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  • 华中科技大学出版社
  • 9787568015608
  • 374733
  • 2016-05
Chapter OneThe Medieval Period(1)
1. Introduction(1)
1.1Historical Background(1)
1.2Literature in the Middle Ages(1)
2. Geoffrey Chaucer (ca. 13431400) (2)
3. Selected Writings(3)
3.1Beowulf (an excerpt) (3)
3.2The Twa Corbies (a popular ballad) (4)
3.3The General Prologue (excerpts from The Canterbury Tales) (5)
Chapter TwoThe Elizabethan Age(11)
1. Introduction(11)
1.1The Renaissance(11)
1.2The Renaissance in England(12)
1.3Literature of the Renaissance(12)
2. Edmund Spenser (15521599) (13)
3. Francis Bacon (15611626) (14)
4. Christopher Marlowe (15641593) (15)
4.1Life and Career(15)
4.2Dr Faustus (synopsis) (16)
5. William Shakespeare (15641616) (16)
5.1Life and Career(16)
5.2Major Works(17)
5.2.1Hamlet (synopsis) (17)
5.2.2Macbeth (synopsis) (19)
5.2.3The Merchant of Venice (synopsis) (20)
6. John Donne (15721631) (21)
7. Selected Writings(21)
7.1The Faerie Queene by Spenser (two excerpts from Canto Ⅰ, BookⅠ) (21)
7.2Dr Faustus by Marlowe (an excerpt from Scene Ⅰ, ActⅠ) (22)
7.3The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare (an excerpt from ACT Ⅳ) (25)
7.4Hamlet by Shakespeare (An Excerpt from Act Ⅲ)(36)
7.5“Sonnet 18” by Shakespeare(37)
7.6“Sonnet 29” by Shakespeare(38)
7.7“The Flea” by Donne(38)
7.8“The Sun Rising” by Donne(39)
7.9“The Canonization” by Donne(40)
7.10“Death Be Not Proud” by Donne(42)
7.11“Of Studies” by Bacon(42)
7.12“Of Marriage and Single Life” by Bacon(44)
Chapter ThreeThe Restoration(46)
1. Introduction(46)
1.1The Restoration(46)
1.2Literary Characteristics(46)
2. John Milton (16081674) (47)
3. John Bunyan (16281688) (48)
3.1Life and Career(48)
3.2The Pilgrims Progress (synopsis) (49)
4. John Dryden (16311700) (49)
5. Selected Writings(50)
5.1Paradise Lost (Excerpts from Book Ⅰ) by Milton(50)
5.2“When I Consider How My Light Is Spent” by Milton(52)
5.3“Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint” by Milton(53)
5.4The Pilgrims Progress by Bunyan (An Excerpt from Part Ⅰ)(53)
5.5“To the Memory of Mr. Oldham” by Dryden(56)
5.6“A Song for St. Cecilias Day” by Dryden(57)
Chapter FourThe Enlightenment Period(61)
1. Introduction(61)
1.1Enlightenment Ideas(61)
1.2Literature during the Enlightenment Period(61)
2. Daniel Defoe (16601731) (63)
2.1Life and Career(63)
2.2Robinson Crusoe (synopsis) (63)
3. Jonathan Swift (16671745) (64)
3.1Life and Career(64)
3.2Gullivers Travels (synopsis) (65)
4. Joseph Addison (16721719) (66)
5. Alexander Pope (16881744) (66)
6. Samuel Richardson (16891761) (67)
6.1Life and Career(67)
6.2Clarissa: or The History of a Young Lady (synopsis) (68)
7. Henry Fielding (17071754) (68)
7.1Life and Career(68)
7.2Tom Jones (synopsis) (69)
8. Samuel Johnson (17091784) (69)
9. Selected Writings(70)
9.1“A Modest Proposal” by Swift(70)
9.2“Sir Roger at Church” from The Spectator (July 9, 1711) by Addison(77)
9.3An Essay on Man: Epistle Ⅱ (an excerpt) by Alexander Pope(79)
9.4“To the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield” by Johnson(80)
Chapter FiveThe Romantic Period(83)
1. Introduction(83)
1.1Historical Background(83)
1.3English Romanticism(84)
2. William Blake (17571827) (85)
3. Robert Burns (17591796) (86)
4. William Wordsworth (17701850) (86)
5. Walter Scott (17711832) (88)
5.1Life and Career(88)
5.2Ivanhoe (synopsis) (88)
6. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (17721834) (89)
7. Jane Austen (17751817) (90)
7.1Life and Career(90)
7.2Pride and Prejudice (synopsis) (90)
8. Charles Lamb (17751834) (91)
9. George Gordon Byron (17881824) (92)
10. Percy Bysshe Shelley (17921822) (93)
11. John Keats (17951821) (94)
12. Selected Writings(95)
12.1“London” by Blake(95)
12.2“The Tyger” by Blake(95)
12.3“The Chimney Sweeper” by Blake(96)
12.4“A Red, Red Rose” by Burns(97)
12.5“Auld Lang Syne” by Burns(98)
12.6“Robert Bruces March to Bannockburn” by Burns(99)
12.7“For a that and a that” by Burns(100)
12.8“She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways” by Wordsworth(102)
12.9“I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud” by Wordsworth(102)
12.10“The Solitary Reaper” by Wordsworth(103)
12.11“To the Cuckoo” by Wordsworth(104)
12.12“Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802” by Wordsworth
12.13“London, 1802” by Wordsworth(106)
12.14“Kubla Khan” by Coleridge(107)
12.15“Dream Children; a Reverie” by Lamb(108)
12.16“She Walks in Beauty” by Byron(113)
12.17“The Isles of Greece” (from Canto Ⅲ, Don Juan) by Byron(113)
12.18“Ode to the West Wind” by Shelley(117)
12.19“Ozymandias” by Shelley(120)
12.20“To—” by Shelley(121)
12.21“To a Skylark” by Shelley(122)
12.22“Ode to a Nightingale” by Keats(125)
12.23“Ode on a Grecian Urn” by Keats(128)
12.24“On first Looking into Chapmans Homer” by Keats(130)
Chapter SixThe Victorian Age(131)
1. Introduction(131)
1.1Historical Background(131)
1.2Literary Characteristics(131)
2. Alfred Lord Tennyson (18091892) (133)
3. Robert Browning (18121889) and Elizabeth Browning (18061861) (134)
4. Charles Dickens (18121870) (135)
4.1Life and Career(135)
4.2David Copperfield (synopsis) (136)
5. The Bront Sisters(136)
5.1Literary Career(136)
5.2Major Works(137)
5.2.1Wuthering Heights (synopsis) (137)
5.2.2Jane Eyre (synopsis) (138)
6. George Eliot (18191880) (140)
6.1Life and Career(140)
6.2Middlemarch (synopsis) (141)
7. Thomas Hardy (18401928) (142)
7.1Life and Career(142)
7.2Tess of the DUrbervilles (synopsis) (142)
8. George Bernard Shaw (18561950) (144)
8.1Life and Career(144)
8.2Mrs. Warrens Profession (synopsis) (144)
9. Selected Writings(145)
9.1“Ulysses” by Tennyson(145)
9.2“Break, Break, Break” by Tennyson(147)
9.3“My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning(148)
9.4“Home Thoughts, from the Sea” by Robert Browning(150)
9.5“How Do I Love Thee? Let me Count the Ways. ” by Elizabeth Browning(151)
9.6“Biographical Notice of Ellis and Acton Bell” by Charlotte Bronte(151)
Chapter SevenThe Twentieth Century(158)
1. Introduction(158)
1.1Historical Background(158)
1.3Literary Characteristics(160)
2. Joseph Conrad (18571924) (161)
2.1Life and Career(161)
2.2Heart of Darkness (synopsis) (162)
3. William Butler Yeats (18651939) (162)
4. E. M. Forster (18791970) (163)
4.1Life and Career(163)
4.2A Passage to India (synopsis) (164)
5. James Joyce (18821941) (165)
5.1Life and Career(165)
5.2Ulysses (synopsis) (166)
6. Virginia Woolf (18821941) (167)
6.1Life and Career(167)
6.2To the Lighthouse (synopsis) (168)
7. D. H. Lawrence (18851930) (168)
7.1Life and Career(168)
7.2Sons and Lovers (synopsis) (169)
8. T. S. Eliot (18881965) (170)
9. Samuel Beckett (19061989) (171)
10. Wystan Hugh Auden (19071973) (172)
11. William Golding (19111993) (173)
11.1Life and Career(173)
11.2Lord of the Flies (synopsis) (174)
12. Doris Lessing (19192013) (174)
12.1Life and career(174)
12.2The Golden Notebook (synopsis) (175)
13. Sir V. S. Naipaul (1932) (175)
13.1Life and Career(175)
13.2A House for Mr. Biswas (synopsis) (176)
14. Selected Writings(176)
14.1“Down by the Salley Gardens” by Yeats(176)
14.2“Leda and the Swan” by Yeats(177)
14.3“Sailing to Byzantium” by Yeats(178)
14.4“The Second Coming” by Yeats(179)
14.5“My Wood” by Forster(180)
14.6“Araby” by Joyce(183)
14.7“Dorothy Wordsworth” by Woolf(189)
14.8“The Mark on the Wall” by Woolf(195)
14.9“Tickets, Please” by Lawrence(202)
14.10“Journey of the Magi” by Eliot(212)
14.11“Sweeney among the Nightingales” by Eliot(214)
14.12Waiting for Godot by Beckett (An Excerpt from Act Ⅰ)(215)
14.13“Whos Who” by Auden(223)
14.14“Their Lonely Betters” by Auden(223)
14.15“In Memory of W. B. Yeats” by Auden(224)