作者: Gerald Karp
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040191745
- 2
- 247144
- 平装
- 16开
- 2006-04-24
- 1500
- 780
- 理学
- 生物学
1 Introduction to the Study of Cell Biology
2 The Chemical Basis of fife
3 Bioenergeticc,Enzymace, and Metabolism
4 The Stnisfiure end Funrtian of the Plasma Membrane
5 Aerobic Respiration and the Mitochnndrinn
6 Photosynthesis and the Chloroplact
7 Intprartioes Between Cells and Their Environment
8 Cyinplasmic Membrane Systems:Structure, Function,and Membrane Trafficking
9 The Cytoskeletnn and Cell Motility
10 The Nature of the Gene and the Genome
11 Expression of Genetic Infnrmatinn:From Tranccriptinn to Tranclatinn
12 The Cell Nucleus and the Control of Gene Expression
13 DNA Replication and Repair
14 Cellular Reproduction
15 Cell Signaling and Signal Trancdurtinn:Communication Between Cells
16 Cancer
17 The Immune Response
18 Trhniques in Cell and Mnlendar Biology