作者: 编写组
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040281705
- 3
- 183669
- 0063150809-0
- 平装
- 16开
- 2011-07-08
- 403
- 238
- 文学
- 外国语言文学
Unit 1 Education in the Air
I. Aims an Requirements
II. Integrated Skills Development
III. Applied Writing
IV. Grammar Focus
V. Merry Learning
VI. Key to Exercises
VII. Text Translation for Reference
Unit 2 Western Holidays
I. Aims an Requirements
II. Integrated Skills Development
III. Applied Writing
IV. Grammar Focus
V. Merry Learning
VI. Key to Exercises
VII. Text Translation for Reference
Unit 3 Social Customs
I. Aims an Requirements
II. Integrated Skills Development
III. Applied Writing
IV. Grammar Focus
V. Merry Learning
VI. Key to Exercises
VII. Text Translation for Reference
Unit 4 How to use a Bank
I. Aims an Requirements
II. Integrated Skills Development
III. Applied Writing
IV. Grammar Focus
V. Merry Learning
VI. Key to Exercises
VII. Text Translation for Reference
Unit 5 How Does the stock Exchange work?
I. Aims an Requirements
II. Integrated Skills Development
III. Applied Writing
IV. Grammar Focus
V. Merry Learning
VI. Key to Exercises
VII. Text Translation for Reference
Test 1 (Unit 1-Unit 5)
Unit 6 Do you Follow Ads
I. Aims an Requirements
II. Integrated Skills Development
III. Applied Writing
IV. Grammar Focus
V. Merry Learning
VI. Key to Exercises
VII. Text Translation for Reference
Unit 7 Are You a Football Fan?
I. Aims an Requirements
II. Integrated Skills Development
III. Applied Writing
IV. Grammar Focus
V. Merry Learning
VI. Key to Exercises
VII. Text Translation for Reference
Unit 8 Food Culture
I. Aims an Requirements
II. Integrated Skills Development
III. Applied Writing
IV. Grammar Focus
V. Merry Learning
VI. Key to Exercises
VII. Text Translation for Reference
Unit 9 Onlime Smiley Face
I. Aims an Requirements
II. Integrated Skills Development
III. Applied Writing
IV. Grammar Focus
V. Merry Learning
VI. Key to Exercises
VII. Text Translation for Reference
Unit 10 Do They save Time or waste Time?
I. Aims an Requirements
II. Integrated Skills Development
III. Applied Writing
IV. Grammar Focus
V. Merry Learning
VI. Key to Exercises
VII. Text Translation for Reference
Test 2 (Unit 6-Unit 10)