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  • 武汉大学出版社
  • 9787307196193
  • 276361
  • 2017-08
余澄清,教授,硕士生导师 。现就职于中南民族大学外院,曾担任商务英语教研室主任。余教授主要从事中商务英语写作、、经贸函电、商务跨文化交际等方面的教学和研究。
Unit 1 Music
Ⅰ.Text A: The,sic
Ⅱ.Text B: Diffvrent Types of Composers
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar: Noun and Article
Ⅴ.Guided Writing : A Receipt
Ⅵ.Reading Skill : Grasping the Main Idea (1)

Unit 2 Painting
Ⅰ.Text A: Painting Organization
Ⅱ.Text B: Panel Painting
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar: Attributive Clause
Ⅴ.Guided Writing: Certificate
Ⅵ.Reading Skill: Grasping'the Main Idea (2)

Unit 3 Dancing
Ⅰ.Text A: Modern Dance
Ⅱ.Text B: Lucinda Childs
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar: Adverbial Clause
Ⅴ.Guided Writing: Introduction Letter
Ⅵ.Reading Skill: Locating Major Supporting Details

Unit 4 Sculpture
Ⅰ.Text A: Sculpture
Ⅱ.Text B: Louise Nevelson
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar: Subjunctive Mood (1)
Ⅴ.Guided Writing: Invitation Letter
Ⅵ.Reading Skill: Reading Meaning Clusters

Unit 5 Design
Ⅰ. Text A: How to Be a Jewellery Designer?
Ⅱ. Text B: FaShion and Feng Shui
Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar: Subjunctive'Mood (2)
Ⅴ. Guided Writing: Letter of Apology
Ⅵ. Reading SkilI: Identify Passage Organization

Unit 6 Photography
Ⅰ.Text A: Nature of Photographer's Work
Ⅱ.Text B: Kodak
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar: Inversion
Ⅴ.Guided Writing: Letter of Condolence
Ⅵ. Reading Skill: Taking Notes

Unit 7 Famous Architect and Architecture
Ⅰ.Text A: An Unusual A rehitect——Ieoh M~ng Pei
Ⅱ.Text B: Louvre Forced to s,Glass Pyramid
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar: Emphatic Sentence
Ⅴ.Guided Writing: Letter of Thanks
Ⅵ.Reading Skill: Using Cue Words

Unit 8 Movie
Ⅰ.Text A: How to Act 007——Scan Connery
Ⅱ.Text B: Roman Holiday——-Classical Film
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar: The Usage of As
Ⅴ.Guided Writing: Letter of Complaint
Ⅵ.Reading Skill: Distinguishing between Facts and Opinions

Unit 9 Chinese Folk Art
Ⅰ.Text A: An Introduction of Chinese Folk Art
Ⅱ.Text B: Woodcut New Year Picture
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar: Ellipsis
Ⅴ.Guided Writing: Letter of Enquiry
Ⅵ.Reading Skill: Scanning and Skimming

Unit 10 Museum
Ⅰ.Text A : Louvre (1)
Ⅱ.Text B : Louvre (2)
Ⅲ.Listening and Speaking
Ⅳ.Grammar: Word-Class Conversion
Ⅴ.Guided Writing: Letter of Application

Unit 11 Extensive Reading
Ⅰ.Text A: Chinese Tea Culture
Ⅱ.Text B: Bamboo-tube Tea and Buttered Tea
Ⅲ.Supplementary Reading: Chinese Food Culture
Keys to the Exercises