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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040367751
  • 1版
  • 227460
  • 46254280-4
  • 精装
  • 16开
  • 2013-03-27
  • 370
  • 252
  • 理学
  • 数学
  • O156
  • 数学
  • 研究生及以上

《数论及其相关领域(英文)》内容定位于冯克勤教授作出重要成就及感兴趣的领域,分为两个方面:一方面是数论,包括二次丢番图方程的同余性、代数整数环的 K群、整体函数域的L-函数、自守形式以及p-adic表示等,另一方面是这些理论在设计、编码等领域的应用,反映了冯克勤教授在数论及其应用领域的发展 所作的贡献和影响。


 Front Matter
 Binary Additive Counter Stream Ciphers
  Cunsheng Ding, Wenpei Si
  1 Introduction
  2 Possible attacks and design criteria
  3 Example 1: the Legendre cipher
  4 Example 2: the two-prime cipher
  5 Conclusions and concluding remarks
 Partial Difference Sets from Quadratic Forms and p-ary Weakly Regular Bent Functions
  Tao Feng, Bin Wen, Qing Xiang, Jianxing Yin
  1 Introduction
  2 Partial difference sets from quadratic forms and uniform cyclotomy
  3 Partial difference sets from weakly regular p-ary bent functions
 Governing Fields of the 4-rank of K2OQ(√dp) as p Varies
  Xuejun Guo, Hourong Qin
  1 Introduction
  2 The governing field of the 4-rank of K2OF
  3 The governing field of the 4-rank of K2OF
 Word-oriented Linear Feedback Shift Registers: σ-LFSRs
  Wenbao Han, Xianghui Liu, Guang Zeng, Gangmin Tan
  1 Introduction
  2 Modelof σ-LFSR
  3 Cryptographic properties
  4 σ-LFSRs suitable for software implementation
  5 Application of σ-LFSRs
  6 Conclusion
 Statistics of Zeros of Families of L-functions over Function Fields:A Survey
  Wen-Ching Winnie Li, Maosheng Xiong
  1 Introduction
  2 Hyperelliptic curves
  3 Cyclic l-fold covers of the projective line
  4 Elliptic curves over a rational function field and generalizations
  5 Concluding remarks
 Lectures on p-adic Zeta Functions and (ϕ, Γ)-modules
  Yi Ouyang
  1 Introduction
  2 Continuous functions, measures and distributions over Zp
  3 Thep-adic zeta function of Kubota-Leopoldt
  4 (ϕ,Γ)-modules and Galois cohomology
  5 (ϕ,Γ)-modules and Iwasawa theory
 Conjectures and Results on x2 mod p2 with 4p = x2 + dy
  Zhi-Wei Sun
  1 Introduction
  2 UsingAp´ery polynomials and products of three binomial
  3 Using the polynomials Sn(x) = nk=0 nk 4xk
  4 Using the function Fn(x) = nk=0 nk 3 2kk x−k
  5 Using the function Gn(x) = nk=0 nk 2 2kk 2n − 2kn − k x−k
  6 Usingan(x) = nk=0 nk 2 n + kk xk
  7 Miscellaneous things
 Harmonic Weak Maass Forms, Automorphic Green Functions,and Period Integrals
  Tonghai Yang
  1 Introduction
  2 Shimura varieties of orthogonal type and their Kudla cycles
  3 Harmonic weak Maass forms, regularized theta lifting,and automorphic Green functions
  4 Eisenstein series associated to coherent and incoherent quadratic spaces
  5 Period integrals of the automorphic Green function Φ(z, h; f)
  6 Big CM values of automorphic Green functions
 Some Recent Progress in Higher Koszulity
  Yu Ye, Pu Zhang
  1 Preliminaries
  2 Higher Koszulity
  3 Higher Koszul complexes
  4 Hilbert and Poincar´e series
  5 Dual algebras and Ext-algebras
  6 Generalized d-Koszul modules
  7 Lattice distributivity and Koszulity
  8 More related topics
