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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040204902
  • 1
  • 246477
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2006-11-06
  • 180
  • 164


 第一章 混沌概论
  §1.1 混沌的发展史
  §1.2 混沌的特征
  §1.3 通向混沌之路
   §1.3.1 倍周期分岔通向混沌
   §1.3.2 阵发性通向混沌
   §1.3.3 霍普夫分岔通向混沌
   §1.3.4 哈密顿系统的KAM环面通向混沌
  §1.4 混沌的测度与各态历经性
  §1.5 非线性动力系统的稳定性分析
  §1.6 动力系统的三种典型的分岔
  §1.7 习题
 第二章 一些典型的分立动力系统中的混沌
  §2.1 逻辑斯谛映象
  §2.2 埃农映象
  §2.3 标准映象
  §2.4 帐篷映象
  §2.5 圆映象
  §2.6 艾克达映象
  §2.7 双转子映象
  §2.8 习题
 第三章 一些典型的连续动力系统中的混沌
  §3.1 流与映象的关系
  §3.2 洛伦茨方程
  §3.3 洛斯勒系统
  §3.4 蔡氏电路
  §3.5 达芬方程
  §3.6 习题
 第四章 混沌的刻画
  §4.1 映象轨道的图像描述:蜘蛛网图
  §4.2 功率谱分析
  §4.3 李雅普诺夫指数
   §4.3.1 李雅普诺夫指数的定义
   §4.3.2 李雅普诺夫指数的数值计算
   §4.3.3 噪声时间序列中的最大李雅普诺夫指数的检测
  §4.4 分数维数
   §4.4.1 豪斯多夫维数
   §4.4.2 计盒维数
   §4.4.3 信息维数
   §4.4.4 关联维数
   §4.4.5 李雅普诺夫维数
   §4.4.6 广义维数
  §4.5 时间序列的吸引子重构
  §4.6 数值计算方法
   §4.6.1 龙格-库塔方法
   §4.6.2 噪声环境下的休恩方法
  §4.7 习题
 第五章 耦合混沌系统的集体行为——混沌同步化
  §5.1 同步化现象
  §5.2 完全同步化
  §5.3 相同步化
  §5.4 延迟同步化
  §5.5 广义同步化
  §5.6 大量耦合振子的锁相
  §5.7 耦合振子中的阵发及其机制
  §5.8 分立系统的相刻画
 第六章 混沌动力系统中的噪声效应
  §6.1 外噪声作用下的阵发效应
  §6.2 噪声诱导混沌及统计平均量的观测
  §6.3 噪声对混沌吸引子中性方向的影响
  §6.4 混沌系统中的相关共振
  §6.5 无序抑制混沌
 第七章 混沌的应用
  §7.1 控制混沌
  §7.2 保密通信
  §7.3 耦合强度及方向性检测
  §7.4 癫痫病的模拟
   §7.4.1 非线性探测——替代数据法
   §7.4.2 癫痫机制的动力学模型探讨
 附录 科学家中英文名对照表
 1 Introduction of chaos
  §1.1 Some history
  §1.2 The features of chaos
  §1.3 Routes to chaos
   §1.3.1 Period-doubling route to a chaotic attractor
   §1.3.2 Intermittency transition to a chaotic attractor
   §1.3.3 Hopf bifurcation to chaos
   §1.3.4 KAM torus to chaos
  §1.4 Natural measure and ergodicity
  §1.5 Stability analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems
  §1.6 Three typical bifurcations of dynamical systems
  §1.7 Exercises
 2 Chaos in typical maps
  §2.1 The Logistic map
  §2.2 The Henon map
  §2.3 The standard map
  §2.4 The tent map
  §2.5 The circle map
  §2.6 The Ikeda map
  §2.7 The double rotor map
  §2.8 Exercises
 3 Chaos in typical flows
  §3.1 Poincar é surface of section
  §3.2 The Lorenz equation
  §3.3 The Rǒssler equation
  §3.4 Chua’s circuit
  §3.5 Duffing’s equation
  §3.6 Exercises
 4 Description of chaos
  §4.1 Cobweb plot:Graphical representation of an orbit
  §4.2 Power spectra
  §4.3 Lyapunov exponents
   §4.3.1 Definition of Lyapunov exponents
   §4.3.2 Numerical calculation of Lyapunov exponents
   §4.3.3 Measuring the maximal Lyapunov exponent from data
  §4.4 Fractal dimensions
   §4.4.1 Hausdorff dimension
   §4.4.2 Box-counting dimension
   §4.4.3 Information dimension
   §4.4.4 Correlation dimension
   §4.4.5 Lyapunov dimension
   §4.4.6 Generalized dimension
  §4.5 Phase space reconstruction from time series
  §4.6 Two typical numerical approaches
   §4.6.1 Runge-Kutta approach
   §4.6.2 Heun approach with noise
  §4.7 Exercises
 5 Collective behaviors of coupled chaotic systems——chaos synchronization
  §5.1 Synchrony phenomenon
  §5.2 Identical synchronization
  §5.3 Phase synchronization
  §5.4 Lag synchronization
  §5.5 Generalized synchronization
  §5.6 Phase locking of a population of coupled oscillators
  §5.7 Intermittency of coupled oscillators
  §5.8 Phase of discrete systems
 6 Noise effect of chaotic systems
  §6.1 Intermittency with external noise
  §6.2 Chaos induced by noise and its statistical average
  §6.3 Noise effect on the neutral direction of chaotic attractor
  §6.4 Coherence resonance in chaotic systems
  §6.5 Suppression of chaos by disorder
 7 Applications of chaos
  §7.1 Chaos control
  §7.2 Secure communication
  §7.3 Detection of coupling strength and direction
  §7.4 Modelling of epileptic seizure
   §7.4.1 Testing for nonlinearity with surrogate data
   §7.4.2 Dynamical model of epileptic seizure
 Appendix Comparative table for Chinese and English name of Scientist
