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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040286250
  • 1
  • 47558
  • 41156828-0
  • 2011-03-30
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • H0-05
  • 英语
  • 本科




 Unit 1 Language, Culture and Society — An Introduction to the Course
  Understanding Language as Communication
  The Study of Language and Society
  The Study of Language and Culture
  The Structure of This Course
 Unit 2 Language and Dialect
  Understanding Language and Dialect
  The Complexity of Language vs. Dialect
  Intelligibility vs. Political Boundaries
  The Standard Dialect
  The Structural vs. the Functional Views
  Case Analysis:Dialectal Differences in Chinese
 Unit 3 Language and Nation
  Understanding Language and Nation
  The National Language
  National vs. Offi cial Languages
  Offi cial vs. Working Languages
  Case Analysis:Language and Political Confl icts in the European Union
 Unit 4 Bilingualism and Multilingualism
  Understanding Monolingualism vs. Bilingualism
  Prejudices Against Bilingualism and Language Diversity
  Positive Attitudes Favoring Linguistic Diversity
  Academic Models of Bilingualism
  Case Analysis:Discussing the Trilingual Situation in Hong Kong
 Unit 5 World Englishes
  Understanding the Main Varieties of English
  British English
  American English
  Second Language Varieties of English
  Models of International English
  Case Analysis:Is There a Variety of “Chinese English?”
 Unit 6 Language and Social Variation
  Understanding Language and Variation
  Language Variation and Social Attitude
  Language and Social Stratifi cation
  Language and Ethnicity
  Language and Identity
  Case Analysis:Language and Social Changes in China
 Unit 7 Language and Gender
  Understanding Gender Differences in Language Use
  The Sociolinguistic Studies of Gender Pattern
  The Dominance Approach
  The Difference/Dual-culture Approach
  Alternative Strategies for Language Use in the US
  Case Analysis:Dangerous English
 Unit 8 Language Style and Register
  Understanding Stylistic Variations of Language
  Language and Stylistic Variation
  Language and Occupation
  Halliday’s Theory of Register
  Case Analysis:The Language of Science and Language of Economics
 Unit 9 Speech Acts
  Understanding the Concept of Speech Act
  Classifi cation of Speech Acts
  The Notion of Speech Act Set and Its Cross-cultural Studies
  Case Analysis:Different Cultures, Different Speech Act Sets
 Unit 10 Language and Politeness
  Understanding Politeness in the Use of Language
  The Notion of Face and Politeness
  Face and Communication Strategies
  Politeness Strategies of Involvement and Independence
  Case Analysis:Cultural Differences in Expressing Sympathy
 Unit 11 Language and Cultural Thought Patterns
  Understanding Different Cultural Patterns of Thought
  The Characteristics of Culture
  Language and Cultural Thought Patterns
  The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
  The Intrinsic Relationship of Language and Culture
  Case Analysis:Cultural Understanding of Lexical Items
 Unit 12 Language and Cultural Contexts
  Understanding the Differences of Cultural Contexts
  High vs. Low Cultural Context
  Individualistic vs. Collectivistic Cultural Context
  Case Analysis:Cultural Context and Discourse
 Unit 13 Culture and Discourse Patterns
  Understanding Cultural Differences in Discourse
  Culture and Discourse
  Cultural Patterns of Discourse
  Chinese EFL Students’ Characteristic Paragraph and Essay Structure
  Case Analysis:How to Tell When Someone Is Saying“No?”
 Unit 14 Learning Language as Communication
  Implications for Foreign Language Learning
  Important Features of Communication
  The Relationship Between Communication and Culture
  Dimensions of Communicative Differences Across Cultures
  Defi ning a Competent Communicator
  Implications for Language Teaching/Learning Practice
 Suggested Readings for the Course
