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以下为《理论力学(第3版) 》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040248777
  • 3版
  • 93996
  • 46252315-0
  • 平装
  • 异16开
  • 2009-01-15
  • 570
  • 476
  • 工学
  • 力学
  • O31
  • 机械、土木类
  • 本科





  §0.1 理论力学的研究对象
  §0.2 理论力学的研究方法
  §0.3 经典力学的基本概念
 第一篇 静力学
  第一章 力和力矩
   §1.1 力的性质
   §1.2 力矢量的坐标表示
   §1.3 力对点的矩
   §1.4 力对轴的矩
  第二章 力系的简化
   §2.1 汇交力系
   §2.2 平行力系
   §2.3 力偶及力偶系
   §2.4 空间一般力系
  第三章 约束
   §3.1 约束、约束力和主动力
   §3.2 约束的基本类型
   §3.3 受约束物体的受力分析
  第四章 力系的平衡
   §4.1 力系的平衡方程
   §4.2 静定和超静定
   §4.3 刚体系的平衡问题
   §4.4 考虑摩擦的平衡问题
 第二篇 运动学
  第五章 点的运动
   §5.1 点的位置
   §5.2 点的速度
   §5.3 点的加速度
  第六章 刚体的基本运动和点的复合运动
   §6.1 刚体的平移和定轴转动
   §6.2 点在平移参考系中运动的合成
   §6.3 点在转动参考系中运动的合成
  第七章 刚体的平面运动
   §7.1 刚体平面运动的分解
   §7.2 刚性截面内点的速度和加速度
   §7.3 刚体绕平行轴转动的合成
   §7.4 点在平面运动参考系中的复合运动
  第八章 刚体的定点运动
   §8.1 刚体的有限转动
   §8.2 刚体的瞬时转动
   §8.3 刚体绕汇交轴转动的合成
   §8.4 刚体的一般运动
  第九章 分析运动学
   §9.1 质点系的约束和自由度
   §9.2 刚体系的约束和自由度
   §9.3 解决运动学问题的分析法
 第三篇 矢量动力学
  第十章 质点动力学
   §10.1 惯性参考系中的质点动力学
   §10.2 非惯性参考系中的质点动力学
   §10.3 质点系的运动微分方程
  第十一章 动量定理
   §11.1 动量定理
   §11.2 质心运动定理
   §11.3 变质量系统的质心运动定理
  第十二章 动量矩定理
   §12.1 矩心为定点的动量矩定理
   §12.2 刚体的定轴转动微分方程
   §12.3 矩心为质心的动量矩定理
   §12.4 矩心为动点的动量矩定理
   §12.5 刚体的平面运动微分方程
  第十三章 动能定理
   §13.1 动能
   §13.2 力的功
   §13.3 势力场和势能
   §13.4 动能定理
   §13.5 非惯性参考系中的动能定理
   §13.6 动力学普遍定理的综合应用
  第十四章 达朗贝尔原理
   §14.1 达朗贝尔惯性力与达朗贝尔原理
   §14.2 达朗贝尔惯性力系的简化
   §14.3 动静法
 第四篇 分析力学基础
  第十五章 分析静力学
   §15.1 虚位移和虚速度
   §15.2 虚位移原理
   §15.3 势力场中质点系的平衡条件及稳定性
  第十六章 分析动力学
   §16.1 动力学普遍方程
   §16.2 拉格朗日方程
   §16.3 拉格朗日方程的初积分
 第五篇 动力学专题
  第十七章 振动
   §17.1 平衡位置附近的微振动
   §17.2 单自由度系统的自由振动
   §17.3 相平面方法
   §17.4 单自由度系统的受迫振动
   §17.5 两自由度系统的振动
  第十八章 碰撞
   §18.1 碰撞的特征和基本假定
   §18.2 研究碰撞的矢量力学方法
   §18.3 研究碰撞的分析力学方法
   §18.4 物体之间的相互碰撞
  第十九章 刚体定点转动
   §19.1 刚体的质量几何
   §19.2 刚体的动力学方程
   §19.3 转动刚体的动约束力
   §19.4 轴对称刚体的定点转动
   §19.5 陀螺近似理论
 附录A 矢量和并矢
 附录B 等时变分
 附录C 典型约束和约束力
 附录D 简单均质几何体的重心和转动惯量
  §0.1 Object of study of theoretical mechanics
  §0.2 Research method of theoretical mechanics
  §0.3 Fundamental concepts of classic mechanics
 Section Ⅰ Statics
  Chapter 1 Force and Moment
   §1.1 Characters of force
   §1.2 Expression of force by coordinates
   §1.3 Moment of force about a point
   §1.4 Moment of force about an axis
  Chapter 2 Reduction of Force System
   §2.1 Concurrent force system
   §2.2 Parallel force system
   §2.3 Couple and system of couples
   §2.4 Three-dimensional force system
  Chapter 3 Constraint
   §3.1 Constraints and constraint force
   §3.2 Classification of contraints
   §3.3 Force-analysis of constrained bodies
  Chapter 4 Equilibrium of Force System
   §4.1 Equilibrium equations of force system
   §4.2 Statically determination and indetermination
   §4.3 Equilibrium of system of rigid bodies
   §4.4 Equilibrium problems with frction
 Section Ⅱ Kinematics
  Chapter 5 Motion of a Point
   §5.1 Position of a point
   §5.2 Velocity of a point
   §5.3 Acceleration of a point
  Chapter 6 Basic Motions of Rigid Body and Composite Motion of a Point
   §6.1 Translation and rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis
   §6.2 Composite motion of a point in translating reference frame
   §6.3 Composite motion of a point in rotating reference frame about fixed axis
  Chapter 7 Plane Motion of a Rigid Body
   §7.1 Decomposition of planar motion of a rigid body
   §7.2 Velocity and acceleration of a point in rigid cross-section
   §7.3 Composition of rotations of a rigid body about parallel axes
   §7.4 Composite motion of a point in reference frame moving in a plane
  Chapter 8 Motion of Rigid Body with a Fixed Point
   §8.1 Finite rotation of a rigid body
   §8.2 Instantaneous rotation of a rigid body
   §8.3 Composition of a rigid body rotating about concurrent axes
   §8.4 Arbitrary motion of a rigid body
  Chapter 9 Analytical Kinematics
   §9.1 Constraint and degrees of freedom in force system
   §9.2 Constraint and degrees of freedom in system of rigid bodies
   §9.3 Analytical method for kinematical problems
 Section Ⅲ Vectorial Dynamics
  Chapter 10 Dynamics of Mass Point
   §10.1 Dynamics of a mass point in inertial reference frame
   §10.2 Dynamics of a mass point in noninertial reference frame
   §10.3 Differential equation of motion of system of mass points
  Chapter 11 Theorem of Momentum
   §11.1 Theorem of momentum
   §11.2 Theorem of motion of mass center
   §11.3 Theorem of motion of mass center for a mass-varying system
  Chapter 12 Theorem of Moment of Momentum
   §12.1 Theorem of moment of momentum about a fixed point
   §12.2 Differential equation of rotation of a rigid body about fixed axis
   §12.3 Theorem of moment of momentum about mass center
   §12.4 Theorem of moment of momentum about a moving point
   §12.5 Differential equations of planar motion of a rigid body
  Chapter 13 Theorem of Kinetic Energy
   §13.1 Kinetic energy
   §13.2 Work of force
   §13.3 Potential field and potential energy
   §13.4 Theorem of kinetic energy
   §13.5 Theorem of kinetic energy in noninertial reference frame
   §13.6 Synthetical application of generalized theorems of dynamics
  Chapter 14 d-Alembert Principle
   §14.1 d-Alembert inertial force and d-Alembert principle
   §14.2 Reduction of d-Alembert inertial forces
   §14.3 Method of Kineto-statics
 Section Ⅳ Fundamentals of Analytical Mechanics
  Chapter 15 Analytical Statics
   §15.1 Virtual displacement and virtual velocity
   §15.2 Principle of virtual displacement
   §15.3 Equilibrium and stability of system of mass points in potential field
  Chapter 16 Analytical Dynamics
   §16.1 Generalized equation of dynamics
   §16.2 Lagrange equation
   §16.3 First integrals of Lagrange equation
 Section Ⅴ Special Topics of Dynamics
  Chapter 17 Vibration
   §17.1 Small vibration near equilibrium position
   §17.2 Free vibration of one-degree-of-freedom system
   §17.3 Method of phase plane
   §17.4 Forced vibration of one-degree-of-freedom system
   §17.5 Vibration of two-degrees-of-freedom system
  Chapter 18 Collision
   §18.1 Characters and basic hypotheses of collision
   §18.2 Method of vectorial mechanics for study of collision
   §18.3 Method of analytical mechanics for study of collision
   §18.4 Mutual impact between bodies
  Chapter 19 Rotation of Rigid Body about a Fixed Point
   §19.1 Mass geometry of a rigid body
   §19.2 Dynamical equations of a rigid body
   §19.3 Dynamical constraint force of a rotating rigid body
   §19.4 Rotation of an axisymmetrical rigid body about a fixed point
   §19.5 Approximate theory of gyroscopes
 Appendix A Vector and Dyad
 Appendix B Contemporaneous Variation
 Appendix C Typical Constraints and Constraint Forces
 Appendix D Centers of Gravity and Moments of Inertia for Simple Homogeneous Geometric Bodies
 Key to Exercises
 A Brief Introduction to the Authors
