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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040174717
  • 1
  • 247983
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2005-07-15
  • 600
  • 235
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学

 Notes on units
 Unit 1 Communication
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit 2 International marketing
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit 3 Building relationships
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit 4 Success
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit 5 Job satisfaction
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit 6 Risk
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit 7 E-commerce
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit A
 Unit 8 Team building
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit 9 Raising finance
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit 10 Customer service
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit 11 Crisis management
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit 12 Management styles
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit 13 Takeovers and mergers
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit 14 The future of business
  At a glance
  Business brief
  Lesson notes
 Unit B
  Text bank
  Teacher's notes
 Unit 1 Communication
  Communication with employees
  Communication with the world at large
 Unit 2 International marketing
  Towards a global brand
  Cultural problems in international marketing
 Unit 3 Building relationships
  Employer-employee relationships
  Relationships between companies: strategic alliances
 Unit 4 Success
  What makes product innovations successful?
  What makes countries successful?
 Unit 5 Job satisfaction
  lob sharing
  Job loyalty
 Unit 6 Risk
  Computer crime
  Fraud and corruption
 Unit 7 e-commerce
  Dimculties of distribution 1
  Difficulties of distribution 2
 Unit 8 Team building
  Team-building techniques 1
  Team-building techniques 2
 Unit 9 Raising finance
  Business incubators
  Venture capital in Europe
 Unit 10 Customer service
  Earning customer loyalty
  Difficult customers
 Unit 11 Crisis management
  Crisis of confidence
  Internal crises
 Unit 12 Management styles
  Styles of corporate leadership
  Corporate culture and management styles
 Unit 13 Takeovers and mergers
  Takeovers across cultures 1
  Takeovers across cultures 2
 Unit 14 The future of business
  Will services become more important than
  Technological revolutions
  Text bank answer key
  Resource bank
  Teacher's notes
 Unit 1 Communication
  Problem-solving on the phone
 Unit 2 International marketing
 Unit 3 Building relationships
 Unit 4 Success
 Unit 5 Job satisfaction
  Handling difficult situations
 Unit 6 Risk
  Reaching agreement
 Unit 7 E-commerce
 Unit 8 Team building
  Resolving conflict
 Unit 9 Raising finance
  Negotiating: tactics
 Unit 10 Customer service
  Active listening
 Unit 11 Crisis management
  Asking and answering difficult questions
 Unit 12 Management styles
  Socialising: putting people at ease
 Unit 13 Takeovers and mergers
  Summarising in presentations
 Unit 14 The future of business
  Telephoning: getting the right information
  Audio sclrlpts
