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  • 世界图书出版公司
  • 9787510075865
  • 55466
  • 2014-05
  • O481

  安德森编著的《固体中的概念》内容介绍:These notes were for a course given at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, in the fall and winter terms of 1961-1962. Nominally, it was for second- and third-year graduate students who had had a su,."vey course in solid-state physics, and were interested (at least)in theory; but I assumed very little formal theoretical background. I think the notes can be read by anyone who has had a thorough course in quantum mechanics, but the reader who knows something about solids will find them much easier, and will also not be misguided by my rather arbitrary and specialized choice of material.

1. Introduction
 A. Preparation and Texts
 B. Plan of the Course
 C. Generalities and Classification of Solids
2. One-Electron Theory
 A. Hartree-Fock Theory
 1. General Philosophy of Hartree-Fock
 2. Derivation of Self-Consistent Equations: Second Quantization
 B. Energy Bands in Solids
 1. Perturbation Theory for Weak Periodic Potential:Brillouin and Jone Zones and Symmetrized Plane Waves
 2. The Cellular Method: Quantitative Calculation of Binding Energy
 3. Exchange and Correlation in the Free-Electron Gas
 4. The O.P.W. Method
 C. One-Electron Band Theory in the Presence of Perturbing Fields
 1. Introduction
 2. Weakly Bound Impurity States
 3. Motion in External Fields
 4. ""Breakdown"" Effects
 5. Rigorous Basis of Effective Hamiltonian Theory
3. Elementary Excitations
 A. The Idea of Elementary Excitations: Generalities on Many-Body Theory
 1. The Variational Theorem
 2. The Exclusion Principle
 3. Screening
 4. The Concept of Elementary Excitations
 B. The N + 1 Body Problem
 1. Quasi-Particles
 2. Effects of Phonons in the N + 1 Body Problem
 C. Quasi-Particles in Metals: The Fermi Liquid
 D. Collective Excitations
 1. Excitons
 2. Spin Waves: Heisenberg Hamiltonian and the Magnetic State
 3. Ferromagnetic Spin Waves
 4. Antiferromagnetic Spin Waves and ""Broken Symmetry""