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  • 商务印书馆
  • 9787100159753
  • 281297
  • 2019-03
鲍勃•迪格南是York Associates的董事,也是几家畅销商业英语出版物的作者。他专门研究跨文化技能课程并参加相关国际团队研讨会,在德国、瑞士、冰岛和瑞典等国家为客户提供服务。
Preparing to communicate across cultures
1 Developing intercultu ral skills
A Desc ribing corporate cultu res
B Developing flexible thinking to deal with diffe rent inte rcultural situations
2 Managing fi rst meetings
A Strategies for managing fi rst meetings
B Building relationships
3 Communicating effectively
A Communicating clearly-good and bad news
B Managing conversation styles
4 Managing international meetings
A Decision making
B Dealing with diffe rent and difficult styles of communication
5 Becoming a better listener
A Clarifying meaning
B Listening effectively
6 Presenting across cultu res
A Customising your message for diffe rent audiences
B Managing questions effectively
7 Writing emails
A Communicating clearly in emails
B Communicating sensitive messages effectively
8 Negotiating ac ross cultures
A Setting clear objectives for a negotiation
B Influencing strategies for negotiations
9 Managing conflict
A Understanding and avoiding conflict
B Dealing with conflict
10 Working in an international team
A Introducing yourself to your team
B Giving and responding to team feedback
11 Managing diversity and c reativity
A Getting{he besl out of an international team
B Problem—solving techniques
12 Profiling you r intercultu ral competence
Self-profiling of inte rcultural competence and development of a pe rsona
action nlan
Huaio scrlpts
Key and commentary
Communication tasks
Further reading