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  • 中国人民大学出版社
  • 9787300187198
  • 1-1
  • 279141
  • 平装
  • 2014-02
  • 244
  • 204
  • H319.4
《环球时代美文读本》(Global Times Readers)系列丛书旨在为广大英语中高阶学习者提供一套提高语言质量、增强人文修养、拓展学习视野的优质辅助读本。内容涉及文学、文化、哲学、社会、生活等各个方面,编者从众多经典作品和报刊时文中遴选出难度适宜、有针对性的文章,在帮助读者领会英美语言文化魅力的同时,客观上对学生通过普通英语四六级、英语专业四八级、考研英语和英语专业考研有所裨益。丛书共分为六大主题,每个主题根据难易度分为诵读本(Memorable Words)和赏析本( Thought-provoking Words)。大部分中级英语学习者面临语言贫乏的困境,通过诵读本练习发音、提升语感、活学活用。而高阶英语学习者主要陷入由东西方文化差异造成的语言障碍中,无法用地道的英语随心所欲地表达思想观点,通过赏析本可以培养审美情趣,提高专业素养。本册《捕捉伟大思想的英语文字(诵读本)》所选文章全出自人类历史上伟大的思想家、哲学家、政治家等等之手。文章体裁主要为议论文、小品文、杂文和随笔等。主题内容涉及生活、人生、生命、死亡、爱情、自由、读书等方方面面、大大小小的各种问题,清晰而客观地呈现了各个时期思想家们的智慧
01. Civilization & History
02. Clone Wars
03. The Living Seas
04. The Problems of Oil, of Debt and Disarray
05. Geological Science: Earth’s Crust—Aluminum
06. Animal Physiology and Psychology: The Adrenaline of Animals
07. Geology: Ice Age
08. Sociobiology
09. El Nino
10. Meteorology
11. Magnetic Tempests
12. Geothermal Resources
13. Electrical Properties of Crystals
14. Analysis of Prehistoric Air
15. Hypothesis on Biological Clocks of Migrants
16. Reductions in Noxious Pollutants of Motor Vehicles
17. Spiral Galaxy
18. Lead Isotope in Bronze Ware
19. Heat Pumps
20. Infestations of Gypsy Moth Caterpillars
21. Sunspots
22. Collision Hypothesis of the Moon
23. Molecular Biology
24. Vacuum State Study by Particle Physics
25. Ocean Acoustic Tomography
26. Climatology: Analysis of Data from the Vostok Core
27. Low-Density Lipoproteins
28. Synthesize of the Chemical Constituents of Life under “Primitive Earth Conditions”
29. Stratospheric Ozone Layer
30. Hot Spots and Plates Movement
31. Vigilance of Animals
32. Anaerobic Glycolysis
33. Physiological Controls under Body Fever
34. Evolution of Asymmetry of the Claws of American Lobster
35. “Self-sterilizing”of the Skin against Pathogens
36. Evolution of Pinnipeds
37. Organ Transplantation
38. Adrenal Gland
39. Nervous System
40. Hydrogeology and Geohydrology
41. Space Singularity
42. Analyzing the Physics of Dance
43. Three Levels on the Quantum Ladder
44. Interstellar Material
45. Population Density
46. Brain Science and Psychology
47. Earth’s Atmosphere and Climatic Conditions
48. Ecology
49. Living Organisms and Environment
50. Rhythmic Patterns of Organism’s Behavior
51. Visual Recognition
52. Study on Meteorites by S. A. Phinney
53. Nonenzymatic Glycosylation
54. Modern Animal Husbandry
55. Genetic Engineering Applied to Nitrogen Genes
56. Toxic Properties of Fluoride
57. Biomaterials
58. Glassy Metals
59. Quantum Mechanics
60. The Evolution of Sex Ratio