作者: Graham Burton
- 上海外语教育出版社
- 9787544639118
- 88971
- 2015-05
- 文学
- 外国语言文学
Chapter 1 Presenting at university
understand reasons for giving presentations
learn about types of presentation
understand common fears about presentations
learn about features of a good presentation
Chapter 2 Seminars and tutorials
understand the difference between seminars and tutorials
understand the difference between seminar presentations and seminar papers
take part in seminar discussions
give a. seminar paper
Chapter 3 Planning and structuring formal presentations
think about the brief for your presentation
structure a presentation
give introductions and conclusions to your presentation
give the main part of a presentation and move from part to part
Chapter 4 Making and using notes
understand some differences between spoken and written English
understand why it is important to speak from notes
make notes
understand some practical considerations of speaking from notes
Chapter 5 Using your voice
control your breathing
find the right volume and pace
use intonation to make your message clear
learn about word stress and sentence stress
make your presentation more fluent
Chapter 6 Body language and eye contact
appear relaxed
choose between sitting and standing
practise posture, position and movement
think about where to look
use your hands
Chapter 7 Engaging your audience
use inclusive language
use simple language
ask your audience questions
learn to emphasize
show your opinion
Chapter 8 How to use visual aids
learn about different types of visual aid
make visual aids that are useful and effective
learn language to refer to visual aids
think about practical considerations when preparing visual aids
deal with problems with visual aids during your presentation
Chapter 9 Tips on using PowerPoint software
find alternatives to PowerPoint software
identify common mistakes
add content
master basic formatting and design
carry out final checks
Chapter 10 Preparing, rehearsing and dealing with nerves
revise what, why, where and how to rehearse
rehearse in groups
deal with nerves
overcome negative thoughts
build confidence
Chapter 11 Avoiding and solving problems
carry out final checks
resolve problems during your presentation
analyse feelings after your presentation
deal with questions
Chapter 12 Poster presentations
understand what a poster presentation is
understand the advantages of poster presentations
plan and choose content
design and create a poster
present your poster on the day
Audio scripts
Answer key