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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040297706
  • 2
  • 142209
  • 0049151932-8
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2011-01-14
  • 560
  • 305
  • 医学
  • 基础医学



 I 免疫系统与免疫学简介
  1 绪论
   1-1 病原体、瘟疫与免疫
   1-2 免疫学发展简史
   1-3 免疫学概要
  2 免疫器官和免疫细胞
   2-1 中枢免疫器官
   2-2 外周免疫器官
   2-3 粒细胞
   2-4 单核-巨噬细胞与树突细胞
   2-5 淋巴细胞
   2-6 淋巴细胞循环
  3 免疫细胞膜分子
   3-1 免疫细胞膜分子概况
   3-2 黏附分子
   3-3 T细胞的主要膜分子
   3-4 B细胞的主要膜分子
   3-5 免疫球蛋白超家族
  4 免疫系统的识别对象
   4-1 固有免疫系统识别“危险信号”
   4-2 抗原的概念
   4-3 抗原的分类
   4-4 半抗原
   4-5 超抗原与丝裂原
   4-6 免疫佐剂
  5 免疫系统的进化
   5-1 免疫组织与器官的进化
   5-2 免疫细胞的进化
   5-3 免疫分子的进化
 II 固有免疫系统及其应答
  6 固有免疫应答
   6-1 固有免疫的一般特点
   6-2 固有样淋巴细胞
   6-3 肥大细胞
   6-4 干扰素与组织细胞的自卫功能
   6-5 固有免疫应答的调节
  7 补体系统
   7-1 补体系统的组成与生物化学特点
   7-2 补体系统激活的替代途径
   7-3 补体系统激活的经典途径
   7-4 补体系统激活的MBP途径
   7-5 补体应答的终末途径
   7-6 补体受体和补体系统的其他生物学功能
   7-7 补体系统的调节
  8 吞噬细胞
   8-1 吞噬细胞的识别受体
   8-2 吞噬细胞与炎症
   8-3 吞噬
   8-4 吞噬细胞内杀伤与消化的机制
   8-5 巨噬细胞的其他生理功能
  9 NK细胞及其介导的免疫应答
   9-1 NK细胞的特点
   9-2 NK细胞受体
   9-3 NK细胞的生物学功能
 III 适应性免疫系统及其应答
  10 主要组织相容性抗原及其基因复合体
   10-1 MHC分子的基本结构与组织分布
   10-2 人MHC基因的结构与多态性
   10-3 MHC分子的抗原肽结合单位
   10-4 蛋白质抗原的处理与呈递
   10-5 呈递脂类抗原的CD1分子
  11 抗体分子及其基因重排
   11-1 抗体分子的基本结构及其多样性
   11-2 五类抗体分子的主要特点
   11-3 抗体分子的Fc受体
   11-4 免疫球蛋白分子超家族
   11-5 免疫球蛋白基因及其重排
  12 T细胞受体及其基因重排
   12-1 T细胞受体的结构和功能
   12-2 TCR基因及其重排
  13 淋巴细胞发育
   13-1 B细胞发育
   13-2 T细胞发育
   13-3 NK细胞和NKT细胞的发育
  14 适应性细胞免疫应答
   14-1 免疫应答的启动
   14-2 抗原特异性T细胞的活化与扩增
   14-3 细胞免疫应答的效应
   14-4 免疫记忆
  15 细胞因子及其受体
   15-1 细胞因子的主要特点
   15-2 细胞因子受体的分类与命名
   15-3 主要由固有免疫细胞产生的细胞因子
   15-4 主要由Th1细胞分泌的细胞因子
   15-5 主要由Th2细胞分泌的细胞因子
   15-6 主要由Th17细胞分泌的细胞因子
   15-7 细胞生长因子
   15-8 趋化性细胞因子
   15-9 细胞因子网络
   15-10 细胞因子与临床
  16 适应性体液免疫应答
   16-1 体液免疫应答的一般规律
   16-2 抗体生成的理论
   16-3 体液免疫应答的细胞生物学基础
   16-4 抗原与抗体的结合
   16-5 体液免疫应答的效应
  17 免疫耐受与免疫调节
   17-1 天然免疫耐受与获得性免疫耐受
   17-2 免疫耐受的形成机制
   17-3 适应性免疫应答的调节
 IV 临床免疫学
  18 抗感染免疫
   18-1 抗病毒免疫应答
   18-2 抗细菌免疫应答
   18-3 抗寄生虫免疫应答
   18-4 针对病原微生物的免疫记忆
   18-5 抗感染免疫应答所造成的免疫病理损伤
   18-6 病原微生物的免疫逃逸机制
  19 原发性免疫缺陷病
   19-1 原发性免疫缺陷病的临床特点
   19-2 重症联合免疫缺陷病
   19-3 T淋巴细胞缺陷
   19-4 B淋巴细胞缺陷
   19-5 单核-巨噬细胞和粒细胞缺陷
   19-6 补体缺陷
   19-7 原发性免疫缺陷病的治疗
  20 继发性免疫缺陷
   20-1 非感染因素造成的免疫缺陷
   20-2 HIV和获得性免疫缺陷综合征
   20-3 HIV感染与损伤靶细胞的机制
   20-4 针对HIV感染的免疫应答
   20-5 艾滋病的预防和治疗
  21 超敏反应
   21-1 过敏反应、变态反应与超敏反应
   21-2 变应原及Ⅰ型超敏反应
   21-3 Ⅱ型超敏反应
   21-4 Ⅲ型超敏反应
   21-5 Ⅳ型超敏反应
   21-6 各型超敏反应之间的关系
  22 自身免疫病
   22-1 自身免疫病的一般特点
   22-2 自身免疫耐受的不完全性
   22-3 激活人体内自身抗原特异性T细胞的途径
   22-4 自身免疫应答造成病理损伤的机制
   22-5 遗传、环境与自身免疫病
   22-6 常见自身免疫病举例
   22-7 自身免疫病的治疗
  23 肿瘤免疫
   23-1 肿瘤发生的基本原理
   23-2 肿瘤抗原
   23-3 抗肿瘤免疫效应机制
   23-4 肿瘤细胞免疫逃逸的机制
   23-5 肿瘤的免疫治疗与预防
  24 移植免疫
   24-1 器官和组织移植的一般规律
   24-2 同种异型移植排斥反应的特点
   24-3 同种异型移植排斥反应的免疫学基础
   24-4 同种异型移植排斥反应的防治
   24-5 异种移植排斥反应及其应对策略
 V 免疫相关技术与应用
  25 免疫学技术及应用
   25-1 体外抗原-抗体反应
   25-2 免疫细胞的检测
   25-3 补体活性的测定
   25-4 细胞因子的检测
   25-5 其他常用的免疫学技术
  26 疫苗及预防接种
   26-1 疫苗的基本原理
   26-2 现代疫苗的种类
   26-3 疫苗接种与计划免疫
   26-4 新疫苗研制
  27 单克隆抗体技术
   27-1 单克隆抗体技术原理
   27-2 人单克隆抗体技术
   27-3 人源化抗体技术
   27-4 单链抗体与双特异性抗体
   27-5 抗体库技术
 附录 常用免疫学名词
 I An Overview of the Immune System and Immunology
  1 An Introduction to Immunology
   1-1 Pathogens, Plagues and Immunity
   1-2 A Brief History of Immunology
   1-3 Sketches of Immunology
  2 Organs and Cells of the Immune System
   2-1 Central Lymphoid Organs
   2-2 Peripheral Lymphoid Organs
   2-3 Granulocytes
   2-4 Monocytes, Macrophages and Dendritic Cells
   2-5 Lymphocytes
   2-6 Lymphocyte Traffic
  3 Membrane Molecules of Immune Cells
   3-1 General Features of Membrane Molecules of Immune Cells
   3-2 Adhesion Molecules
   3-3 Membrane Molecules of T Cell
   3-4 Membrane Molecules of B Cell
   3-5 Immunoglobulin Superfamily
  4 Structures Recognized by the Immune System
   4-1 Innate Immune System Recognizes“Danger Signal”
   4-2 Concept of Antigens
   4-3 Classification of Antigens
   4-4 Hapten
   4-5 Superantigen and Mitogen
   4-6 Adjuvants
  5 Evolution of the Immune System
   5-1 Evolution of the Immune Tissues and Organs
   5-2 Evolution of the Immune Cells
   5-3 Evolution of the Immune Molecules
 II Innate Immune System and Its Responses
  6 Innate Immune Responses
   6-1 General Features of the Innate Immunity
   6-2 Innate-like Lymphocytes, ILL
   6-3 Mast Cells
   6-4 Defensive Function of Interferons and Histocytes
   6-5 Regulation of the Innate Immune Responses
  7 The Complement System
   7-1 Components of the Complement System and Their Biochemical Characteristics
   7-2 Alternative Pathway of Complement Activation
   7-3 Classical Pathway of Complement Activation
   7-4 MBP Pathway of Complement Activation
   7-5 Terminal Pathway of Complement Activation
   7-6 Complement Receptors and Other Biological Functions of the Complement System
   7-7 Regulation of the Complement System
  8 Phagocytes
   8-1 Recognition Receptors of Phagocytes
   8-2 Phagocytes and Inflammation
   8-3 Ingestion
   8-4 Intracellular Killing and Digestion Mechanisms
   8-5 Other Physiological Functions of Phagocytes
  9 NK Cells Immune Responses
   9-1 Characteristics of NK Cells
   9-2 NK Cell Receptors
   9-3 Biological Functions of NK Cells
 III The Adaptive Immune System and Its Responses
  10 Major Histocompatibility Antigens and Their Gene Complex
   10-1 Basic Structure and Cellular Distribution of MHC Molecules
   10-2 Structure and Polymorphism of Human MHC Genes
   10-3 Peptide-Binding Unit of MHC Molecules
   10-4 Processing and Presentation of Protein Antigens
   10-5 CD1 Molecules and Their Presentation of Lipid Antigen
  11 Antibody Molecules and Their Gene Rearrangement
   11-1 Basic Structure and Diversity of Antibody Molecules
   11-2 Properties of Antibody Classes
   11-3 Fc Receptors for Antibodies
   11-4 Immunoglobulin Superfamily, IgSF
   11-5 Immunoglobulin Genes and Their Rearrangement
  12 T Cell Receptors and Their Gene Rearrangement
   12-1 The Structure and Function of T Cell Receptor
   12-2 TCR Genes and Their Rearrangement
  13 Lymphocyte Development
   13-1 B Cell Development
   13-2 T Cell Development
   13-3 NK and NKT cells Development
  14 Adaptive Cellular Immune Response
   14-1 Initiation of Immune Response
   14-2 Activation and proliferation of Antigen-Specific T Cells
   14-3 Effect of Cellular Immunity
   14-4 Immunologic Memory
  15 Cytokines and Their Receptors
   15-1 General Characteristics of Cytokines
   15-2 Classification and Nomenclature of Cytokines Receptors
   15-3 Cytokines Produced by the Innate Immune Cells
   15-4 Th1 Cytokines
   15-5 Th2 Cytokines
   15-6 Th17 Cytokines
   15-7 Growth Factors
   15-8 Chemoattractant Cytokines
   15-9 Cytokine Network
   15-10 Cytokines in the Clinic
  16 Adaptive Humoral Immune Responses
   16-1 General Features of Humoral Immune Responses
   16-2 Theories of Antibody Production
   16-3 Cytobiological Basis of Humoral Immune Responses
   16-4 Antigen-Antibody Binding
   16-5 Effect of Humoral Immune Responses
  17 Immunological Tolerance and Regulation
   17-1 Natural and Acquired Immunological Tolerance
   17-2 Mechanism of Immunological Tolerance
   17-3 Regulation of Adaptire Immune Response
 IV Clinical Immunology
  18 Infection and Immunity
   18-1 Immunity against Viral Infection
   18-2 Immunity against Bacterial Infection
   18-3 Immunity against Parasitic Infection
   18-4 Immunological Memory against Pathogenic Microorganism
   18-5 Immunopathogenic Injuries Caused by Anti-infection Immunity
   18-6 Escaping Mechanisms of Pathogenic Microorganisms
  19 Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases
   19-1 Main Features of Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases
   19-2 Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Diseases
   19-3 Deficiency of T Lymphocytes
   19-4 Deficiency of B Lymphocytes
   19-5 Defi ciency of Monocytes/Macrophages and Granulocytes
   19-6 Deficiency of Complement
   19-7 Treatment of Primary Immunodefi ciency Diseases
  20 Secondary Immunodeficiency
   20-1 Immunodefi ciency Induced by Non-infectious Agents
   20-2 HIV and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
   20-3 Mechanisms for HIV-caused Cell Damage
   20-4 Immune Responses against HIV Infection
   20-5 Prevention and Treatment of AIDS
  21 Hypersensitivity
   21-1 Anaphylaxis, Allergy and Hypersensitivity
   21-2 Allergen and Type ⅠHypersensitivity
   21-3 TypeⅡHypersensitivity
   21-4 TypeⅢHypersensitivity
   21-5 TypeⅣHypersensitivity
   21-6 Relationship of Hypersensitivity
  22 Autoimmune Diseases
   22-1 General Features of Autoimmune Diseases
   22-2 Incomplete Tolerance to Self Antigens
   22-3 Pathways to Activate of Autoantigen-Specific T cells
   22-4 Mechanisms of Autoimmunopathology
   22-5 Inheritance, Environment and Autoimmune Diseases
   22-6 Representative Autoimmune Diseases
   22-7 Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases
  23 Tumor Immunology
   23-1 Mechanisms of Tumor Formation
   23-2 Tumor Antigen
   23-3 Effector Mechanisms against Tumors
   23-4 Mechanisms of Tumor Escaping from Immune Surveillance
   23-5 Immunotherapy and Prevention of Tumors
  24 Transplantation Immunology
   24-1 General Rules of Transplantation
   24-2 Characteristics of Allotransplantation Rejection
   24-3 Foundation of Allotransplantation Rejection
   24-4 Procedures to Avoid Allotransplantation Rejection
   24-5 Xenotransplantation Rejection and Its Prevention Strategy
 V Immunological Techniques and Their Application
  25 Immunological Techniques and Their Application
   25-1 Antigen and Antibody Reaction in vitro
   25-2 The Detection of Immune Cells
   25-3 Complement Activity Assay
   25-4 Assay for Cytokines
   25-5 Other Useful Techniques in Immunology
  26 Vaccines and Vaccination
   26-1 Principle of Vaccines
   26-2 Varieties of Modern Vaccines
   26-3 Vaccination and Planned Immunization
   26-4 Research and Development on New Vaccines
  27 Monoclonal Antibody Technique
   27-1 Principle of Monoclonal Antibody Technique
   27-2 Human Monoclonal Antibody Technique
   27-3 Humanized Antibody Technique
   27-4 Single Chain Ab and Bispecific Ab
   27-5 Technique of Antibody Library
 Appendix Vocabularies
