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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040266504
  • 7
  • 170812
  • 0045154194-0
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2013-05-24
  • 480
  • 392
  • 工学
  • 力学






  第一章 静力学公理和物体的受力分析
   §1-1 静力学公理
   §1-2 约束和约束力
   §1-3 物体的受力分析和受力图·力学模型和力学简图
  第二章 平面力系
   §2-1 平面汇交力系
   §2-2 平面力对点之矩·平面力偶
   §2-3 平面任意力系的简化
   §2-4 平面任意力系的平衡条件和平衡方程
   §2-5 物体系的平衡·静定和超静定问题
   §2-6 平面简单桁架的内力计算
  第三章 空间力系
   §3-1 空间汇交力系
   §3-2 力对点的矩和力对轴的矩
   §3-3 空间力偶
   §3-4 空间任意力系向一点的简化·主矢和主矩
   §3-5 空间任意力系的平衡方程
   §3-6 重心
  第四章 摩擦
   §4-1 滑动摩擦
   §4-2 摩擦角和自锁现象
   §4-3 考虑摩擦时物体的平衡问题
   §4-4 滚动摩阻的概念
  第五章 点的运动学
   §5-1 矢量法
   §5-2 直角坐标法
   §5-3 自然法
   *§5-4 点的速度和加速度在柱坐标和极坐标中的投影
   *§5-5 点的速度和加速度在球坐标中的投影
  第六章 刚体的简单运动
   §6-1 刚体的平行移动
   §6-2 刚体绕定轴的转动
   §6-3 转动刚体内各点的速度和加速度
   §6-4 轮系的传动比
   §6-5 以矢量表示角速度和角加速度·以矢积表示点的速度和加速度
  第七章 点的合成运动
   §7-1 相对运动·牵连运动·绝对运动
   §7-2 点的速度合成定理
   §7-3 牵连运动是平移时点的加速度合成定理
   §7-4 牵连运动是定轴转动时点的加速度合成定理·科氏加速度
  第八章 刚体的平面运动
   §8-1 刚体平面运动的概述和运动分解
   §8-2 求平面图形内各点速度的基点法
   §8-3 求平面图形内各点速度的瞬心法
   §8-4 用基点法求平面图形内各点的加速度
   §8-5 运动学综合应用举例
  第九章 质点动力学的基本方程
   §9-1 动力学的基本定律
   §9-2 质点的运动微分方程
  第十章 动量定理
   §10-1 动量与冲量
   §10-2 动量定理
   §10-3 质心运动定理
  第十一章 动量矩定理
   §11-1 质点和质点系的动量矩
   §11-2 动量矩定理
   §11-3 刚体绕定轴的转动微分方程
   §11-4 刚体对轴的转动惯量
   §11-5 质点系相对于质心的动量矩定理
   §11-6 刚体的平面运动微分方程
  第十二章 动能定理
   §12-1 力的功
   §12-2 质点和质点系的动能
   §12-3 动能定理
   §12-4 功率·功率方程·机械效率
   §12-5 势力场·势能·机械能守恒定律
   §12-6 普遍定理的综合应用举例
  第十三章 达朗贝尔原理
   §13-1 惯性力·质点的达朗贝尔原理
   §13-2 质点系的达朗贝尔原理
   §13-3 刚体惯性力系的简化
   §13-4 绕定轴转动刚体的轴承动约束力
  第十四章 虚位移原理
   §14-1 约束·虚位移·虚功
   §14-2 虚位移原理
  Chapter 1 Axiom of Statics and Free-body Diagram
   §1-1 Axioms of Statics
   §1-2 Constraints and Reactions of Constraint
   §1-3 Free-body Diagram
  Chapter 2 Planar Force System
   §2-1 Planar Concurrent Force Systems
   §2-2 Moment of Force about a Co-planar Point·Plane Couples
   §2-3 Reduction of Planar Force System
   §2-4 Equilibrium Condition and Equilibrium Equations of General Planar
   Force System
   §2-5 Equilibrium of Body System·Statics Determinable and Indeterminable Problems
   §2-6 Determination of Internal Forces of Simple Plane Truss
  Chapter 3 Spatial Force System
   §3-1 Spatial Concurrent Force System
   §3-2 Moment of Force about a Point and about an Axis
   §3-3 Spatial Couples
   §3-4 Reduction of General Spatial Force System to a Given Point· Principle Vector and Principle Moment
   §3-5 Equilibrium Equations of General Spatial Force System and Illustrations of Their Application
   §3-6 Center of Gravity
  Chapter 4 Friction
   §4-1 Sliding Friction
   §4-2 Angle of Friction and Phenomena of Self-locking
   §4-3 Equilibrium Problem of the Body with Friction
   §4-4 Concept of Rolling Resistance
  Chapter 5 Kinematics of a Particle
   §5-1 The Vector Method
   §5-2 The Rectangular Coordinating Method
   §5-3 The Natural Coordinating Method
   *§5-4 Projections of Velocity and Acceleration of a Particle on Cylindrical and Polar Coordinates
   *§5-5 Projections of the Velocity and Acceleration of a Particle on Spherical Coordinates
  Chapter 6 Simple Motion of Rigid Bodies
   §6-1 Translation of a Rigid Body
   §6-2 Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed-axis
   §6-3 Velocity and Acceleration of the Points of a Rotating Body
   §6-4 Ratio of Transmission of Motion of Gear System
   §6-5 Vector Form of Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration·Vector Product Expressions of the Velocity and Acceleration of the Points of a Rigid Body
  Chapter 7 Resultant Motion of a Particle
   §7-1 Relative Motion·Transport Motion·A bsolute Motion
   §7-2 Theorem of Composition of the Velocities of a Particle
   §7-3 Theorem of Composition of the Acceleration of a Particle in Translation Reference Frame
   §7-4 Theorem of Composition of the Acceleration of a Particle in the Reference Frame Rotating about a Fixed-axis·Coriolis Acceleration
  Chapter 8 Plane Motion of a Rigid Body
   §8-1 Description and Decomposition of the Plane Motion of a Rigid Body
   §8-2 Determination of the Velocity of the Points of a Body by the Pole Method
   §8-3 Determination of the Velocity of the Points of a Body by the Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity
   §8-4 Determination of the Acceleration of the Points of a Body by the Pole Method
   §8-5 Illustration of the Application of Kinematics Theories
  Chapter 9 General Equations of Particle Dynamics
   §9-1 Fundamental Laws of Motion of a Particle
   §9-2 Differential Equations of Motion of a Particle
  Chapter 10 Theorem of Linear Momentum
   §10-1 Linear Momentum and Impulse
   §10-2 Theorem of Linear Momentum
   §10-3 Theorem of the Motion of the Mass Center of a Particle System
  Chapter 11 Theorem of Angle Momentum
   §11-1 Angle Momentum of a Particle and a Particle System
   §11-2 Theorem of Angular Momentum
   §11-3 Differential Equation of Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixedaxis
   §11-4 Mass Moment of Inertia of a Rigid Body about a Fixed-axis
   §11-5 Theorem of Angular Momentum about the Mass Center of a Particle System
   §11-6 Differential Equation of Plane Motion of a Rigid Body
  Chapter 12 Theorem of Kinetic Energy
   §12-1 Work Done by Forces
   §12-2 Kinetic energy of a Particle and a Particle System
   §12-3 Theorem of Kinetic Energy
   §12-4 Power·Equation of Power·Mechanical Efficiency
   §12-5 Potential Force Field·Potential Energy·Conservation of Mechanical Energy
   §12-6 Illustrations of Application of General Theorems of Dynamics
   Synthesis Exercises
  Chapter 13 D’Alembert’s Principle
   §13-1 Force of Inertia·D’Alembert’s Principle of a Particle
   §13-2 D’Alembert’s Principle of a Particle System
   §13-3 Reduction of Inertia Force System of a Rigid Body
   §13-4 Dynamic Reactions on the Axis of a Rotating Rigid Body
  Chapter 14 Principle of Virtual Displacement
   §14-1 Constraint·Virtual Displacement·Virtual Work
   §14-2 Principle of Virtual Displacement
 Key to Exercises
 A Brief Introduction to the Authors
