风景园林(第二版) / 普通高等教育园林景观类“十二五”规划教材
作者: 王欣 方薇
- 中国水利水电出版社
- 9787517006725
- 2版
- 105005
- 47173860-9
- 大16开
- 2013-03
- 360
- 工学
- 风景园林学
- TU 建筑科学
- 建筑科学
- 本科
如何使用本书第二版前言第一版前言PART 1 TheoryUnit 1 Landscape Architecture&Landscape Architect风景园林师职业发展历史,工作范畴,工作程序Text Harmony with the Living EarthFurther Reading A Definition of the Profession of IandscapeArchitectFurther Reading B What is Landscape ArchitectureFurther Reading C Occupational Outlook:Iandscape ArchitectsExereisesTips欧美风景园林学相关称谓Unit 2 History & Theories现代主义风景园林设计理论,后现代主义风景园林设计理论,演变历史Text Contemporary Meanings in the LandscapeFurther Reading A Post Modernism Looks beyond ItselfFurther Reading B Post—PostmodernismFurther Reading C Landscape For LivingExercisesTips风景园林主要英文网站Unit 3 Charters & Policy风景园林设计相关宪章,相关宣言相关法规Text The Venice Charter 1964Further Reading A The Convention on Biological DiversityFurther Reading B Beijing Charter:Towards an IntegralArchitectureFurther Reading C Federal & State RegulationsExercisesTips检索和获取风景园林英文资料方法Unit 4 Urban Landscapes Planning&Design城市规划设计,城市绿地设计Text The Granite GardenFurther Reading A The Growth of SuburbsFurther Reading B Landscape Design in the Urban EnvironmentFurther Reading C The 100 Mile CityExercisesTips欧美风景园林教学常见课堂活动形式Unit 5 Parks&Recreation公园规划设计风景游览地规划设计Text Urban Parks and RecreationFurther Reading A PeopleS Parks:Design and DesignersFurther Reading B Parkways and Their OffspringFurther Reading C National Parks & National ForestsExercisesTips城市公园的发展历程Unit 6 Historical&Cultural Landscape风景园林历史文化保护原则保护方法,实例Text The Conservation PolicyFurther Reading A The Heritage of Garden ArtFurther Reading B New Birth for Gettysburg?Further Reading C Place 8L Project:Moody Historical GardensDesignExercisesTips风景园林中的历史文化保护Unit 7 Ecological Planning&Design风景园林生态设计理论,设计方法,设计实例Text Silent Spring:The Obligation to EndureFurther Reading A Bioregional Planning and EcosystemProtectionFurther Reading B Translating Environmental Values into I,andscapeDesignFurther Reading C Sustainable Stormwater Management ProgramExercisesTips风景园林生态规划与生态设计Unit 8 Planting Design风景园林种植设计Text Planting Design Through the AgesFurther Reading A Plants Dictate Garden FormsFurther Reading B The Aesthetics of Planting DesignFurther Reading C Plant StrataSize and Spatial IssuesExercisesTips植物拉丁学名简介Unit 9 The Process of Landscape Design风景园林设计过程解析,用地分析,方案设计,详细设计,方案解说Text The Design ProcessFurther Reading A The Site Planning ProcessFurther Reading B Site AnalysisExercisesPART 2 Major Figures & Their WorksUnit 10Frederick Law 0lmstedJohn Thomas DChurchGeoffrey JellicoeRoberto Burle MarxUnit 11John 0rmsbee SimondsLawrence HalprinDan KileyIan Lennox McHargUnit 12Julius GyFabosPeter WalkerMartha SchwartzGeorge Hargeaves附录I Bibliography附录II Illustration Credits