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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040346572
  • 1版
  • 183888
  • 46253736-6
  • 精装
  • 16开
  • 2012-11-20
  • 330
  • 320
  • 理学
  • 物理学
  • O4
  • 数学类
  • 本科 研究生及以上

本书为英文版,由我社与美国工业与应用数学协会(SIAM,Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)共同合作出版,在国内外同时发行。



The first volume of the Chinese edition of this book was published in July 1997,  and the second volume was published in June 2000. In July 2000,  upon the readers' request,  we corrected several typographical errors and republished the first volume.

In this edition,  minor typographical errors are corrected,  and a small paragraph has been added to section 5.5.4 in Chapter 5,  while the remaining text is unchanged.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our teachers,friends, and readers for their encouragement and support.



 Front Matter
 1 Electrodynamics
  1.1 Introduction
  1.2 Preliminaries
  1.3 Maxwell’s Equations in a Vacuum; Lorentz Force
  1.4 Electromagnetic Energy and Momentum; Conservation and Transformation Laws of Energy and Momentum
  1.5 Mathematical Structure of Maxwell’s Equations;Wave Effect of Electromagnetic Fields
  1.6 Scalar Potential and Vector Potential of an Electromagnetic Field
  1.7 Maxwell’s Equations in a Medium
  1.8 Electrostatic Fields and Magnetostatic Fields
  1.9 Darwin Model
 2 Fluid Dynamics
  2.1 System of Ideal Fluid Dynamics
  2.2 System of Viscous Fluid Dynamics
  2.3 Navier–Stokes Equations
  2.4 ShockWaves
  2.5 System of One-Dimensional Fluid Dynamics in Lagrangian Representation
 3 Magnetohydrodynamics
  3.1 Plasma
  3.2 System of Magnetohydrodynamics
  3.3 System of Magnetohydrodynamics When the Conductivity σ Is Infinite
  3.4 Mathematical Structure of Magnetohydrodynamics System
  3.5 System of One-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics
 4 Reacting Fluid Dynamics
  4.1 Introduction
  4.2 System of Reacting Fluid Dynamics
  4.3 System of One-Dimensional Reacting Fluid Dynamics
 5 Elastic Mechanics
  5.1 Introduction
  5.2 Description of Deformation; Strain Tensor
  5.3 Conservation Laws; Stress Tensor
  5.4 Constitutive Equation: Relationship Between Stress and Deformation
  5.5 System of Elastodynamics and Its Mathematical Structure
  5.6 Well-Posed Problems of the System of Elastostatics
 Appendix A Cartesian Tensor
  A.1 Definition of Tensor
  A.2 Operations of Tensor
  A.3 Invariants of the Second-Order Symmetric Tensor
  A.4 Isotropic Tensor
  A.5 Differentiation of Tensor
 Appendix B Overview of Thermodynamics
  B.1 Objective of the Study of Thermodynamics
  B.2 The First Law of Thermodynamics; Internal Energy
  B.3 The Second Law of Thermodynamics; Entropy
  B.4 Legendre Transform
  B.5 Thermodynamic Functions
  B.6 Expressions of Internal Energy and Entropy
