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  • 外语教学与研究出版社
  • 9787560006505
  • 238486
  • 1992-06
  • 342
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
本书为北京外国语学院所编《大学英语教程》(College English),供大学英语本科高年级阅读课使用。进入高年级阶段,阅读课应以提高学生自学能力、利用辞典及其它工具书独立解决语言及背景知识的难点、正确理解课文及作者的观点为主要目的。因此,本书注释力求精简,一般只包括在学生现有的工具书中较难查到的背景知识。有的语言或背景知识难点是“练习”要求学生解答的,未列入“注释”。
Lesson One Patterms: What's this ? It's a ... What are these? They're ... Dialogues:Meeting on the Campus In Front of the Classroom Building Phonetics:The Consonants of EnglishLesson Two Patterns:Is this a ...? Is it a big one or a small one? Are these ...? Dialogues:In the Dormitory At the Teacher's Phonetics: The Vowels of EnglishLesson Three Patterns:This is your pen,isn't it ? Whose pen is it ? Dialogues: In the Classromm In the Dining-hall Phonetics:The Consonants of English (con'd)Stress and RhythmLesson Four Patterns:Are you a teacher? I'm a student Do you have a thermos? Dialogues: Going to the Hospital Helping Each Other Phonetics:The Vowels of English (con'd)IntonationTest Paper No.1Lesson Five Patterns:Is there any tea in the tin? Are there any stamps in the drawer? There's a meeting this afternoon. There are some envelopes on the desk. Text A: Our College: A Conversation Text B: Public Libraries in the sson sixLesson sevenLesson eight lesson Nine Lesson Ten Test Paper No.2Test Paper No.3