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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040535952
  • 1版
  • 296655
  • 46254133-5
  • 精装
  • 16开
  • 2020-04
  • 580
  • 368
  • 工学
  • 软件工程
  • 数学类
  • 研究生及以上

 Chapter 1.Introduction
  1.Topological aspects of Hamiltonian group actions
  2.Hamiltonian cobordism
  3.The linearization theorem and non-compact cobordisms
  4.Abstract moment maps and non-degeneracy
  5.The quantum linearization theorem and its applications
 Chapter 2.Hamiltonian cobordism
  1.Hamiltonian group actions
  2.Hamiltonian geometry
  3.Compact Hamiltonian cobordisms
  4.Proper Hamiltonian cobordisms
  5.Hamiltonian complex cobordisms
 Chapter 3.Abstract moment maps
  1.Abstract moment maps:definitions and examples
  2.Proper abstract moment maps
  4.First examples of proper cobordisms
  5.Cobordism s of surfaces
  6.Cobordism s of linear actions
 Chapter 4.The linearization theorem
  1.The simplest case of the linearization theorem
  2.The Hamiltonian linearization theorem
  3.The linearization theorem for abstract moment maps
  4.Linear torus actions
  5.The right-hand side of the linearization theorems
  6.The Duistermaat-Heckman and Guillemin-Lerman-Sternberg formulas
 Chapter 5.Reduction and applications
  1.(Pre-) symplectic reduction
  2.Reduction for abstract moment maps
  3.The Duis term a at-Heckman theorem
  4.Kahler reduction
  5.The complex Del zant construction
  6.Cobordism of reduced spaces
 Chapter 6.Geometric quantization
  1.Quantization and group actions
  3.Pre-quantization of reduced spaces
  4.Kirillov-Kosta nt pre-quantization
  5.Polarizations, complex structures,and geometric quantization
  6.Dol be ault Quantization and the Riemann-Roch formula
  7.Stable complex quantization and Spin°quantization
  8.Geometric quantization as a push-forward
 Chapter 7.The quantum version of the linearization theorem
  1.The quantization of Cd
  2.Partition functions
  3.The character of Q(Cd
  4.A quantum version of the linearization theorem
 Chapter 8.Quantization commutes with reduction
  1.Quantization and reduction commute
  2.Quantization of stable complex toric varieties
  3.Linearization of[Q, R] = 0
  4.Straightening the symplectic and complex structures
  5.Passing to holomorphic sheaf cohomology
  6.Computing global sections; the lit set
  7.The Cech complex
  8.The higher cohomology
  9.Singular[Q, R] = 0 for non-symplectic Hamiltonian G-manifolds
  10.Overview of the literature
 Appendix A.Signs and normalization conventions
  1.The representation of GonC°(M)
  2.The integral weight lattice
  3.Connection and curvature for principal torus bundles
  4.Curvature and Chern classes
  5.Equivariant curvature; integral equivariant cohomology
 Appendix B.Proper actions of Lie groups
  1.Basic definitions
  2.The slice theorem
  3.Corollaries of the slice therrem
  4.The Mostow-Palais embedding theorem
  5.Rigidity of compact group actions
 Appendix C.Equivariant cohomology
  1.The definition and basic properties of equivariant cohomology
  2.Reduction and cohomology
  3.Additivity and localization
  5.The relation between H*G and H*
  6.Equivariant vector bundles and characteristic classes
  7.The Atiyah-Bott-Berline-Vergne localization formula
  8.Applications of the Atiyah-Bott-Berline-Vergne localization formula
  9.Equivariant homology
 Appendix D.Stable complex and Spin°-structures
  1.Stable complex structures
  3.Spin-structures and stable complex structures
 Appendix E.Assignments and abstract moment maps
  1.Existence of abstract moment maps
  2.Exact moment maps
  3.Hamiltonian moment maps
  4.Abstract moment maps on linear spaces are exact
  5.Formal cobordism of Hamiltonian spaces
 Appendix F.Assignment cohomology
  1.Construction of assignment cohomology
  2.Assignments with other coefficients
  3.Assignment cohomology for pairs
  4.Examples of calculations of assignment cohomology
  5.Generalizations of assignment cohomology
 Appendix G.Non-degenerate abstract moment maps
  1.Definitions and basic examples
  2.Global properties of non-degenerate abstract moment maps
  3.Existence of non-degenerate two-forms
 Appendix H.Characteristic numbers,non-degenerate cobordisms, and non-virtual quantization
  1.The Hamiltonian cobordism ring and characteristic classes
  2.Characteristic numbers
  3.Characteristic numbers as a full system of invariants
  4.Non-degenerate cobordisms
  5.Geometric quantization
 Appendix I.The Kawasaki Riemann-Roch formula
  1.Todd classes
  2.The Equivariant Riemann-Roch Theorem
  3.The KawasakiRiemann-RochformulaI:finiteabelianquotients
  4.The KawasakiRiemann-RochformulaII:torusquotients
 Appendix J.Cobordism invariance of the index of a transversally elliptic operator by Maxim Braverman
  1.The SpinC-Dirac operator and the SpinC-quantization
  2.The summary of the results
  3.Transversally elliptic operators and their indexes
  4.Index of the operator Ba
  5.The model operator
  6.Proof of Theorem 1
