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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040144840
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  • 252134
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2004-07-15
  • 480
  • 398
  • 工学
  • 力学


 第1章 静力学基学
  §1-1 静力学中的基本概念
  §1-2 静力学公理
  §1-3 约束和约束力
  §1-4 研究对象和受力图
 第2章 平面学交力系
  §2-1 平面汇交力系合成与平衡的几何法
  §2-2 平面汇交力系合成与平衡的解析法
 第3章 力矩学平面力偶系
  §3-1 关于力矩的概念及其计算
  §3-2 关于力偶的概念
  §3-3 平面力偶系的合成与平衡
 第4章 平面一般力系
  §4-1 力线平移定理
  §4-2 平面一般力系向一点简化
  §4-3 分布荷载
  §4-4 平面一般力系的平衡条件
  §4-5 平面平行力系的平衡条件
  §4-6 滑动摩擦
 第5章 重心和形心
  §5-1 重心和形心的坐标公式
  §5-2 确定重心和形心位置的具体方法
 第6章 内力和内力学
  §6-1 平面桁架的内力
  §6-2 轴力及轴力图
  §6-3 扭矩和扭矩图
  §6-4 剪力和弯矩·剪力图和弯矩图
 第7章 拉伸和学学
  §7-1 横截面上的应力
  §7-2 拉压杆的强度计算
  §7-3 斜截面上的应力
  §7-4 拉(压)杆的变形与位移
  §7-5 拉(压)杆内的应变能
  §7-6 低碳钢和铸铁受拉伸和压缩时的力学性能
  §7-7 简单的拉、压超静定问题
  §7-8 拉(压)杆接头的计算
 第8章 扭学
  §8-1 薄壁圆筒扭转时的应力和变形
  §8-2 圆杆扭转时的应力和变形
  §8-3 强度条件及刚度条件
  §8-4 等直圆杆在扭转时的应变能
  §8-5 矩形截面杆的扭转
 第9章 学曲
  §9-1 剪力图和弯矩图的进一步研究
  §9-2 弯曲正应力
  §9-3 求惯性矩的平行移轴公式
  §9-4 弯曲切应力
  §9-5 梁的强度条件
  §9-6 挠度和转角
  §9-7 弯曲应变能
  §9-8 超静定梁
 第10章 学力学学分析和强度理学
  §10-1 概述
  §10-2 平面应力状态分析
  §10-3 平面应力状态下的胡克定律
  §10-4 三向应力状态
  §10-5 强度理论及其应用
 第11章 学杆的学定性
  §11-1 关于稳定性的概念
  §11-2 细长中心压杆的临界荷载
  §11-3 欧拉公式的适用范围·临界应力总图
  §11-4 压杆的稳定条件和稳定性校核
 第12章 学的学学
  §12-1 运动学的基本内容·参考系
  §12-2 点的运动的矢量表示法
  §12-3 点的运动的直角坐标表示法
  §12-4 点的运动的自然表示法(弧坐标表示法)
 第13章 学学的基本学学
  §13-1 刚体的移动
  §13-2 刚体的定轴转动
  §13-3 转动刚体上点的速度和加速度
 第14章 学的学合学学
  §14-1 绝对运动、相对运动和牵连运动
  §14-2 点的速度合成定理
  §14-3 牵连运动为移动时点的加速度合成定理
 第15章 学学的平面学学
  §15-1 刚体平面运动分解为移动和转动
  §15-2 平面图形上点的速度·速度瞬心
  §15-3 平面图形上点的加速度
 第16章 学学的学学微分方程
  §16-1 动力学的基本定律
  §16-2 质点的运动微分方程
 第17章 学力学普遍定理
  §17-1 动量定理
  §17-2 动量矩定理
  §17-3 动能定理
  §17-4 动力学普遍定理的综合应用
 第18章 学静法
  §18-1 关于惯性力的概念
  §18-2 质点的动静法
  §18-3 质点系的动静法
  §18-4 刚体惯性力系的简化
 附录Ⅰ 型钢表
 附录Ⅱ 简单荷载作用下梁的挠度和转角
 Chapter1 Basis of Statics1
  §1-1 Basic Concepts in Statics1
  §1-2 Axioms in Statics
  §1-3 Constraints and Constraining Forces
  §1-4 Object of Study and Free-body Diagram
 Chapter2 Planar Concurrent Force System
  §2-1 Resultant and Equilibrium Condition of Planar Concurrent Force Systems:Geometrical Method
  §2-2 Resultant and Equilibrium Condition of Planar Concurrent Force Systems:Analytical Method
 Chapter3 Moment and Plane Couples
  §3-1 Concept and Calculation of the Moment
  §3-2 Concept of the Couple
  §3-3 Resultant and Equilibrium Condition of Planar Couple System
 Chapter4 General Planar Force System
  §4-1 Theorem of Translation of the Force
  §4-2 Reduction of Planar Force System to a Given Co-planar Point
  §4-3 Distributed Load
  §4-4 Equilibrium Condition of the General Planar Force System
  §4-5 Equilibrium Condition of the Parallel Forces
  §4-6 Sliding Friction
 Chapter5 Centre of Gravity and Centroid of an Area
  §5-1 Formula for Coordinate of Centre of Gravity and Centroid of an Area
  §5-2 Method to Find Centre of Gravity and Centroid of an Area
 Chapter6 Internal Forces and Their Diagrams
  §6-1 Internal Forces in Members of Plane Trusses
  §6-2 Axial Force and Its Diagram
  §6-3 Twisting Moment and Its Diagram
  §6-4 Shear Force and Bending Moment·Their Diagrams
 Chapter7 Tension and Compression
  §7-1 Stress on Cross Section
  §7-2 Calculation about Strength of Axially Loaded Bars
  §7-3 Stresses on Inclined Sections
  §7-4 Deformation and Displacement of Axially Loaded Bars
  §7-5 Strain Energy in Axially Loaded Bars
  §7-6 Mechanical Behaviour of Structural Steel and Cast Iron under Tension and Compression
  §7-7 Simple Statically Indeterminate Problems of Axially Loaded Bars
  §7-8 Analysis of Connections in Axially Loaded Bars
 Chapter8 Torsion
  §8-1 Stresses and Deformation of Thin-walled Tube under Torsion
  §8-2 Stresses and Deformation of Circular Bar under Torsion
  §8-3 Strength Condition and Stiffness Condition
  §8-4 Strain Energy in Circular Bar with Constant Cross-section under Torsion
  §8-5 Torsion of Rectangular Bar
 Chapter9 Bending
  §9-1 Further Investigation in Shearing Force and Bending Moment Diagrams
  §9-2 Normal Stresses under Bending
  §9-3 Parallel Axis Theorem for Moment of Inertia
  §9-4 Shearing Stresses under Bending
  §9-5 Strength Conditions of Beam
  §9-6 Deflection and Slope
  §9-7 Strain Energy due to Bending
  §9-8 Statically Indeterminate Beam
 Chapter10 Analysis of Stress·Theory of Strength
  §10-1 Introduction
  §10-2 Analysis of Plane Stress
  §10-3 Hook's Law for Plane Stress
  §10-4 Triaxial Stress
  §10-5 Theories of Strength and Their Application
 Chapter11 Stability of Column
  §11-1 Concepts of Stability of Column
  §11-2 Critical Load for Long Column
  §11-3 Scope of Application for Euler's Formula·Critical Stress Diagram
  §11-4 Stability Condition and Verification of Stability for Columns
 Chapter12 Kinematics of a Particle
  §12-1 Elementary Content of Kinematics·Reference Coordinates
  §12-2 The Vector Method in Kinematics of a Particle
  §12-3 The Rectangular Coordinating Method in Kinematics of a Particle
  §12-4 The Natural Coordinating Method in Kinematics of a Particle
 Chapter13 Simple Motion of Rigid Bodies
  §13-1 Translation of a Rigid Body
  §13-2 Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed-axis
  §13-3 Velocity and Acceleration of the Points of a Rotating Rigid Body
 Chapter14 Composite Motion of a Particle
  §14-1 Absolute Motion·Relative Motion·Convected Motion
  §14-2 Theorem of Composition of the Velocities of a Particle
  §14-3 Theorem of Composition of the Accelerations of a Particle during the Convected Motion is Translation
 Chapter15 Plane Motion of a Rigid Body
  §15-1 Decomposition of the Plane Motion of a Rigid Body
  §15-2 Velocity of the Points on a Plane Figure·Instantaneous Center of Velocity
  §15-3 Acceleration of the Points on a Plane Figure
 Chapter16 Differential Equations of Motion of a Particle
  §16-1 Fundamental Laws of Dynamics
  §16-2 Differential Equations of Motion of a Particle
 Chapter17 General Theorems of Dynamics
  §17-1 Theorem of Linear Momentum
  §17-2 Theorem of Angular Momentum
  §17-3 Theorem of Kinetic Energy
  §17-4 Integrated Application of General Theorems of Dynamics
 Chapter18 Kineto-Static Method
  §18-1 Concepts of Inertia Force
  §18-2 Kineto-Static Method for a Particle
  §18-3 Kineto-Static Method for a Particle System
  §18-4 Reduction of Inertia Force System of a Rigid Body
 AppendixⅠ Properties of Rolled-Steel Shapes
 AppendixⅡ Beam Deflection and Slope by Simple Load
 Key to Exercises
 A Brief Introduction to the Writer
