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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040218138
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  • 117935
  • 0045154303-7
  • 平装
  • 16开
  • 2007-07-13
  • 450
  • 358
  • 工学
  • 力学







  §1 工程力学与工程密切相关
  §2 工程力学的主要内容与分析模型
   2-1 工程力学的主要内容
   2-2 工程力学的两种分析模型
  §3 工程力学的分析方法
   3-1 两种不同的理论分析方法
   3-2 工程力学的实验分析方法
   3-3 工程力学的计算机分析方法
 第一篇 静力学
  第1章 静力学基础
   §1-1 力和力矩
    1-1-1 力的概念
    1-1-2 作用在刚体上的力的效应与力的可传性
    1-1-3 力对点之矩
    1-1-4 力系的概念
    1-1-5 合力矩定理
   §1-2 力偶及其性质
    1-2-1 力偶
    1-2-2 力偶的性质
    1-2-3 力偶系及其合成
   §1-3 约束与约束力
    1-3-1 约束与约束力的概念
    1-3-2 绳索约束与带约束
    1-3-3 光滑面约束
    1-3-4 光滑铰链约束
    1-3-5 滑动轴承与止推轴承
   §1-4 平衡的概念
    1-4-1 二力平衡与二力构件
    1-4-2 不平行的三力平衡条件
    1-4-3 加减平衡力系原理
   §1-5 受力分析方法与过程
    1-5-1 受力分析概述
    1-5-2 受力图绘制方法应用举例
   §1-6 结论与讨论
    1-6-1 关于约束与约束力
    1-6-2 关于受力分析
    1-6-3 关于二力构件
    1-6-4 关于静力学中某些原理的适用性
  第2章 力系的简化
   §2-1 力系等效与简化的概念
    2-1-1 力系的主矢与主矩
    2-1-2 等效的概念
    2-1-3 简化的概念
   §2-2 力系简化的基础——力向一点平移定理
   §2-3 平面力系的简化
    2-3-1 平面汇交力系与平面力偶系的合成结果
    2-3-2 平面一般力系向一点简化
    2-3-3 平面力系的简化结果
   §2-4 固定端约束的约束力
   §2-5 结论与讨论
    2-5-1 关于力的矢量性质的讨论
    2-5-2 关于平面力系简化结果的讨论
    2-5-3 关于实际约束的讨论
  第3章 静力学平衡问题
   §3-1 平面力系的平衡条件与平衡方程
    3-1-1 平面一般力系的平衡条件与平衡方程
    3-1-2 平面一般力系平衡方程的其他形式
    3-1-3 平面汇交力系与平面力偶系的平衡方程
   §3-2 简单的空间力系平衡问题
    3-2-1 力对轴之矩
    3-2-2 空间力系的简化
    3-2-3 空间力系的平衡条件
   §3-3 简单的刚体系统平衡问题
    3-3-1 刚体系统静定与静不定的概念
    3-3-2 刚体系统的平衡问题的特点与解法
   §3-4 考虑摩擦时的平衡问题
    3-4-1 滑动摩擦定律
    3-4-2 考虑摩擦时的平衡问题
   §3-5 结论与讨论
    3-5-1 关于坐标系和力矩中心的选择
    3-5-2 关于受力分析的重要性
    3-5-3 关于求解刚体系统平衡问题时应注意的几个方面
    3-5-4 摩擦角与自锁的概念
 第二篇 材料力学
  第4章 材料力学的基本概念
   §4-1 关于材料的基本假定
    4-1-1 均匀连续性假定
    4-1-2 各向同性假定
    4-1-3 小变形假定
   §4-2 弹性杆件的外力与内力
    4-2-1 外力
    4-2-2 内力与内力分量
    4-2-3 截面法
   §4-3 弹性体受力与变形特点
   §4-4 杆件横截面上的应力
    4-4-1 正应力与切应力定义
    4-4-2 应力与内力分量之间的关系
   §4-5 正应变与切应变
   §4-6 线弹性材料的应力-应变关系
   §4-7 杆件受力与变形的基本形式
    4-7-1 拉伸或压缩
    4-7-2 剪切
    4-7-3 扭转
    4-7-4 平面弯曲
    4-7-5 组合受力与变形
   §4-8 结论与讨论
    4-8-1 关于静力学模型与材料力学模型
    4-8-2 关于静力学概念与原理在材料力学中的可用性与限制性
  第5章 轴向拉伸与压缩
   §5-1 轴力与轴力图
   §5-2 拉压杆件的应力与变形
    5-2-1 应力计算
    5-2-2 变形计算
   §5-3 拉压杆件的强度计算
    5-3-1 强度条件、安全因数与许用应力
    5-3-2 三类强度计算问题
    5-3-3 强度计算举例
   §5-4 拉伸与压缩时材料的力学性能
    5-4-1 材料拉伸时的应力-应变曲线
    5-4-2 韧性材料拉伸时的力学性能
    5-4-3 脆性材料拉伸时的力学性能
    5-4-4 强度失效概念与极限应力
    5-4-5 压缩时材料的力学性能
   §5-5 结论与讨论
    5-5-1 本章的主要结论
    5-5-2 关于应力和变形公式的应用条件
    *5-5-3 加力点附近区域的应力分布
    *5-5-4 应力集中的概念
   4*5-5-5 拉伸和压缩静不定问题概述
  第6章 圆轴扭转
   §6-1 工程上传递功率的圆轴及其扭转变形
   §6-2 扭矩与扭矩图
    6-2-1 外加扭转力偶矩与功率、转速之间的关系
    6-2-2 截面法确定圆轴横截面上的扭矩
    6-2-3 扭矩的正负号规则
    6-2-4 扭矩图
   §6-3 切应力互等定理
   §6-4 圆轴扭转时的切应力分析
    6-4-1 平面假定
    6-4-2 变形协调方程
    6-4-3 弹性范围内的切应力-切应变关系
    6-4-4 静力学方程
    6-4-5 圆轴扭转时横截面上的切应力表达式
   §6-5 圆轴扭转时的强度与刚度计算
    6-5-1 圆轴扭转实验与破坏现象
    6-5-2 圆轴扭转强度计算
    6-5-3 圆轴扭转刚度计算
   §6-6 结论与讨论
    6-6-1 圆轴扭转强度与刚度计算及其他
    6-6-2 矩形截面杆扭转时的切应力
  第7章 弯曲强度
   §7-1 工程中的弯曲构件
   §7-2 剪力方程与弯矩方程
    7-2-1 弯曲时梁横截面上的剪力与弯矩
    7-2-2 剪力与弯矩的正负号规则
    7-2-3 截面法确定指定截面上的剪力和弯矩
    7-2-4 剪力方程与弯矩方程
   §7-3 剪力图与弯矩图
   §7-4 与应力分析相关的截面图形几何量
    7-4-1 静矩、形心及其相互关系
    7-4-2 惯性矩、极惯性矩、惯性积、惯性半径
    7-4-3 惯性矩与惯性积的移轴定理
    7-4-4 惯性矩与惯性积的转轴定理
    7-4-5 主轴与形心主轴、主惯性矩与形心主惯性矩
   §7-5 平面弯曲时梁横截面上的正应力
    7-5-1 平面弯曲与纯弯曲的概念
    7-5-2 纯弯曲时梁横截面上的正应力分析
    7-5-3 梁的弯曲正应力公式的应用与推广
   §7-6 平面弯曲正应力公式应用举例
   §7-7 梁的强度计算
    7-7-1 梁的失效判据
    7-7-2 梁的弯曲强度条件
    7-7-3 梁的弯曲强度计算步骤
   §7-8 结论与讨论
    7-8-1 弯矩、剪力与载荷集度之间的微分关系
    7-8-2 绘制弯矩图和剪力图时要注意的几个问题
    7-8-3 弯曲正应力公式的应用条件
    7-8-4 弯曲切应力的概念
    7-8-5 剪切与挤压假定计算
    7-8-6 提高梁强度的措施
  第8章 弯曲刚度
   §8-1 弯曲变形与位移的基本概念
    8-1-1 梁弯曲后的挠度曲线
    8-1-2 梁的挠度与转角
    8-1-3 梁的位移与约束密切相关
    8-1-4 梁的位移分析的工程意义
   §8-2 小挠度微分方程及其积分
    8-2-1 小挠度曲线微分方程
    8-2-2 积分常数的确定、约束条件与连续条件
   §8-3 工程中的叠加法
    8-3-1 叠加法应用于多个载荷作用的情形
    8-3-2 叠加法应用于间断性分布载荷作用的情形
   §8-4 简单的静不定梁
   §8-5 弯曲刚度计算
    8-5-1 弯曲刚度条件
    8-5-2 刚度计算举例
   §8-6 结论与讨论
    8-6-1 关于变形和位移的相依关系
    8-6-2 关于梁的连续光滑曲线
    8-6-3 关于求解静不定问题的讨论
    8-6-4 关于静不定结构特性的讨论
    8-6-5 提高弯曲刚度的途径
  第9章 应力状态与强度理论
   §9-1 基本概念
    9-1-1 什么是应力状态,为什么要研究应力状态
    9-1-2 怎样表示一点处的应力状态
    9-1-3 怎样建立一般应力状态下的强度条件
   §9-2 平面应力状态中任意方向面上的应力分析
    9-2-1 方向角与应力分量的正负号规则
    9-2-2 微元的局部平衡
    9-2-3 平面应力状态中任意方向面上的正应力与切应力
   §9-3 应力状态中的主应力与最大切应力
    9-3-1 主平面、主应力与主方向
    9-3-2 平面应力状态的三个主应力
    9-3-3 面内最大切应力与一点处的最大切应力
   *§9-4 分析应力状态的应力圆方法
    9-4-1 应力圆方程
    9-4-2 应力圆的画法
    9-4-3 应力圆的应用
   §9-5 一般应力状态下的应力-应变关系 应变能密度
    9-5-1 广义胡克定律
    9-5-2 各向同性材料各弹性常数之间的关系
    9-5-3 总应变能密度
    9-5-4 体积改变能密度与畸变能密度
   §9-6 一般应力状态下的强度条件
    9-6-1 第一强度理论
   *9-6-2 第二强度理论
    9-6-3 第三强度理论
    9-6-4 第四强度理论
   §9-7 结论与讨论
    9-7-1 关于应力状态的几点重要结论
    9-7-2 平衡方法是分析应力状态最重要、最基本的方法
   *9-7-3 关于应力状态的不同的表示方法
    9-7-4 正确应用广义胡克定律
    9-7-5 应用强度理论需要注意的几个问题
  第10章 组合受力与变形杆件的强度计算
   §10-1 斜弯曲
    10-1-1 产生斜弯曲的加载条件
    10-1-2 叠加法确定横截面上的正应力
    10-1-3 最大正应力与强度条件
   §10-2 拉伸(压缩)与弯曲的组合
   §10-3 弯曲与扭转的组合
    10-3-1 计算简图
    10-3-2 危险点及其应力状态
    10-3-3 强度条件与设计公式
   §10-4 薄壁容器强度设计简述
   §10-5 结论与讨论
    10-5-1 关于中性轴的讨论
    10-5-2 关于强度计算的全过程
  第11章 压杆的稳定性问题
   §11-1 压杆稳定性的基本概念
    11-1-1 平衡状态的稳定性和不稳定性
    11-1-2 临界状态与临界载荷
    11-1-3 三种类型压杆的不同临界状态
   §11-2 细长压杆的临界载荷——欧拉临界力
    11-2-1 两端铰支的细长压杆
    11-2-2 其他刚性支承细长压杆临界载荷的通用公式
   §11-3 长细比的概念 三类不同压杆的判断
    11-3-1 长细比的定义与概念
    11-3-2 三类不同压杆的区分
    11-3-3 三类压杆的临界应力公式
    11-3-4 临界应力总图与λp、λs的确定
   §11-4 压杆稳定性计算
    11-4-1 压杆稳定性计算内容
    11-4-2 安全因素法与稳定性安全条件
    11-4-3 压杆稳定性计算过程
   §11-5 压杆稳定性计算示例
   §11-6 结论与讨论
    11-6-1 稳定性计算的重要性
    11-6-2 影响压杆承载能力的因素
    11-6-3 提高压杆承载能力的主要途径
    11-6-4 稳定性计算中需要注意的几个重要问题
  第12章 动载荷与疲劳强度简述
   §12-1 等加速直线运动时构件上的惯性力与动应力
   §12-2 旋转构件的受力分析与动应力计算
   §12-3 冲击载荷与冲击应力计算
    12-3-1 计算冲击载荷的基本假定
    12-3-2 机械能守恒定律的应用
    12-3-3 冲击动荷系数
   §12-4 疲劳强度简述
    12-4-1 交变应力的有关名词和术语
    12-4-2 疲劳破坏特征
   §12-5 疲劳极限与应力-寿命曲线
   §12-6 影响疲劳极限的因素
    12-6-1 应力集中的影响——有效应力集中因数
    12-6-2 零件尺寸的影响——尺寸因数
    12-6-3 表面加工质量的影响——表面质量因数
   §12-7 基于无限寿命设计方法的疲劳强度设计
    12-7-1 构件寿命的概念
    12-7-2 无限寿命设计方法——安全因数法
    12-7-3 等幅对称应力循环下的工作安全因数
    12-7-4 等幅交变应力作用下的疲劳寿命估算
   §12-8 结论与讨论
    12-8-1 不同情形下动荷系数具有不同的形式
    12-8-2 运动物体突然制动或刹车时的动载荷与动应力
    12-8-3 提高构件疲劳强度的途径
 附录 型钢规格表
 Course summary for engineering mechanics
  §1 Engineering mechanics is nearly related with engineering
  §2 Main contents and analysis model of engineering mechanics
   2-1 Main contents of engineering mechanics
   2-2 Two kinds of analysis model of engineering mechanics
  §3 Analysis methods of engineering mechanics
   3-1 Two different kinds of theoretical analysis methods
   3-2 Experimental analysis methods of engineering mechanics
   3-3 Computer analysis methods of engineering mechanics
 Part I Statics
  Chapter 1 Fundamental statics
   §1-1 Force and force moment for a given point
    1-1-1 Concept of force
    1-1-2 Effect and principle of transmissibility of a force in rigid body
    1-1-3 Moment of a force about a point
    1-1-4 Concepts of systems of forces
    1-1-5 The moment of the resultant of several concurrent force theorem
   §1-2 Moment of a couple and its characteristic
    1-2-1 Moment of a couple
    1-2-2 Characteristic of moment of a couple
    1-2-3 System of couples and addition of couples
   §1-3 Constraints and constraint force
    1-3-1 Concepts of constraints and constraint force
    1-3-2 Cable constraint and strap constraint
    1-3-3 Constraint of smooth surface
    1-3-4 Constraint of smooth pin joint
    1-3-5 Constraint of sliding axle and pin-ended axle 止推轴承
   §1-4 Concept of equilibrium
    1-4-1 Equilibrium of two forces and a two-force body
    1-4-2 Equilibrium condition of three forces which are unparallel
    1-4-3 Further Reduction equilibrium systems of forces Theorem
   §1-5 Analysis method and process
    1-5-1 Summary for force analysis
    1-5-2 Examples of applying method of drawing forces diagram
   §1-6 Summary and discussion
    1-6-1 About constraints and constraint force
    1-6-2 About Force Analysis
    1-6-3 About a Two-Force body
    1-6-4 About some principles'applicability
   Problems and exercises
  Chapter 2 Reduction of a system of forces
   §2-1 Concepts of force systems equivalent and reduction
    2-1-1 Principal vector and principal moment
    2-1-2 Concepts of equivalent
    2-1-3 Concepts of Reduction
   §2-2 Foundation of reduction—theorem of translation of force
   §2-3 Reduction of planar forces system
    2-3-1 Reduction solution of planar concurrent forces system and planar couples
    2-3-2 Reduction of general planar forces system to a given co-planar point
    2-3-3 Reduction solution of planar forces system
   §2-4 Constraint forces of fixed end support constraint
   §2-5 Summary and discussion
    2-5-1 Discussion about force vector
    2-5-2 Discussion about reduction solution of planar forces system
    2-5-3 Discussion about actual constraint
   Problems and exercises
  Chapter 3 Statics equilibrium problems
   §3-1 Equilibrium conditions and equations of planar forces system
    3-1-1 Equilibrium conditions and equations of general planar forces system
    3-1-2 Other forms of equilibrium equations of general planar forces system
    3-1-3 Equilibrium equations of planar concurrent forces system and planar couples
   §3-2 Equilibrium problems of simple spatial force system
    3-2-1 Moment of force about an Axis
    3-2-2 Reduction of spatial force system
    3-2-3 Equilibrium conditions of spatial force system
   §3-3 Equilibrium problems of simple rigid body system
    3-3-1 Concepts of statically determinate and statically indeterminate
    3-3-2 Characteristics and solutions of equilibrium problems of rigid body system
   §3-4 Equilibrium problems of the body with friction
    3-4-1 Law of sliding friction
    3-4-2 Equilibrium problems with friction
   §3-5 Summary and discussion
    3-5-1 About selection of axes and center of force moment
    3-5-2 About importance of Force analysis
    3-5-3 Notices about solving Equilibrium Problems of Rigid Body System
    3-5-4 Concepts of Angle of friction and self-locking
   Problems and exercises
 Part II Mechanics of materials
  Chapter 4 Fundamental summary of the mechanics of materials
   §4-1 Basic assumptions of the materials
    4-1-1 Homogenization and continuity assumptionV
    4-1-2 Assumption of isotropy
    4-1-3 assumption of small deformation
   §4-2 External and internal force of elastic bar
    4-2-1 External force
    4-2-2 Internal force and components of internal force
    4-2-3 method of sections
   §4-3 Stress and deformation characteristics of the elastic body
   §4-4 Stress on the cross section of bar
    4-4-1 Concepts of normal stress and shearing stress
    4-4-2 Relations between stress and components of internal force
   §4-5 Normal strain and shearing strain
   §4-6 Stress-strain relationship of linear elastic material
   §4-7 Basic forms of stress and deformation of bar
    4-7-1 Tension or compression
    4-7-2 Shearing
    4-7-3 Torsion
    4-7-4 Plane bending
    4-7-5 Complex loads and deformation
   §4-8 Summary and discussion
    4-8-1 Models of Statics and mechanics of materials
    4-8-2 Application and restriction of statics concepts and principles of rigidbody in the mechanics of materials
   Problems and exercises
  Chapter 5 Axial tension or compression
   §5-1 Axial force and its diagram
   §5-2 Stress and deformation of axially loaded bar
    5-2-1 Stress calculation
    5-2-2 Deformation calculation
   §5-3 Strength calculation
    5-3-1 Criterions of the strength design,safety factor and allowable stress
    5-3-2 Three kinds of strength calculation problems
    5-3-3 Application examples of strength design criterions
   §5-4 Mechanic properties of materials under tension or compression
    5-4-1 Stress-strain curve of materials under tension
    5-4-2 Mechanic properties of ductile materials under tension
    5-4-3 Mechanic properties of brittle materials under tension
    5-4-4 Concept of failure by lost strength and critical stress
    5-4-5 Mechanic properties of materials under compression
   §5-5 Summary and discussion
    5-5-1 Main Summaries of this chapter
    5-5-2 Application conditions of the equations of stress and deformation
   *5-5-3 Stress distribution near the loaded point
   *5-5-4 Concept of the stress concetration
   *5-5-5 Summary of statically indeterminate problem under tension or compression
   Problems and exercises
  Chapter 6 torsion of circular shaft
   §6-1 Circular shaft transfering power in engineering and its torsiondeformation
   §6-2 Torsional moment and torque diagram
    6-2-1 Relations between applied twisting moment,power and rev
    6-2-2 Determination of torsional moment analysis on transverse section ofcircular shaft by sections method
    6-2-3 Positive and negative criterions of torsional moment
    6-2-4 Torque diagram
   §6-3 Equivalent law of shear stress
   §6-4 Torional stress analysis on torsion of circular shaft
    6-4-1 Plane assumption
    6-4-2 Compatibility equation of deformation
    6-4-3 Shearing stress-shearing strain relation in the linear elastic area
    6-4-4 Statics equation
    6-4-5 Expression of shear stress on the transverse section
   §6-5 Strength and stiffness caculation on torsion of circular shaft
    6-5-1 Experiment of torsion of circular shaft and its results
    6-5-2 Strength caculation on torsion of circular shaft
    6-5-3 Stiffness caculation on torsion of circular shaft
   §6-6 Summary and discussion
    6-6-1 Strength and stiffness caculation on torsion of circular shaft and eles
    6-6-2 Shear stress under torsion of rectangular barProblems and exercises
  Chapter 7 Bending strength
   §7-1 Bending elements in engineering
   §7-2 Equations of shear force and bending moment
    7-2-1 Shear force and bending moment on the transverse section of beam bending
    7-2-2 Positive and negative criterions of shear force and bending moment
    7-2-3 Determination of shear force and bending moment on appointed section bythe method of sections
    7-2-4 Equations of shear force and bending moment
   §7-3 Diagrams of shearing force and bending moment
   §7-4 Geometric properties of cross section relating to stress analysis
    7-4-1 Static moment,centroid of an area and their relations
    7-4-2 Moment of interia,second polar moment of area,product of inertia,radiusof gyration
    7-4-3 Parallel-axis theorem of moment of interia and product of inertia
    7-4-4 Rotation-axis theorem of moment of interia and product of inertia
    7-4-5 Principal axial,centroidal axis,principal moment of intertia and centroidaprincipal moment of intertia of an area
   §7-5 Normal stress on the cross section of beam bended in one plane
    7-5-1 Concepts of plane bending and pure bending
    7-5-2 Normal stress analysis on beam's cross section under pure bending
    7-5-3 Application and generalization of the equation of bending normal stress
   §7-6 Examples for the applications of the equation of plane bendingnormal stress
   §7-7 Strength comptutation of beams
    7-7-1 failure criterion of beam
    7-7-2 Conditions of bending strength
    7-7-3 Calculation proceduce of bending strength
   §7-8 Summary and discussion
    7-8-1 Differential relations of bending moment,shear force and density of load
    7-8-2 Some notices on diagram of bending moment and shear force
    7-8-3 Application conditions of the equation of bending normal stress
    7-8-4 Concept of shear stress in bending
    7-8-5 Calculation of shearing and extrusion assumption
    7-8-6 Measures of improving the strength of beams
   Problems and exercises
  Chapter 8 Bending Stiffness
   §8-1 Basic concepts of deformation and displacement of beams
    8-1-1 Deflection curve after bending of beam
    8-1-2 The deflection and angle of rotation of beam
    8-1-3 The displacement of beam is nearly associated with constraint
    8-1-4 Engineering significance of displacement analysis of beam
   §8-2 Differential equation of small deflection of beams and its integration
    8-2-1 Differential equation of small deflection
    8-2-2 Determination of integral constants,constrains conditions and continuityconditions
   §8-3 Superposition method in engineering
    8-3-1 Applications of the method of superposition on multi-loads
    8-3-2 Applications of the method of superposition on intermittent distributed loads
   §8-4 Simple statically indeterminate beam
   §8-5 Bending Stiffness Calculation
    8-5-1 Bending Stiffness conditions
    8-5-2 Examples for Stiffness Calculation
   §8-6 Summary and discussion
    8-6-1 Interdependent relations of deformation and displacement
    8-6-2 About the sleek continuity curve of beam
    8-6-3 Discussion about solution of statically indeterminate problem
    8-6-4 Discussion about characteristic of statically indeterminate structure
    8-6-5 Methods of improving the bending stiffness
   Problems and exercises
  Chapter 9 State of stress and theory of strength
   §9-1 Basic concepts
    9-1-1 What's state of stress?Why research it?
    9-1-2 How to descript state of stress in a single point
    9-1-3 How to establish strength condition under general state of stress
   §9-2 Stress analysis on arbitrary direction under state of stress of plane
    9-2-1 Criterions of positive and negative
    9-2-2 Local infinitesimal balance equation
    9-2-3 Normal stress and shear stress on arbitrary direction under state of stressof plane
   §9-3 Principal stress and maximum shear stress under state of stress
    9-3-1 Principal plane,principal stress and principal direction
    9-3-2 Three principal stresses on state of stress
    9-3-3 Maximum shear force of a plane and maximum shear stress at a single point
   *§9-4 Stress circle method of analysing state of stress
    9-4-1 Equation of stress circle
    9-4-2 Drawing method of stress circle
    9-4-3 Application of stress circle
   §9-5 Stress-strain relation under general state of stress strain energydensity
    9-5-1 Generalization Hooke's law
    9-5-2 Relations of elastic constants of isotropical material
    9-5-3 Strain energy density
    9-5-4 Density of energy of volume change and distortional strain energy density
   §9-6 Strength condition under general state of stress
    9-6-1 First strength theory
   *9-6-2 Second strength theory
    9-6-3 Third strength theory
    9-6-4 Fourth strength theory
   §9-7 Summary and discussion
    9-7-1 Some important conclusions about state of stress
    9-7-2 Most important and basic method of analyzing state of stress-balancemethod
   *9-7-3 Different expressions of state of stress
    9-7-4 Appications of Hook's law
    9-7-5 Several problems should be noticed on applying the theory of strength
   Problems and exercises
  Chapter 10 Strength calculation of transformative bar under the combinationforced
   §10-1 Skew bending
    10-1-1 Loading conditions of skew bending generation
    10-1-2 Determining normal stress on transverse section under skew bending bysuperposition method
    10-1-3 Maximum normal stress and strength conditions
   §10-2 Combination of Axial Tension or Compression and Bending
   §10-3 Combination of bending and torsion
    10-3-1 Simplified schematic of calculation
    10-3-2 Dangerous point and its state of stress
    10-3-3 Strength conditions and design equations
   §10-4 Sketch of strength design of thin-wall cyclindrical container
   §10-5 Summary and discussion
    10-5-1 Discussion of neutral axis
    10-5-2 Process of strength design
   Problems and exercises
  Chapter 11 Stability problem of column
   §11-1 Basic concept of stability of column
    11-1-1 Stability and unstability in Equilibrium State
    11-1-2 Critical state and critical load
    11-1-3 Different critical state of three kinds cloumn
   §11-2 Critical load for slender column—Euler's formula
    11-2-1 Pin-ended slender column
    11-2-2 General Formulas of critical load of other rigid supported slender column
   §11-3 Concept of slenderness ratio,three different kinds of columns
    11-3-1 Concepts of slenderness ratio
    11-3-2 Distinguish from three different kinds of columns
    11-3-3 Formula of critical stress of three kinds of columns
    11-3-4 Diagrams of critical stress and determination of values ofλp、λs
   §11-4 Stability design of columns
    11-4-1 Contents of stability design
    11-4-2 Methods of safety factor and safety conditions of stability
    11-4-3 Process of stability design
   §11-5 Examples for Stability design
   §11-6 Summary and discussion
    11-6-1 Importance of stability design
    11-6-2 Factors affecting bearing capacity of columns
    11-6-3 Main paths of improving bearing capacity of columns
    11-6-4 Some important problems during in the stability design
   Problems and exercises
  Chapter 12 Summary of dynamic load and fatigue strength
   §12-1 Interia force and dynamic stress of element during straight-linemotion with uniform acceleration
   §12-2 Stress analysis and calculation of dynamic stress of rotated element
   §12-3 Calculation of impact load and stress on element
    12-3-1 Basic assumptions on calculation of impact load
    12-3-2 Applications of conservation law of mechanical energy
    12-3-3 Dynamic load factor under impact
   §12-4 Summary of fatigue strength
    12-4-1 Nomenclature of alternative stress
    12-4-2 Charateristics of fatigue failure
   §12-5 Fatigue limit and stress—life curve
   §12-6 Influencing factors on fatigue life
    12-6-1 Effects of stress concetration—effective stress concentration factor
    12-6-2 Effects of component dimension—dimension factor
    12-6-3 Effects of quality of surface processing—surface quality factor
   §12-7 Fatigue strength based on finite-life design
    12-7-1 Concept of element life
    12-7-2 Method of infinite-life design—safety factor method
    12-7-3 Safety factor under symmertical stress cycle with equal amplitude
    12-7-4 Estimation of fatigue life under alternative stress with equal amplitude
   §12-8 Summary and discussion
    12-8-1 Different forms of dynamic load factor under different cases
    12-8-2 Dynamic load and stress of moving body under abruptly braking
    12-8-3 Paths of improving fatigue strength of element
   Problems and exercises
 Appendix Properites of Rolled-Steel Shapes
 A Brief Introduction to the Author
