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  • 化学工业出版社
  • 9787122244468
  • 1-1
  • 108142
  • 46173520-1
  • 平膜
  • B5
  • 2016-06
  • 235
  • 工学
  • 农业工程
  • S216.4
  • 农业工程
  • 本科
  由张无敌、尹芳、Ian nroe编著的《沼气技术与工程(英文版)》共分为13章,系统阐述了沼气发酵的原理、基础理论与工艺,详述了沼气综合利用技术与生态农业模式,介绍了商品化户用沼气池。主要内容涉及沼气的基本概念、沼气发酵微生物与生物化学、沼气发酵工艺学、大中型沼气工程技术、沼气生活污水处理技术、沼气综合利用技术、沼气生态农业模式及商品化户用沼气池技术等。
Chapter 1 Introduction to Biogas
  1.1 Biogas Origin & Nomenclature
  1.2 International Biogas History
  1.3 Biogas Digester Development in China
    1.3.1 First Stage-Luo Guorui Biodigester
    1.3.2 Second Stage-Long-distance, Big and Deep Digester
    1.3.3 Third Stage-Round, Small and Shallow Digester
    1.3.4 Fourth Stage-Mini-size and High-efficiency Digester
    1.3.5 Fifth Stage-Commercialized Fiberglass Digester
  1.4 Biogas Characteristics
    1.4.1 Biogas Components
    1.4.2 Biogas Terminologies Total Solids (TS) Volatile Solids (VS) Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) Gas Production Rate (GPS) Organic Space Loading Rate (OLR) Gas Production Rate of Materials (GPRM) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) The Relationship of the Biogas Parameters
Chapter 2 Biochemistry and Microbiology of Biogas Fermentation
  2.1 Three Steps of Biogas Fermentation
  2.2 Microbes in Three-step of Biogas Fermentation
    2.2.1 Biogas Microbes in Nature
    2.2.2 Groups and Actions of Non-methane-producing Microbes Variety of Non-methane-producing Microbes Amount of Non-methane-producing Microbes
  2.3 Estimation and Calculation of the Amount of Methane Produced from Organic Compounds
  2.4 Anaerobic Digestive Process of Complex Organic Compounds
    2.4.1 The Degradation of Carbohydrates Anaerobic Degradation of Glucose Anaerobic Degradation of Cellulose The Metabolism of Semi-cellulose, Pectin-gel, Starch, and Cellulose under Anaerobic Conditions
    2.4.2 Metabolism of Lipids
    2.4.3 Metabolism of Protein
    2.5 Fermentative Bacteria
    2.5.1 Cellulose-splitting Bacteria
    2.5.2 Semi-cellulose-splitting Bacteria
    2.5.3 Starch-splitting Bacteria
    2.5.4 Protein-splitting Bacteria
    2.5.5 Fat-splitting Bacteria
  2.6 The Obligate H2-producing Acetogenic Bacteria
  2.7 Hydrogen-producing Acetogenic Bacteria in Aqua of Biogas Fermentation
    2.7.1 Hydrogen-Producing Acetogenic Bacteria in Biogas Fer- mentation Liquid
    2.7.2 Other Specific Bacteria
  2.8 Methane-producing Bacteria and Their Classification
    2.8.1 Classification and Identification of Methane-producing Bacteria Characteristics of Methane-producing Bacteria The Third Fashion of Life Morphology and Classification of Methane-producing Bacteria
    2.8.2 Metabolic Substrates of Methane-producing Bacteria
    2.8.3 Theory of Methane Formation Theory of Carbon Dioxide Reduction Theory of Methyl Group Directly Convert to Methane Barker's Hypothesis
    2.8.4 Methane Formation Metabolized by Acetate and Formate
    2.8.5 Methane Original
  2.9 Relationship Between Different Biogas Microbes
Chapter 3 Technology of Biogas Fermentation
  3.1 Strict Anaerobic Environment
  3.2 Temperature
  3.3 pH Value
  3.4 Feedstock for Biogas Fermentation
    3.4.1 Properties and Classification of Feedstock Nitrogen-rich Raw Material Carbon-rich Raw Material
    3.4.2 Properties of Common Feedstock in Gas Production Rate of Gas Production of Feedstock Speed of Gas Production
    3.4.3 Proportion of Feedstock Ratio of Carbon and Nitrogen (C/N) Manure: Straw Ratio
  3.5 Concentration
  3.6 Seeding Materials
    3.6.1 Function of Seeding Materials
    3.6.2 Enrichment and Culture of Seeding Materials
    3.6.3 Source of Seeding Materials
    3.6.4 Amount of Seeding Material
  3.7 Management
    3.7.1 Supplement of Fresh Raw Materials
    3.7.2 Frequent Stirring
    3.7.3 Keep Fermentative Temperature
    3.7.4 Frequent Check of Biogas Devices
    3.7.5 Discharging Digesters
    3.7.6 Fermentation Inhibitors
    3.7.7 Safety & Biogas Appliances
  3.8 Inspection and Mainten