财务与会计(双语教材) / 21世纪高等院校财经类专业核心课程规划教材
作者: 苏耀华,张鲜华等
- 经济科学出版社
- 9787514113891
- 129915
- 43154553-2
- 16开
- 2012-08
- 管理学
- 工商管理
- F234.4
- 财经类
- 本科
Chapter 1 Accounting: the Language of BusinessChapter 2 Financial StatementChapter 3 AssetsChapter 4 LiabilitiesChapter 5 Stockholde' EquityChapter 6 Revenues, Expees and ProfitsChapter 7 Financial Statement AnalysisChapter 8 Introduction to Corporate FinanceChapter 9 Time Value of MoneyChapter 10 Risk and ReturnChapter 11 Principles of ValuationChapter 12 Financing DecisionChapter 13 Cost of CapitalChapter 14 Capital StructureChapter 15 Capital BudgetingChapter 16 Short -Term FinanceChapter 17 Dividends and Dividend Policy参考文献