作者: (美)巴尔曼 等
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040327670
- 1
- 296228
- 平装
- 32开
- 2011-07-12
- 198
- 199
- 文学
- 外国语言文学
Unit1 Why Do We Read?
Part 1 Information
1. Trip to Yellowstone National Park
2. The Amazing Butterfly
3. The Battle of Midway
4. Harvard University
5. Bitten by a Snake!
Part 2 Enjoyment
1. BattleBots: Let the Games Begin!
2. The Harry Potter Craze
3. Jokes
4. J-Horror
5. The Life and Works of William Shakespeare
Unit2 Reading for Understanding
Part 1 Key Points
1. The Panama Canal
2. Walt Disney
3. Soccer: The Beautiful Game
4. The Future of Cellphones
5. The Maasai
Part 2 Details
1. Camels: The Ships of the Desert
2. Nike Inc
3. Obesity
4. The Brothers Grimm
5. The Importance of Language
Part 3 Getting the Whole Picture
1. Beatlemania
2. JFK
3. The Mysterious Gypsies
4. Disaster on 9/11/2
Part 4 Summarizing
1. Jackie Chan: Hong Kong’s Superstar
2. The Huge Pyramids of Giza
3. The UFO Crash at Roswell, New Mexico
4. Being Thankful at Thanksgiving
5. Climbing Qogir
Part 5 Inference
1. Wikipedia: The Online Know-It-All
2. Vincent van Gogh
3. Lemurs of Madagascar
4. The Biggest River on Earth
5. Global Warming
Part 6 Critical Thinking
1. The Genius of Albert Einstein
2. Hollywood
3. Flying Cars
Part 7 Analyzing Questions and Answers
1. The Wonders of DNA
2. Superman
3. Switzerland
4. Star Signs of the Zodiac
5. Avoiding Cancer
Part 8 Review Test
1. Dinosaurs
2. Aspirin
3. The First Money
4. Leonardo da Vinci
Unit 3Vocabulary
Part 1 Synonyms and Antonyms
1. The Life of a Leopard
2. New Zealand, the Country at the Edge of the World
3. Amadeus Mozart
4. Amazing Chocolate
5. Greenpeace: Saving the World
Part 2 Words in Context
1. Coca-Cola
2. England’s Royal Family
3. The Mysterious Panda
4. The Deepest Mine in the World
Part 3 Words Derived From Other Words
1. Run! It’s a Tsunami!
2. McDonald’s
3. The Albatross
4. Almost to the Moon: The Story of Apollo
5. Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games
Part 4 Review Test
1. Dancing the Tango
2. Paris
3. Dr. Seuss and The Cat in the Hat
4. Mars, the Red Planet
5. Nature’s Joke: The Duckbilled Platypus
6. Alaska
7. Dollars
Unit 4 Finding out for Yourself
1. Tables of Contents
2. Alphabetical Order (I)
3. Alphabetical Order (II)
4. Index (I)
5. Index (II)
6. Using Encyclopedias
7. Other Reference Sources You Can Use
Review Test
Unit 5Images, Pictures, and Diagrams
1. Maps
2. Calendars
3. Tables
4. Bar Graphs
5. Line Graphs
6. Pie Charts
7. Spreadsheets
8. Databases
Unit6 Final Review Test
1. Dragons
2. Lewis Carroll
3. The Maldives
4. Can Parrots Talk?
5. Who Was Santa Claus?
6. Dolphins
7. Researching Mammals
8. Favorite Flavors
9. Religions