作者: Lizhen Ji等主编
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040498455
- 1版
- 227464
- 46254189-7
- 精装
- 16开
- 2018-08-10
- 870
- 547
- 理学
- 数学
- O152
- 数学类
- 研究生及以上
Part A: Hyperbolicity and Group Actions on Spaces of
Nonpositive Curvature
Action at Infinity of Quasi-isometries on Teichm¨uller Space and the Geometry of the Gromov Product
Hideki Miyachi
Degeneration of Marked Hyperbolic Structures in Dimensions 2 and 3
Ken’ichi Ohshika
Hyperbolic Four-manifolds
Bruno Martelli
The Hyperbolization Process and Its Riemannian Version
Pedro Ontaneda
Surface Subgroups of Word–hyperbolic Groups
Sang-hyun Kim
Groups Acting on Spaces of Non-positive Curvature
Bruno Duchesne
Part B: Group Actions on Geometric Structures
Some Aspects of the Automorphism Groups of Domains
Harish Seshadri, Kaushal Verma
Proper Actions of High-dimensional Groups on Complex Manifolds: The Techniques
A. V. Isaev
A Users’ Guide to Infra-nilmanifolds and Almost–Bieberbach Groups
Karel Dekimpe
Deformations of Convex Real Projective Manifolds and Orbifolds
Suhyoung Choi, Gye-Seon Lee, Ludovic Marquis
Lorentzian Kleinian Groups
Thierry Barbot
Group Actions and Scattering Problems in Teichm¨uller Theory
Fran¸cois Fillastre, Graham Smith
Part C: Group Actions on Topological Manifolds and Symmetries
A Survey of Group Actions on 4-Manifolds
Allan L. Edmonds
Group Actions in the Existence and Classification of Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces
Christine Breiner, Stephen J. Kleene
The Smith Equivalence Problem and the Laitinen Conjecture
Krzysztof M. Pawa lowski