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  • 机械工业出版社
  • 9787111623540
  • 6版
  • 262551
  • 47229563-3
  • 16开
  • 2019-04
  • 858
  • 660
  • 工学
  • 计算机科学与技术
  • 计算机通信类
  • 本科
威廉·博尔顿(William Bolton)曾担任英国商业与技术委员会(BTEC)继续教育的顾问以及研发和监控的负责人,他编著了多部成功的工程教科书,包括《Mechatronics》《Engineering Science》《Higher Engineering Science》《Mechanical Science》《Instrumentation and Control Systems》等,被国外各大学广泛采用,获得了很好的反响。
Preface xiI. Introduction 11. Introducing mechatronics 3chapter objectives 31.1 What is mechatronics? 31.2 the design process 51.3 systems 61.4 Measurement systems 81.5 control systems 91.6 Programmable logic controller 211.7 examples of mechatronic systems 22summary 25Problems 26II. Sensors and signal conditioning 272. Sensors and transducers 29chapter objectives 292.1 sensors and transducers 292.2 Performance terminology 302.3 Displacement, position and proximity 352.4 Velocity and motion 462.5 Force 49 2.6Fluid pressure 502.7 Liquid flow 542.8 Liquid level 552.9 temperature 562.10 Light sensors 612.11 selection of sensors 622.12 inputting data by switches 63summary 65Problems 66 3. Signal conditioning 69chapter objectives 693.1 signal conditioning 693.2 the operational amplifier 703.3 Protection 813.4 Filtering 833.5 Wheatstone bridge 843.6 Pulse modulation 883.7 Problems with signals 893.8 Power transfer 92summary 92Problems 934. Digital signals 95chapter objectives 954.1 Digital signals 954.2 analogue and digital signals 954.3 Digital-to-analogue and analogue-to-digital converters 994.4 Multiplexers 1054.5 Data acquisition 1064.6 Digital signal processing 109summary 110Problems 1105. Digital logic 112chapter objectives 1125.1 Digital logic 1125.2 Logic gates 1135.3 applications of logic gates 1205.4 sequential logic 126summary 133Problems 133 6. Data presentation systems 136 chapter objectives 1366.1 Displays 1366.2 Data presentation elements 1376.3 Magnetic recording 1426.4 optical recording 1466.5 Displays 1476.6 Data acquisition systems 1516.7 Measurement systems 1556.8 testing and calibration 158 summary 160 Problems 160III. Actuation 163 7. Pneumatic and hydraulic actuation systems 165 chapter objectives 1657.1 actuation systems 1657.2 Pneumatic and hydraulic systems 1657.3 Directional control valves 1697.4 Pressure control valves 1737.5 cylinders 1757.6 servo and proportional control valves 1787.7 Process control valves 1807.8 rotary actuators 185 summary 186 Problems 186 8. Mechanical actuation systems 188 chapter objectives 1888.1 Mechanical systems 1888.2 types of motion 1898.3 Kinematic chains 1918.4 cams 1948.5 Gears 1968.6 ratchet and pawl 2008.7 Belt and chain drives 2008.8 Bearings 202 summary 204 Problems 205 9. Electrical actuation systems 207 chapter objectives 2079.1 electrical systems 2079.2 Mechanical switches 2079.3 solid-state switches 2099.4 solenoids 2159.5 Direct current motors 2179.6 alternating current motors 2259.7 stepper motors 2279.8 Motor selection 234 summary 237 Problems 237IV. Microprocessor systems 23910. Microprocessors and microcontrollers 241 chapter objectives 24110.1 control 24110.2 Microprocessor systems 24110.3 Microcontrollers 25310.4 applications 27210.5 Programming 274 summary 277 Problems 277 11. Assembly language 278 chapter objective 27811.1 Languages 27811.2 instruction sets 27911.3 assembly language programs 28511.4 subroutines 29011.5 Look-up tables 29311.6 embedded systems 296 summary 300 Problems 300 12. C language 302 chapter objectives 30212.1 Why c? 30212.2 Program structure 30212.3 Branches and loops 30912.4 arrays 31312.5 Pointers 31512.6 Program development 31612.7 examples of programs 31712.8 arduino programs 320 summary 323 Problems 324 13. Input/output systems 326 chapter objectives 32613.1 interfacing 32613.2 input/output addressing 32613.3 interface requirements 32913.4 Peripheral interface adapters 33613.5 serial communica