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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040174151
  • 1
  • 247940
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2005-08-15
  • 360
  • 218
  • 医学
  • 基础医学


 第一章 Preface(绪论)
  第一节 Introduction(概述)
   一、Research object and the role of physiology(生理学研究的对象和任务)
   二、Relationship between physiology and medicine(生理学与医学的关系)
  第二节 Basic Characteristics of Life(生命的基本特征)
  第三节 Regulation of Body Functions(人体功能的调节)
   一、Environment and homeostasis(环境与稳态)
   二、Basic methods of the regulation of human body functional activity(人体功能活动的基本调节方式)
   三、Autocontrol system of physiological functions(生理功能的自动控制系统)
  第四节 Review(复习)
   二、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)
   三、Multiple choice questions(选择练习)
  English Vocabulary in the Preface(英语词汇——绪论部分)
 第二章 Fundamental Functions of Cell(细胞的基本功能)
  第一节 Material Transport Across the Cell Membrane and Function of Membrane-bound Receptors(细胞膜的物质转运和膜受体功能)
   一、Material transport function of cell membrane(细胞膜的物质转运功能)
   二、Function of membrane-bound receptors(细胞膜受体功能)
  第二节 Bioelectric Phenomenon of Cell(细胞的生物电现象)
   一、Resting potential(静息电位)
   二、Action potential(动作电位)
   三、Conduction of action potential(动作电位的传导)
  第三节 Contractile Function of the Muscle Cell(肌细胞的收缩功能)
   一、Excitatory transmission in neuromuscular junction(神经肌肉接头处兴奋的传递)
   二、Mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction(骨骼肌的收缩原理)
   三、Excitation-contraction coupling of skeletal muscle(骨骼肌的兴奋收缩偶联)
   四、Factors of affecting skeletal muscle contraction(影响骨骼肌收缩的因素)
  第四节 Review(复习)
   二、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)
   三、Multiple choice questions(选择练习)
  English Vocabulary in the Chapter of Fundamental Functions of Cell(英语词汇——细胞的基本功能部分)
 第三章 Blood(血液)
  第一节 Components and Physicochemical Properties of Blood(血液的组成和理化特性)
   一、Components of blood(血液的组成)
   二、Physicochemical properties of blood(血液的理化特性)
  第二节 Blood Cells(血细胞)
   一、Red blood cells or erythrocytes( RBC,红细胞)
   二、White blood cells or leucocytes( WBC,白细胞)
   三、Platelets or thrombocytes(血小板)
  第三节 Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis(血液凝固与纤维蛋白溶解)
   一、Blood coagulation(血液凝固)
  第四节 Blood Volume, Blood Groups and T ransfusion(血量、血型与输血)
   一、Blood volume(血量)
   二、Blood groups(血型)
  第五节 Review(复习)
   二、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)
   三、Multiple choice questions(选择练习)
  English Vocabulary in the Chapter of Blood(英语词汇——血液部分)
 第四章 Blood Circulation(血液循环)
  第一节 Physiology of the Heart(心脏生理)
   一、Cardiac pump function(心脏的泵血功能)
   二、Bioelectric phenomenon and physiological property of cardiac muscle(心肌的生物电现象和生理特性)
  第二节 Physiology of Blood Vessels(血管生理)
   一、Arterial blood pressure and arterial pulse(动脉血压和动脉脉搏)
   二、Venous pressure and venous return volume to heart(静脉血压和静脉回心血量)
   四、Interstitial fluid and lymph(组织液和淋巴液)
  第三节 Regulation of Cardiovascular Activity(心血管活动的调节)
   二、Humoral regulation(体液调节)
  第四节 Organic Circulation(器官循环)
   一、Coronary circulation(冠脉循环)
   二、Pulmonary circulation(肺循环)
   三、Cerebral circulation(脑循环)
  第五节 Review(复习)
   二、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)
   三、Multiple choice questions(选择练习)
  English Vocabulary in the Chapter of Blood Circulation(英语词汇——血液循环部分)
 第五章 Respiration(呼吸)
  第一节 Pulmonary Ventilation(肺通气)
   一、Impetus of pulmonary ventilation(肺通气的动力)
   二、Pulmonary ventilation resistance(肺通气的阻力)
   三、Pulmonary capacity and pulmonary ventilation volume(肺容量和肺通气量)
  第二节 Gas Exchange(气体交换)
   一、Principle of gas exchange(气体交换的原理)
   二、Process of gas exchange(气体交换的过程)
  第三节 Gas T ransport in the Blood(气体在血液中的运输)
   一、Oxygen transport(氧运输)
   二、Carbon dioxide transport(二氧化碳的运输)
  第四节 Regulation of Respiratory Movement(呼吸运动的调节)
   一、Respiratory center(呼吸中枢)
   二、Reflex regulation of respiratory movement(呼吸的反射性调节)
  第五节 Review(复习)
   二、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)
   三、Multiple choice questions(选择练习)
  English Vocabulary in the Chapter of Respiration(英语词汇——呼吸部分)
 第六章 Digestion and Absorption(消化和吸收)
  第一节 Introduction(概述)
  第二节 Digestion in Oral Cavity(口腔内消化)
   一、Saliva and its function(唾液及其作用)
   二、Mastication and swallowing(咀嚼与吞咽)
  第三节 Digestion in Stomach(胃内消化)
   一、Gastric juice and its function(胃液及其作用)
   二、Gastric motility(胃的运动)
  第四节 Digestion in Small Intestine(小肠内消化)
   一、Pancreatic juice and its function(胰液及其作用)
   二、Bile and its function(胆汁及其作用)
   三、Small intestine juice and its function(小肠液及其作用)
   四、Small intestine motility(小肠的运动)
  第五节 Function of Large Intestine(大肠的功能)
   一、Large intestinal secretion and bacteria action(大肠液的分泌及细菌的作用)
   二、Large intestine motility(大肠的运动)
   三、Defecation reflex(排便反射)
  第六节 Absorption(吸收)
   一、Absorption site(吸收的部位)
   二、Main nutrition absorption in small intestine(小肠主要营养物质的吸收)
  第七节 Regulation of Digestive Organ Activity(消化器官活动的调节)
   一、Innervation of digestive organ and its function(消化器官的神经支配及其作用)
   二、Reflex regulation of digestive organ activity(消化器官活动的反射性调节)
   三、Gastrointestinal hormones(胃肠激素)
  第八节 Review(复习)
   二、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)
   三、Multiple choice questions(选择练习)
  English Vocabulary in the Chapter of Digestion and Absorption(英语词汇——消化和吸收部分)
 第七章 Energy Metabolism and Body Temperature(能量代谢和体温)
  第一节 Energy Metabolism(能量代谢)
   一、Source, transfer and use of energy(能量的来源、转化和利用)
   二、Measurement of the energy metabolism(能量代谢的测定)
   三、Factors of affecting energy metabolism(影响能量代谢的因素)
   四、Basal metabolism(基础代谢)
  第二节 Body Temperature and Its Regulation(体温及其调节)
   一、Normal body temperature and its physiological change(正常体温及其生理变动)
   二、Heat production and loss in the body(人体的产热与散热)
  第三节 Review(复习)
   二、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)
   三、Multiple choice questions(选择练习)
  English Vocabulary in the Chapter of Energy Metabolism and Body Temperature(英语词汇——能量代谢和体温部分)
 第八章 Excretion(排泄)
  第一节 Kidney Structure and Its Circulation Property(肾的结构和血液循环特点)
   一、Structural property of the kidney(肾的结构特点)
   二、Characteristics of renal circulation(肾血液循环的特点)
  第二节 Glomerular Filtration(肾小球的滤过作用)
   一、Filtration barriers(滤过膜)
   二、Effective filtration pressure(有效滤过压)
   三、Factors of affecting glomerular filtration(影响肾小球滤过的因素)
  第三节 Reabsorptive and Secretive Function of Renal Tubule and Collecting Duct(肾小管和集合管的重吸收功能和分泌功能)
   一、Reabsorptive function of renal tubule and collecting duct(肾小管和集合管的重吸收功能)
   二、Secretive function of renal tubule and collecting duct(肾小管和集合管的分泌功能)
  第四节 Urine Concentration and Dilution(尿的浓缩和稀释)
   一、Osmotic pressure of urine(尿液的渗透压)
   二、Basic process of urine concentration and dilution(尿浓缩和稀释的基本过程)
   三、Formation and maintenance of renal medulla hyperosmolality(肾髓质高渗透压梯度的形成和保持)
  第五节 Regulation of Urine Formation(尿生成的调节)
   一、Humoral regulation(体液调节)
  第六节 Urine and Micturition(尿液及其排放)
   一、Urine volume and physicochemical property(尿量和尿的理化性质)
   二、Urine transport, storage and micturition(尿的输送、贮存与排放)
  第七节 Review(复习)
   二、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)
   三、Multiple choice questions(选择练习)
  English Vocabulary in the Chapter of Excretion(英语词汇——排泄部分)
 第九章 Sense Organs(感觉器官)
  第一节 Introduction(概述)
   一、Receptors and their classification(感受器及其分类)
   二、Physiological property of receptors(感受器的生理特性)
  第二节 Visual Organ(视觉器官)
   一、Refractive function of eye(眼的折光功能)
   二、Photosensory function of eye(眼的感光功能)
   三、Physiological phenomenon of several visions(几种视觉生理现象)
  第三节 Auditory Organ(听觉器官)
   一、Sound transmission in external and middle ear(外耳和中耳传音功能)
   二、Sound sensory function of inner ear(内耳的感音功能)
  第四节 Vestibular Organ(前庭器官)
   一、Function of saccule and utricle(球囊和椭圆囊的功能)
   二、Function of semicircular canals(半规管的功能)
   三、Reaction of vestibule(前庭反应)
  第五节 Review(复习)
   二、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)
   三、Multiple choice questions(选择练习)
  English Vocabulary in the Chapter of Sense Organs(英语词汇——感觉器官部分)
 第十章 Nervous System(神经系统)
  第一节 Neuron and General Rule of Reflective Activity(神经元及反射活动的一般规律)
   一、Neuron and nerve fiber(神经元和神经纤维)
   三、Reflex center(反射中枢)
  第二节 Sensory Function of Nervous System(神经系统的感觉功能)
   一、Sensory projection system(感觉投射系统)
   二、Sensory analytic function of cerebral cortex(大脑皮质的感觉分析功能)
   三、Pain sense(痛觉)
  第三节 Regulation of Nervous System to Body Movement(神经系统对躯体运动的调节)
   一、Regulation of spinal cord to body movement(脊髓对躯体运动的调节)
   二、Regulation of brainstem to muscle tonus(脑干对肌紧张的调节)
   三、Regulation of cerebellum to body movement(小脑对躯体运动的调节)
   四、Regulation of basal nuclei to body movement(基底核对躯体运动的调节)
   五、Regulation of cerebral cortex to body movement(大脑皮质对躯体运动的调节)
  第四节 Regulation of Nervous System to Visceral Activity(神经系统对内脏活动的调节)
   一、Structural properties of autonomic nervous system(自主神经系统的结构特征)
   二、Functional properties of autonomic nervous system(自主神经系统的功能特征)
   三、Transmitters and receptors in automatic nervous system(自主神经系统的递质和受体)
   四、Functions of every center of automatic nervous system(自主神经系统各级中枢的功能)
  第五节 Super Function of Brain(脑的高级功能)
   一、Bioelectric activity of cerebral cortex(大脑皮质的生物电活动)
   二、Wakefulness and sleep(觉醒与睡眠)
   三、Conditioned reflex(条件反射)
   四、Language function of cerebral cortex(大脑皮质的语言功能)
  第六节 Review(复习)
   二、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)
   三、Multiple choice questions(选择练习)
  English Vocabulary in the Chapter of Nervous System(英语词汇——神经系统部分)
 第十一章 Endocrine System(内分泌系统)
  第一节 Introduction(概述)
   一、General characteristics of the hormone action(激素作用的一般特性)
   二、Classification of hormones(激素的分类)
   三、Mechanism of hormone action(激素作用的机制)
  第二节 Hypothalamus and Hypophysis(下丘脑与垂体)
   一、Functional connection between hypothalamus and hypophysis(下丘脑与垂体的功能联系)
  第三节 Thyroid(甲状腺)
   一、Physiological function of thyroid hormones(甲状腺激素的生理作用)
   二、Regulation of thyroid hormones secretion(甲状腺激素分泌的调节)
  第四节 Parathyroid Gland and Thyroid C-cell(甲状旁腺和甲状腺C细胞)
   一、Physiological function and secretive regulation of PTH(甲状旁腺素的生理作用和分泌调节)
   二、Physiological function and secretive regulation of calcitonin(降钙素的生理作用和分泌调节)
  第五节 Adrenal(肾上腺)
   一、Adrenal cortex(肾上腺皮质)
   二、Adrenal medulla(肾上腺髓质)
  第六节 Pancreatic Islet(胰岛)
  第七节 Review(复习)
   二、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)
   三、Multiple choice questions(选择练习)
  English Vocabulary in the Chapter of Endocrine System(英语词汇——内分泌系统部分)
 第十二章 Reproduction(生殖)
  第一节 Male Reproduction(男性生殖)
   一、Function of testicular spermatogenesis(睾丸的生精功能)
   二、Endocrine functions of testis(睾丸的内分泌功能)
   三、Regulation of testicular function(睾丸功能的调节)
  第二节 Female Reproduction(女性生殖)
   一、Function of ovarian oogenesis(卵巢的生卵功能)
   二、Endocrine function of ovaries(卵巢的内分泌功能)
   三、Menstrual cycle(月经周期)
  第三节 Pregnancy and Contraception(妊娠与避孕)
  第四节 Review(复习)
   二、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)
   三、Multiple choice questions(选择练习)
  English Vocabulary in the Chapter of Reproduction(英语词汇——生殖部分)
