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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040172683
  • 1
  • 248003
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2005-06-30
  • 250
  • 153
  • 医学
  • 护理学


 第一章 Overview(绪论)
  第一节 Definition and principles of gerontological nursing(老年护理的定义及原则)
   一、Definition of gerontological nursing(老年护理的定义)
   二、Principles of gerontological nursing(老年护理的原则)
   三、The subject and contents of the gerontological nursing(老年护理的研究对象和研究内容)
  第二节 Review of gerontological nursing(老年护理的发展概况)
   一、Development of gerontology(老年学的发展)
   二、Development of gerontological nursing(老年护理的发展)
  第三节 The life-span of the human(人类的寿命)
   一、The conception of the life-span(寿命的概念)
   二、The classification of the human age (人类年龄的划分)
   三、The factors impacting on the life-span(影响寿命的因素)
  第四节 Aging and aging of population(老化与人口老龄化)
   二、The definition of the elderly(老年人的定义)
   三、Aging of population(人口老龄化)
   四、The strategy of the aging of population(人口老龄化的对策)
   五、The health aging of population(健康老龄化)
 第二章 Aging and anti -aging(衰老与延缓衰老)
  第一节 Theories of aging(衰老理论)
   一、Biological theories of aging(衰老的生物学理论)
   二、Psychological theories of aging(衰老的心理学理论)
   三、Sociological theories of aging(衰老的社会学理论)
  第二节 Anti-aging(延缓衰老)
   一、The application of anti-aging medicine(抗衰老药物的应用)
   二、Anti-aging therapy(抗衰老疗法)
   三、Theories of aging and care(衰老理论与护理)
 第三章 Physiological and psychological changes of the elderly(老年人的生理与心理变化)
  第一节 Physiological changes of the elderly(老年人的生理变化)
   一、The characteristics in changes of the poise of the elderly(老年人体态变化的特点)
   二、The changes of the physiology and biochemical metabolism in the elderly(老年人生理与生化代谢的变化)
  第二节 Psychological changes of the elderly (老年人的心理变化)
   一、The related factors affecting mental status of the elderly(影响老年人心理的相关因素)
   二、The characteristics of psychology of the elderly(老年人的心理学特征)
   三、The common mental problems and nursing of the elderly(老年人的心理问题与护理)
 第四章 Health promotion in the elderly (老年人的健康促进)
  第一节 Health care in the aged population(老年保健)
   二、The principles of the health care in the elderly(老年保健的原则)
   三、Self-care in the elderly(老年自我保健)
  第二节 Dietary care in the elderly(老年人的饮食护理)
   一、Rational nutrition in the elderly (老年人的合理营养)
   二、Dietary care in the elderly (老年人的饮食护理)
  第三节 Activities and care of the elderly(老年人的运动与护理)
   一、The concerned factors affecting the activities and safety in the elderly(影响老年人运动与安全的因素)
   二、The principles of the activities in the elderly(老年人运动的原则)
   三、The items of the health exercises suitable for the elderly(适合老年人的健身运动项目)
   四、The cares in the activities of the elderly(老年人运动的护理措施)
   五、The precautions at the time of the sport for the elderly(老年人运动时的注意事项)
 第五章 Daily life and care in the aged population(老年人的日常生活与护理)
  第一节 Rational life-style(合理的生活方式)
   一、Live with orderliness(生活节律安排)
   二、Daily life aids(辅助生活用品的使用)
  第二节 Individual health of the elderly(老年人的个人卫生)
   一、Skin depurate(皮肤清洁)
   二、Dressing in health (衣着卫生)
   三、Brain health (用脑卫生)
  第三节 Excretion and care of the elderly(老年人的排泄与护理)
   一、The factors affecting excretion of the elderly(影响老年人排泄的因素)
   二、Care of the elderly with the impediment in excretion(老年人排泄障碍的护理)
  第四节 Communication with the elderly(老年人的沟通与交流)
   一、The conception of communication(沟通与交流的概念)
   二、The impact of aging communication(衰老对沟通与交流的影响)
   三、The skills in facilitating communication(促进沟通与交流的技巧)
 第六章 Pharmacotherapy and care in the elderly(老年人的用药与护理)
  第一节 Using drugs rationally in the aged population(老年人的合理用药)
   一、The factors affecting drug use in the elderly(影响老年人用药的因素)
   二、The principles of drug use in the elderly(老年人用药的原则)
  第二节 Adverse drug reaction in the elderly(老年人药物疗法的不良反应)
   二、The reasons of adverse drug reaction in the elderly(老年人易发生药物不良反应的原因)
   三、Adverse common drugs reaction and prevention in the elderly(老年人常用药物的不良反应及预防措施)
  第三节 Care of taking medicine in the elderly(老年人用药的护理措施)
   一、Nursing diagnosis(护理诊断)
   二、Nursing goals and objectives(护理目标)
   三、Nursing measures(护理措施)
 第七章 Common somatic issues and care in the elderly(老年人常见健康问题与护理)
  第一节 Sleep disturbances(睡眠障碍)
   二、The care of the sleep disturbances(睡眠障碍的护理)
  第二节 Falls(跌倒)
   二、The care of the falls(跌倒的护理)
  第三节 Senile skin pruritus(老年皮肤瘙痒症)
   二、The care of skin pruritus(皮肤瘙痒的护理)
  第四节 Heatstroke and low temperature(中暑与低体温)
   二、The care of the heatstroke and low temperature(中暑和低体温的护理)
 第八章 The clinical nursing of the common diseases in the elderly(老年人常见病的临床护理)
  第一节 Introduction(概述)
   一、The characteristics of the aged patients(老年患者的特点)
   二、The nursing characteristics of the aged patients(老年患者临床护理的特征)
  第二节 The common diseases of the elderly and their characteristics(老年人常见疾病及特点)
   一、The common diseases of respiratory system and their characteristics(呼吸系统常见疾病及特点)
   二、The common diseases of circulatory system and their characteristics(循环系统常见疾病及特点)
   三、The common diseases of digestive system and their characteristics(消化系统常见疾病及特点)
   四、The common diseases of urinary system and their characteristics(泌尿系统常见疾病及特点)
   五、The common diseases of endocrine and other system and their characteristics(内分泌系统及其他系统常见疾病及特点)
  第三节 The nursing of the common diseases in the elderly(老年人常见疾病的护理)
   一、The nursing diagnosis and measures of the common diseases in the elderly(老年人常见疾病的护理诊断和护理措施)
   二、The nursing objectives of the aged patients(老年患者的护理目标)
  第四节 Geriatric depression(老年抑郁症)
   一、Introduction (概述)
   二、The care of the geriatric depression(老年抑郁症的护理)
  第五节 Senile dementia(老年性痴呆)
   一、Introduction (概述)
   二、Alzheimer disease(阿尔茨海默病,AD )
   三、Vascular dementia(脑血管性痴呆,VD)
   四、The care of the senile dementia(老年性痴呆的护理)
 第九章 Rehabilitation and the community care in the aged patients(老年患者的康复护理与社区护理)
  第一节 Rehabilitation and care in the aged patients(老年患者的康复护理)
   二、The contents of the elderly rehabilitation nursing(老年人康复护理的内容)
   三、The basic skills of the elderly rehabilitation nursing(老年人康复护理基本技能)
  第二节 Community care in the aged patients(老年患者的社区护理)
   二、The contents of community care in the aged patients(老年患者社区护理的内容)
   三、Family nursing for the elderly(老年人的家庭护理)
 第十章 Legal and ethical issues in gerontological nursing(老年护理相关的道德与法律)
  第一节 The ethical principle in gerontological nursing(老年护理的道德)
   一、Ageism and the ethical issues in gerontological nursing(老年歧视和老年护理道德准则)
   二、The ethical characteristics in gerontological nursing(老年护理道德的特点)
   三、Demand of the ethics in gerontological nursing(老年护理道德的要求)
  第二节 Relevant legal issues in gerontological nursing(老年护理相关的法律问题)
   一、The operation standard of gerontological nursing(老年护理执业标准)
   二、The focused issues in gerontological nursing(老年护理中应注意的问题)
