作者: 褚佩如,岳建玲,朱晓星
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040536959
- 1版
- 296283
- 60250992-9
- 平装
- 16开
- 2020-03
- 110
- 298
- 文学
- 中国语言文学
- 汉语考试
- 本科
Lesson 1我来给你们介绍一下。Let me introduce you.
arn to greet each other in an official situation
arn to introduce people
arn to describe your work
Lesson 2您汉语说得真地道!You speak Chinese like a native speaker!
arn to describe one’s appearance
arn to inquire about another’s experiences
arn to discuss one’s experiences
arn to praise a person and respond to a compliment
Lesson 3给记者的材料复印好了吗?Have the files for the journalists been copied?
arn some commonly used expressions about arranging office work
arn to answer others’ requirements
Lesson 4我的电脑怎么又出问题了?Why does my computer have a problem again?
arn to explain the usage methods of the office equipment
arn to describe the problems associated with using the office equipment
Lesson 5一起吃顿便饭怎么样?How about we eat dinner together?
arn some commonly used expressions when making a phone call
arn to make an invitation
Lesson 6为我们的合作干杯!Let’s toast to our cooperation!
arn to pick and choose a restaurant
arn common ways of exchanging polite words at a banquet
Lesson 7你来之前再打电话确认一下。Please call again to confirm the appointment before you come.
arn to appoint a meeting time and place
arn to explain changes to an appointment and apologize
Lesson 8请告诉我您那儿的具体位置。Please tell me the exact location of your office.
arn to inquire and describe the location of a certain place
arn to describe a route to a location
arn to describe your preference for a certain location
Lesson 9我想咨询一下办签证延期的事。I’d like to inquire how to extend my visa.
arn to make inquires
arn to make a concluding statement
Lesson 10代表团的房间安排好了吗?Are the rooms ready for the delegation?
arn to book a room at a hotel
arn to discuss schedules
arn to propose certain requirements for an agenda
Lesson 11请你们尽快把材料送来吧。Please send the materials as soon as possible.
arn to express dissatisfaction
arn to explain your reasoning
arn to urge people and to respond to an urge
Lesson 12 后会有期!I look foward to meeting you again soon!
arn some general expressions for farewells
arn to give a speech at one’s farewell party
arn to express your thanks for someone’s farewell speech
词语表 Vocabulary Index
注释 Notes