作者: Shing-Tung Yau等
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040404180
- 1版
- 159102
- 46253966-9
- 精装
- 16开
- 2014-07-28
- 750
- 650
- 理学
- 数学
- O351.2;O175.22
- 数学类
- 本科 研究生及以上
几何分析是近几十年来非常重要的学科,比如拓扑中的著名庞加莱猜想的解决实际上利用了几何分析的思想和方法。丘成桐教授是现代几何分析的奠基人之一,也是积极的参与者。在伟大的数学家当中,很少有像丘先生那样花费很多时间去撰写大量的综述文章。《丘成桐综述文章选集(附评论 第1、2卷)》收集了丘成桐教授2013年前所有的综述文章及丘先生总结的微分几何未解决问题的论述。更重要的是,丘先生对每篇文章都在当今意义下作出了评论并指出该论题的最新进展,对未解决问题也作了系统的分析及这些问题的最新总结。《丘成桐综述文章选集(附评论 第2卷)》主编还特邀请了多位相关领域专家对丘先生工作及相关领域最新结果作出了评论。可以说这两卷著作就是近代几何分析发展的缩影,每一位对几何分析感兴趣的学生和专家都可以从中获益。
《丘成桐综述文章选集(附评论 第2卷)》是其中的第Ⅱ卷。
Commentary on
Perspectives on Geometric Analysis
Commentary on
A Survey of Calabi-Yau Manifolds
Commentary on
Linear Waves in the Kerr Geometry: A Mathematical Voyage to Black Hole Physics
Commentary on
Recent Development on the Geometry of the Teichmuller and Moduli Spaces of Riemann Surfaces
Commentary on
Deformation of Kahler-Einstein Metrics
Commentary on
String Theory and the Geometry of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions
Commentary on
Shiing-Shen Chern
Commentary on
A Survey on Recent Development in Computational Quasi-conformal Geometry and its Applications
Commentary on
Recent Development of Computational Conformal Geometry
Commentary on
Mirror Symmetry and Localizations
Commentary on
Non-Kahler Calabi-Yau Manifolds
The Strominger-Yau-Zaslow Conjecture and Its Impact
Commentary on
Shing-Tung Yau's Surveys
Commentary on
Yau's Work on Non-Kahler Complex Geometry
Martin Compactication of Nonpositively Curved Manifolds
Commentary on
Shing-Tung Yau's Expository Works: Topological String Theory
Commentary on
Yau's Work on Minimal Surfaces and 3-manifolds
Commentary on
Some Works of Shing-Tung Yau in Kahler Geometry
Commentary on
The Legacy of Shing-Tung Yau in Geometric Partial Dierential Equations
Commentary on
Several Problems Proposed by Shing-Tung Yau
List of Publications by Shing-Tung Yau
Students of Shing-Tung Yau