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以下为《Micro-nanofabrication Technologies and Applications》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040176636
  • 1
  • 298429
  • 精装
  • 特殊
  • 2005-11-17
  • 320
  • 304
  • 工学
  • 材料科学与工程



 About the Author Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1 Micro-nanotechnologies and micro-nanofabrication technologies
  1.2 Classification of micro-nanofabrication technologies
  1.3 Organisation of the book References
 Chapter 2 Optical Lithography
  2.1 Principle of optical lithography
  2.2 Process of optical lithography
  2.3 Characteristics of photoresists
   2.3.1 Common features of photoresists
   2.3.2 Comparison of positive and negative photoresists
   2.3.3 Chemically amplified resists
   2.3.4 Special photoresists
  2.4 Design and fabrication of photomasks
  2.5 Resolution enhancement techniques
   2.5.1 Off-axis illumination
   2.5.2 Spatial filtering
   2.5.3 Phase shift masks
   2.5.4 Optical proximity correction
  2.6 The limit of optical lithography
  2.7 Optical lithography of thick photoresists
   2.7.1 Conventional thick photoresist
   2.7.2 SU-8 photoresist
  2.8 Grey-scale photolithography
  2.9 Computer simulation of optical lithography
   2.9.1 Theory of partial coherent imaging
   2.9.2 Computer simulation software COMPARE
   2.9.3 Comparing the quality of optical lithography References
 Chapter 3 Electron Beam Lithography
  3.1 Principle of electron optics
  3.2 Electron beam lithography systems
   3.2.1 Vector scan and raster scan systems
   3.2.2 Shaped beam systems
   3.2.3 Projection lithography systems
   3.2.4 Microcolumn e-beam lithography systems
  3.3 Pattern design and data format for e-beam lithography
   3.3.1 Issues in pattern design
   3.3.2 Intermediate data format
   3.3.3 AutoCAD format
   3.3.4 Machine data format
  3.4 Electron beam resists and processes
   3.4.1 High resolution e-beam resists
   3.4.2 Chemically amplified resists
   3.4.3 Multilayer resists process
  3.5 Electron scattering and proximity effect
   3.5.1 Electron scattering in solid materials
   3.5.2 Proximity effect in e-beam lithography
   3.5.3 Approximation of point spread function
  3.6 Correction of proximity effect
  3.7 Computer simulation of e-beam lithography
  3.8 Ultimate resolution of e-beam lithography
   3.8.1 E-beam lithography system
   3.8.2 Secondary electron scattering effect
   3.8.3 Resist process References
 Chapter 4 Focused Ion Beam Technology
  4.1 Liquid metal ion sources
  4.2 Focused ion beam systems
  4.3 Ion scattering in solid materials
  4.4 Principle of focused ion beam processing
   4.4.1 Ion sputtering
   4.4.2 Ion beam assisted deposition
  4.5 Applications of FIB technology
   4.5.1 Inspecting and editing integrated circuits
   4.5.2 Repairing defects of optical masks
   4.5.3 Preparing TEM samples
   4.5.4 A versatile microfabrication tool
  4.6 Focused ion beam lithography
  4.7 Focused ion beam implantation References
 Chapter 5 X-ray Lithography
  5.1 Principle of X-ray lithography
  5.2 X-ray lithography system
   5.2.1 X-ray source
   5.2.2 X-ray maskaligner and stepper
   5.2.3 X-ray mask
   5.2.4 X-ray resists
  5.3 High resolution X-ray lithography
  5.4 High aspect ration X-ray lithography (LIGA technology)
   5.4.1 X-ray source
   5.4.2 LIGA mask
   5.4.3 Thick resists and processes for LIGA
   5.4.4 Accuracy of LIGA patterning References
 Chapter 6 Etching Technology
  6.1 Wet chemical etching
   6.1.1 Anisotropic wet etching of silicon
   6.1.2 Isotropic etching of silicon
   6.1.3 Isotropic etching of silicon dioxide
  6.2 Dry etching 1: reactive ion etching
  6.3 Dry etching 2: deep reactive ion etching
  6.4 Dry etching 3: ion sputtering etching
  6.5 Dry etching 4: reactive gas etching
  6.6 Dry etching 5: other physical etching techniques
   6.6.1 Laser micromachining
   6.6.2 Electrodischarge micromachining
   6.6.3 Powder blasting References
 Chapter 7 Replication Technology
  7.1 Nanoimprint lithography
  7.2 Step and flash nanoimprinting lithography
  7.3 Soft lithography
  7.4 Micromoulding of plastics
   7.4.1 Hot embossing
   7.4.2 Microinjection moulding
   7.4.3 Casting
  7.5 Microstereolithography
  7.6 Other replication techniques
   7.6.1 DipPen nanolithography
   7.6.2 Nanosphere lithography
   7.6.3 Nanostencil lithography References
 Chapter 8 Applications of Micro-nanofabrication Technologies
  8.1 Very large scale integrated circuits
  8.2 Nanoelectronics
  8.3 Optoelectronics
  8.4 High density magnetic storage
  8.5 Micro-electro-mechanical systems
  8.6 Biochips
  8.7 Nanotechnology References
