil
   15.9.1 Soil Fumigants
  15.10 Wastes and Pollutants and Their Degradation on Soil
   15.10.1 Soil Pollutants from Livestock Production
   15.10.2 Biodegradation and the Rhizosphere
  15.11 Soil Loss and Degradation
   15.11.1 Soil Sustainability and Water Resources
  15.12 Saving the Land
   15.12.1 Agroforestry
   15.12.2 Soil Restoration
   15.12.3 Poduculture in Soil Restoration
  15.13 Green Chemistry and Sustainable Agriculture
  15.14 Genetics and Agriculture
   15.14.1 Recombinant DNA and Genetic Engineering in Agriculture
   15.14.2 The Major Transgenic Crops and Their Characteristics
   15.14.3 Crops versus Pests
   15.14.4 Future Crops
  15.15 Agriculture and Health
   15.15.1 Food Contamination
  15.16 Protecting the Food Supply from Attack
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 16 The Anthrosphere: Industrial Ecology and Green Chemistry
  16.1 Changing the Bad Old Ways
  16.2 Green Chemistry
  16.3 Reduction of Risk: Hazard and Exposure
   16.3.1 The Risks of Not Taking Risks
  16.4 Waste Prevention and Green Chemistry
  16.5 Green Chemistry and Synthetic Chemistry
   16.5.1 Yield and Atom Economy
  16.6 Feedstocks
   16.6.1 Biological Feedstocks
  16.7 Reagents
  16.8 Stoichiometric and Catalytic Reagents
  16.9 Media and Solvents
   16.9.1 Water, the Greenest Solvent
   16.9.2 Dense Phase Carbon Dioxide as a Solvent
   16.9.3 Gas-Expanded Solvents
  16.10 Enhancing Reactions
  16.11 Industrial Ecology
  16.12 The Five Major Components of an Industrial Ecosystem
  16.13 Industrial Metabolism
  16.14 The Kalundborg Industrial Ecosystem
  16.15 Attributes of Successful Industrial Ecosystems
   16.15.1 Diversity
  16.16 Environmental Impacts in Industrial Ecology
  16.17 Life Cycles: Expanding and Closing the Materials Loop
   16.17.1 Product Stewardship
   16.17.2 Embedded Utility
  16.18 Design for Environment
   16.18.1 Products, Processes, and Facilities
   16.18.2 Key Factors in Design for Environment
   16.18.3 Hazardous Materials in Design for Environment
  16.19 Inherent Safety
   16.19.1 Increased Safety with Smaller Size
  16.20 Industrial Ecology and Ecological Engineering
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 17 Resources and Sustainable Materials
  17.1 Where to Get the Stuff We Need?
  17.2 Extraction of Materials from the Geosphere
  17.3 Environmental Effects of Mining and Mineral Extraction
  17.4 Sustainable Utilization of Geospheric Mineral Resources
   17.4.1 Metals
  17.5 Metal Resources and Industrial Ecology
   17.5.1 Aluminum
   17.5.2 Chromium
   17.5.3 Copper
   17.5.4 Cobalt
   17.5.5 Lead
   17.5.6 Lithium
   17.5.7 Zinc
   17.5.8 Rare Earths
  17.6 Nonmetal Mineral Resources
  17.7 Phosphates
  17.8 Sulfur
   17.8.1 Gypsum
  17.9 Wood: An Abundant Renewable Resource
  17.10 Extending Resources with Industrial Ecology
   17.10.1 Metals
   17.10.2 Plastics and Rubber
   17.10.3 Lubricating Oil
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 18 Sustainable Energy: The Key to Everything
  18.1 The Energy Problem
  18.2 Nature of Energy
  18.3 Sustainable Energy: Away from the Sun and Back Again
   18.3.1 The Brief Era of Fossil Fuels
   18.3.2 Back to the Sun
  18.4 Sources of Energy Used in the Anthrosphere: Present and Future
  18.5 Energy Devices and Conversions
   18.5.1 Fuel Cells
  18.6 Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Sources
   18.6.1 Renewable Energy
  18.7 Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Natural Gas Liquids
   18.7.1 Heavy Oil
   18.7.2 Shale Oil
   18.7.3 Natural Gas Liquids
  18.8 Natural Gas
  18.9 Coal
   18.9.1 Coal Conversion
  18.10 Carbon Sequestration for Fossil Fuel Utilization
  18.11 The Great Plains Synfuels Plant: Industrial Ecology in Practice to Produce Energy and Chemicals
  18.12 Nuclear Energy
   18.12.1 Thorium-Fueled Reactors
   18.12.2 Nuclear Fusion
  18.13 Geothermal Energy
  18.14 The Sun: An Ideal, Renewable Energy Source
   18.14.1 Solar Photovoltaic Energy Systems
   18.14.2 Artificial Photosynthesis for Capturing Solar Energy
  18.15 Energy from Earth’s Two Great Fluids in Motion
   18.15.1 The Success of Wind Power
   18.15.2 Energy from Moving Water
   18.15.3 Energy from Moving Water without Dams
  18.16 Biomass Energy: An Overview of Biofuels and Their Resources
   18.16.1 Processing of Biofuel to More Compact Forms
   18.16.2 Decarbonization with Biomass Utilization
   18.16.3 Conversion of Biomass to Other Fuels
   18.16.4 Ethanol Fuel
   18.16.5 Biodiesel Fuel
   18.16.6 Fuel from Algae
   18.16.7 The Potential of Lignocellulose Fuels
   18.16.8 Chemical Conversion of Biomass to Synthetic Fuels
   18.16.9 Biogas
   18.16.10 Biorefineries and Utilizing Biomass for Energy
   18.16.11 A System of Industrial Ecology for Methane Production from Renewable Sources
  18.17 Hydrogen as a Means to Store and Utilize Energy
  18.18 Combined Power Cycles
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 19 The Nature, Sources, and Environmental Chemistry of Hazardous Wastes
  19.1 Introduction
   19.1.1 History of Hazardous Substances
   19.1.2 Legislation
  19.2 Classification of Hazardous Substances and Wastes
   19.2.1 Characteristics and Listed Wastes
   19.2.2 Hazardous Wastes
   19.2.3 Hazardous Wastes and Air and Water Pollution Control
  19.3 Sources of Wastes
   19.3.1 Types of Hazardous Wastes
   19.3.2 Hazardous Waste Generators
  19.4 Flammable and Combustible Substances
   19.4.1 Combustion of Finely Divided Particles
   19.4.2 Oxidizers
   19.4.3 Spontaneous Ignition
   19.4.4 Toxic Products of Combustion
  19.5 Reactive Substances
   19.5.1 Chemical Structure and Reactivity
  19.6 Corrosive Substances
   19.6.1 Sulfuric Acid
  19.7 Toxic Substances
   19.7.1 Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
  19.8 Physical Forms and Segregation of Wastes
  19.9 Environmental Chemistry of Hazardous Wastes
  19.10 Physical and Chemical Properties of Hazardous Wastes
  19.11 Transport, Effects, and Fates of Hazardous Wastes
   19.11.1 Physical Properties of Wastes
   19.11.2 Chemical Factors
   19.11.3 Effects of Hazardous Wastes
   19.11.4 Fates of Hazardous Wastes
  19.12 Hazardous Wastes and the Anthrosphere
  19.13 Hazardous Wastes in the Geosphere
  19.14 Hazardous Wastes in the Hydrosphere
  19.15 Hazardous Wastes in the Atmosphere
  19.16 Hazardous Wastes in the Biosphere
   19.16.1 Microbial Metabolism in Waste Degradation
   19.16.2 Ecotoxicology of Hazardous Wastes
  19.17 Hazardous Substances in Terrorism
   19.17.1 Detection of Hazardous Substances
   19.17.2 Removing Hazardous Agents
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 20 Industrial Ecology for Waste Minimization, Utilization, and Treatment
  20.1 Introduction
  20.2 Waste Reduction and Minimization
  20.3 Recycling
   20.3.1 Examples of Recycling
   20.3.2 Waste Oil Utilization and Recovery
   20.3.3 Waste Oil Fuel
   20.3.4 Waste Solvent Recovery and Recycle
   20.3.5 Recovery of Water from Wastewater
  20.4 Physical Methods of Waste Treatment
   20.4.1 Methods of Physical Treatment
   20.4.2 Phase Separations
   20.4.3 Phase Transition
   20.4.4 Phase Transfer
   20.4.5 Molecular Separation
  20.5 Chemical Treatment: An Overview
   20.5.1 Acid/Base Neutralization
   20.5.2 Chemical Precipitation
   20.5.3 Coprecipitation of Metals
   20.5.4 Oxidation/Reduction
   20.5.5 Electrolysis
   20.5.6 Hydrolysis
   20.5.7 Chemical Extraction and Leaching
   20.5.8 Ion Exchange
  20.6 Green Waste Treatment by Photolysis and Sonolysis
  20.7 Thermal Treatment Methods
   20.7.1 Incineration Systems
   20.7.2 Wet Air Oxidation
   20.7.3 UV-Enhanced Wet Oxidation
   20.7.4 Destruction of Hazardous Wastes in Cement Manufacture
  20.8 Biodegradation of Wastes
  20.9 Phytoremediation
  20.10 Land Treatment and Composting
   20.10.1 Land Treatment
   20.10.2 Composting
  20.11 Preparation of Wastes for Disposal
  20.12 Ultimate Disposal of Wastes
   20.12.1 Disposal Aboveground
   20.12.2 Landfill
   20.12.3 Surface Impoundment of Liquids
   20.12.4 Deep-Well Disposal of Liquids
  20.13 Leachate and Gas Emissions
  20.14 In Situ Treatment
   20.14.1 In Situ Thermal Processes
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 21 The Biosphere: Environmental Biochemistry
  21.1 Life and the Biosphere
   21.1.1 The Biosphere in Stabilizing the Earth System: The Gaia Hypothesis
  21.2 Metabolism and Control in Organisms
   21.2.1 Enzymes in Metabolism
   21.2.2 Nutrients
   21.2.3 Control in Organisms
  21.3 Reproduction and Inherited Traits
  21.4 Stability and Equilibrium of the Biosphere
  21.5 Biochemistry
   21.5.1 Biomolecules
  21.6 Biochemistry and the Cell
   21.6.1 Major Cell Features
  21.7 Proteins
   21.7.1 Protein Structure
   21.7.2 Denaturation of Proteins
  21.8 Carbohydrates
  21.9 Lipids
  21.10 Enzymes
  21.11 Nucleic Acids
   21.11.1 Nucleic Acids in Protein Synthesis
   21.11.2 Modified DNA
  21.12 Recombinant DNA and Genetic Engineering
  21.13 Metabolic Processes
   21.13.1 Energy-Yielding Processes
  21.14 Metabolism of Xenobiotic Compounds
   21.14.1 Phase I and Phase II Reactions
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 22 Toxicological Chemistry
  22.1 Introduction to Toxicology and Toxicological Chemistry
   22.1.1 Toxicology
   22.1.2 Synergism, Potentiation, and Antagonism
  22.2 Dose–Response Relationships
  22.3 Relative Toxicities
   22.3.1 Nonlethal Effects
  22.4 Reversibility and Sensitivity
   22.4.1 Hypersensitivity and Hyposensitivity
  22.5 Xenobiotic and Endogenous Substances
  22.6 Toxicological Chemistry
   22.6.1 Toxicants in the Body
   22.6.2 Phase I Reactions
   22.6.3 Phase II Reactions
  22.7 Kinetic Phase and Dynamic Phase
   22.7.1 Kinetic Phase
   22.7.2 Dynamic Phase
   22.7.3 Primary Reaction in the Dynamic Phase
   22.7.4 Biochemical Effects in the Dynamic Phase
   22.7.5 Responses to Toxicants
  22.8 Teratogenesis, Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Effects on the Immune and Reproductive Systems
   22.8.1 Teratogenesis
   22.8.2 Mutagenesis
   22.8.3 Biochemistry of Mutagenesis
   22.8.4 Carcinogenesis
   22.8.5 Biochemistry of Carcinogenesis
   22.8.6 Alkylating Agents in Carcinogenesis
   22.8.7 Testing for Carcinogens
   22.8.8 Bruce Ames Test
   22.8.9 Immune System Response
   22.8.10 Endocrine Disruption
  22.9 Health Hazards
   22.9.1 Assessment of Potential Exposure
   22.9.2 Epidemiological Evidence
   22.9.3 Estimation of Health Effects Risks
   22.9.4 Risk Assessment
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 23 Toxicological Chemistry of Chemical Substances
  23.1 Introduction
   23.1.1 ATSDR Toxicological Profiles
  23.2 Toxic Elements and Elemental Forms
   23.2.1 Ozone
   23.2.2 White Phosphorus
   23.2.3 Elemental Halogens
   23.2.4 Heavy Metals
  23.3 Toxic Inorganic Compounds
   23.3.1 Cyanide
   23.3.2 Carbon Monoxide
   23.3.3 Nitrogen Oxides
   23.3.4 Hydrogen Halides
   23.3.5 Hydrogen Fluoride
   23.3.6 Hydrogen Chloride
   23.3.7 Interhalogen Compounds and Halogen Oxides
   23.3.8 Inorganic Compounds of Silicon
   23.3.9 Asbestos
   23.3.10 Inorganic Phosphorus Compounds
   23.3.11 Inorganic Compounds of Sulfur
   23.3.12 Perchlorate
   23.3.13 Organometallic Compounds
   23.3.14 Organolead Compounds
   23.3.15 Organotin Compounds
   23.3.16 Carbonyls
   23.3.17 Reaction Products of Organometallic Compounds
  23.4 Toxicology of Organic Compounds
   23.4.1 Alkane Hydrocarbons
   23.4.2 Alkene and Alkyne Hydrocarbons
   23.4.3 Benzene and Aromatic Hydrocarbons
   23.4.4 Toluene
   23.4.5 Naphthalene
   23.4.6 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
   23.4.7 Oxygen-Containing Organic Compounds Oxides Alcohols Phenols Aldehydes and Ketones Carboxylic Acids Ethers Acid Anhydrides Esters
   23.4.8 Organonitrogen Compounds Aliphatic Amines Carbocyclic Aromatic Amines Pyridine Melamine Acrylamide: Toxic Potato Chips? Nitriles Nitro Compounds Nitrosamines Isocyanates and Methyl Isocyanate Organonitrogen Pesticides
   23.4.9 Organohalide Compounds Alkyl Halides Alkenyl Halides Aryl Halides
   23.4.10 Organohalide Pesticides TCDD Chlorinated Phenols
   23.4.11 Organosulfur Compounds Sulfur Mustards
   23.4.12 Organophosphorus Compounds Organophosphate Esters Phosphorothionate and Phosphorodithioate Ester Insecticides Organophosphorus Military Poisons
  23.5 Toxic Natural Products
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
 Chapter 24 Chemical Analysis in Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry
  24.1 Analytical Chemistry
  24.2 The Chemical Analysis Process
  24.3 Major Categories of Chemical Analysis
  24.4 Error and Treatment of Data
  24.5 Gravimetric and Volumetric Analyses
  24.6 Spectrophotometric Methods of Analysis
   24.6.1 Absorption Spectrophotometry
   24.6.2 Atomic Absorption and Emission Analyses
   24.6.3 Atomic Emission Techniques
  24.7 Electrochemical Methods of Analysis
  24.8 Chromatography
   24.8.1 High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
   24.8.2 Ion Chromatography
  24.9 Methods for Water Analysis
  24.10 Mass Spectrometry
  24.11 Automated Analyses
  24.12 Immunoassay Screening
  24.13 Total Organic Carbon in Water
  24.14 Measurement of Radioactivity in Water
  24.15 Analysis of Wastes and Solids
   24.15.1 Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
  24.16 Atmospheric Monitoring
   24.16.1 Methods for Sampling and Analyzing Atmospheric Pollutants
   24.16.2 Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide by Infrared Absorption
   24.16.3 Determination of Hydrocarbons and Organics in the Atmosphere
   24.16.4 Direct Spectrophotometric Analysis of Gaseous Air Pollutants
  24.17 Analysis of Biological Materials and Xenobiotics
   24.17.1 Indicators of Exposure to Xenobiotics
   24.17.2 Immunological Methods of Xenobiotics Analysis
  Further Reading
  Questions and Problems
