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  • 知识产权出版社
  • 9787513042352
  • 86983
  • 2016-09
  • F810.42
Chapter 1 Backgrounds
 Ⅱ.Why taxation
 Ⅲ.Optimal taxation
 Ⅳ.Goals of international tax rules
 Ⅴ.Current taxation system of China: an overview
Chapter 2 Tax Treaties and Model Tax Conventions
 Ⅰ.Important role of international tax treaties
 Ⅱ.Treaty as main source of international laws
 Ⅲ.Legal nature and general effect of tax treaties
 Ⅳ.Objectives of tax treaties
 Ⅴ.Model tax conventions
 Ⅵ.Interpretation of tax treaties
 Ⅶ.Multilateral conventions or provisions involving tax matters
 Ⅷ.Multilateral forums and coordinators on tax matters
Chapter 3 Jurisdiction to Tax
 Ⅱ.Categories of 'jurisdiction to tax
 Ⅲ.General income tax liabilities under Chinese domestic laws
 Ⅳ.Residence rules: defining 'resident
 Ⅴ.Resident in Chinese tax laws
 Ⅵ.Source rules: determination of ' source jurisdiction' and source taxation
 Ⅶ.Source taxation in Chinese laws
 Ⅷ.Tax jurisdictions: conclusion
 Ⅸ.Bilateral modes helpful to resolve conflicts of jurisdictions
Chapter 4 Double Taxation and Its Relief
 Ⅰ.International double taxation defined
 Ⅱ.Causes of IDT
 Ⅲ.General approach to relieve double taxation
 Ⅳ.Relief mechanism (1).deduction method
 Ⅴ.Relief mechanism (2): exemption method
 Ⅵ.Relief mechanism (3): credit method
 Ⅶ.Tax sparing
 Ⅷ.Relief of double taxation under Chinese laws
Chapter 5 Tax Avoidance and Anti-avoidance Rules
 Ⅰ.Important terms
 Ⅱ.Causes of international tax avoidance
 Ⅲ.Balance of tax avoidance and countermeasures: ethics of tax avoidance, and justification of anti-avoidance measures
 Ⅳ.Basic elements and ways of tax avoidance
 Ⅴ.Overview of anti-avoidance methods
 Ⅵ.Thin capitalisation and thin capitalisation rules
 Ⅶ.Use of tax deferral and CFC rules
 Ⅷ.Transfer pricing and its prevention
 Ⅸ.Treaty shopping and anti-shopping clauses
 Ⅹ.Hybrid mismatch and anti-hybrid rules
 Ⅺ.International tax planning and international coordination
 Ⅻ.Special tax adjustments under Chinese laws: anti-avoidance rules on enterprise income tax
 ⅩⅢ.Conclusion: international tax law framework
Chapter 6 China's International Taxation Administration
 Ⅰ.Current taxation system of China: an overview
 Ⅱ.General income tax liabilities under Chinese domestic laws
 Ⅲ.Resident in Chinese tax laws
 Ⅳ.Source taxation in Chinese laws
 Ⅴ.Relief of double taxation under Chinese laws
 Ⅵ.Special tax adjustments under Chinese laws: anti-avoidance rules on enterprise income tax