作者: 杜翠琴 摆玉萍
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040292855
- 1
- 253873
- 平装
- 16开
- 2010-05-11
- 385
- 264
- 文学
- 外国语言文学
PART 1 Extensive Reading
Unit 1: Choosing a Book for Extensive Reading
Unit 2: Reading and Discussing Nonfiction
Unit 3: Reading and Discussing Fiction
PART 2 Vocabulary Building
Unit 1: Strategies for Building a Powerful Vocabulary
Unit 2: Learning New Words from Your Reading
Unit 3: Inferring Meaning from Context
Unit 4: Word Parts
Unit 5: Collocations
PART 3 Comprehension Skills
Unit 1: Previewing
Unit 2: Making Inferences
Unit 3: Understanding Paragraphs
Unit 4: Patterns of Organization
Unit 5: Reading Longer Passages Effectively
Unit 6: Skimming
Unit 7: Study Reading
Unit 8: Summarizing
Unit 9: Critical Reading
PART 4 Reading Faster
Unit 1: Learning to Read Faster
Unit 2: New Technology and Its Impact Around the World
Unit 3: People Who Have Made a Difference
Unit 4: Inventions That Are Changing Our Lives
Appendix 1: 2,000 Most Frequent Words in English Language Texts
Appendix 2: Academic Word List
Appendix 3: Record of Books Read
Appendix 4: Words and Expressions