作者: 张志祥 主编
- 高等教育出版社
- 9787040306392
- 1
- 39823
- 0063150774-6
- 平装
- 16开
- 2010-08-12
- 405
- 324
- 管理学
- 公共管理
Unit One Patrol and Inspection / 1
Section A Listening and Speaking / 1
Dialogue 1. Giving Instructions/1
Dialogue 2. Demanding/3
Dialogue 3. Checking Luggage / 5
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 7
Text 1. Americas Maritime Guardian/7
Text 2. Australian Coastwatch / 12
Section C Development and Improvement / 17
Positions and Ranks of China Coast Guard/17
Seamens Positions / 19
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty /
Unit Two Suppressing Smuggling / 24
Section A Listening and Speaking / 24
Dialogue 1. Inspection on Board/24
Dialogue 2. Charge of Smuggling / 27
Dialogue 3. Detection on Board / 29
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 31
Text 1. Campaign Against Cultural Relics Smuggling/31
Text 2. U.S. Coast Guard Law Enforcement Mission / 34
Section C Development and Improvement / 38
Ships Papers & Others / 38
Crimes of Smuggling / 40
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty/
Unit Three Maritime Secuflhty / 44
Section A Listening and Speaking / 44
Dialogue 1. Dealing with Brawls / 44
Dialogue 2. Reporting Robbery/47
Dialogue 3. Settling Dispute Caused by Ship Collision / 49
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 51
Text 1. Maritime Security/51
Text 2. Florida Keys Particularly Sensitive Sea Area / 55
Section C Development and Improvement / 60
Maritime Traffic Accidents / 60
Coast Guard/61
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty/
Unit Four Search and Rescue at Sea / 66
Section A Listening and speaking / 66
Dialogue 1. Hurt by Steel Cable / 66
Dialogue 2. Collision / 68
Dialogue 3. Rescuing Person Overboard / 70
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 72
Text 1. Australia Rescuing/72
Text 2. Japan Coast Guard / 76
Section C Development and Improvement / 80
Salvage / 80
Maritime Search and Rescue System/82
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty/
Unit Five Port Surveillance /87
Section A Listening and Speaking / 87
Dialogue 1. Dealing with Violators / 87
Dialogue 2. Stressing Regulations / 89
Dialogue 3. Port Environment / 91
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 93
Text 1. Singapore Police Coast Guard/93
Text 2. U.S. Coast Guard 2020 / 96
Section C Development and Improvement / 101
Shipping / 101
Philippine Coast Guard and Auxiliary / 103
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty/
Unit Six Illegal Migrant Interception / 107
Section A Listeninq and Speaking / 107
Dialogue 1. Case Reporting/ 107
Dialogue 2. Intercepting / 110
Dialogue 3. Interrogating / 112
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 114
Text 1. Mourning Mothers Fight Against Illegal Emigration/ 114
Text 2. Biometrics Program to Prevent Illegal Immigration/117
Section C Development and Improvement / 121
Illegal Immigration/ 121
Water Police / 122
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty /
Unit Seven Combating Pirates / 126
Section A Listening and Speaking / 126
Dialogue 1. Reporting Piracy / 126
Dialogue 2. Controlling Pirate Vessel / 128
Dialogue 3. Investigation on Board/ 129
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 131
Text 1. Surge in Violent Attacks on Vessels off Nigeria / 131
Text 2. A Global Threat/ 136
Section C Development and Improvement / 140
Ships Facilities and Equipment / 140
French Maritime Gendarmerie/ 143
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty/
Unit Eight Counter-Terrorism at Sea / 148
Section A Listening and Speaking / 148
Dialogue 1. Rescuing Hostages/ 148
Dialogue 2. Reporting Suspects of Terrorism/ 150
Dialogue 3. Catching Suspected Terrorists / 151
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 153
Text 1. Terrorism at Sea —— Potential Threat / 153
Text 2. Military Communications / 156
Section C Development and Improvement / 161
Unit Nine Convoying and Maintaining Fishing Order
Unit Ten Maritime Interests Protection
Unit Eleven Response to Provocation at Sea
Unit Twelve International Exchange
Section A Listening and Speaking / 1
Dialogue 1. Giving Instructions/1
Dialogue 2. Demanding/3
Dialogue 3. Checking Luggage / 5
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 7
Text 1. Americas Maritime Guardian/7
Text 2. Australian Coastwatch / 12
Section C Development and Improvement / 17
Positions and Ranks of China Coast Guard/17
Seamens Positions / 19
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty /
Unit Two Suppressing Smuggling / 24
Section A Listening and Speaking / 24
Dialogue 1. Inspection on Board/24
Dialogue 2. Charge of Smuggling / 27
Dialogue 3. Detection on Board / 29
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 31
Text 1. Campaign Against Cultural Relics Smuggling/31
Text 2. U.S. Coast Guard Law Enforcement Mission / 34
Section C Development and Improvement / 38
Ships Papers & Others / 38
Crimes of Smuggling / 40
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty/
Unit Three Maritime Secuflhty / 44
Section A Listening and Speaking / 44
Dialogue 1. Dealing with Brawls / 44
Dialogue 2. Reporting Robbery/47
Dialogue 3. Settling Dispute Caused by Ship Collision / 49
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 51
Text 1. Maritime Security/51
Text 2. Florida Keys Particularly Sensitive Sea Area / 55
Section C Development and Improvement / 60
Maritime Traffic Accidents / 60
Coast Guard/61
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty/
Unit Four Search and Rescue at Sea / 66
Section A Listening and speaking / 66
Dialogue 1. Hurt by Steel Cable / 66
Dialogue 2. Collision / 68
Dialogue 3. Rescuing Person Overboard / 70
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 72
Text 1. Australia Rescuing/72
Text 2. Japan Coast Guard / 76
Section C Development and Improvement / 80
Salvage / 80
Maritime Search and Rescue System/82
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty/
Unit Five Port Surveillance /87
Section A Listening and Speaking / 87
Dialogue 1. Dealing with Violators / 87
Dialogue 2. Stressing Regulations / 89
Dialogue 3. Port Environment / 91
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 93
Text 1. Singapore Police Coast Guard/93
Text 2. U.S. Coast Guard 2020 / 96
Section C Development and Improvement / 101
Shipping / 101
Philippine Coast Guard and Auxiliary / 103
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty/
Unit Six Illegal Migrant Interception / 107
Section A Listeninq and Speaking / 107
Dialogue 1. Case Reporting/ 107
Dialogue 2. Intercepting / 110
Dialogue 3. Interrogating / 112
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 114
Text 1. Mourning Mothers Fight Against Illegal Emigration/ 114
Text 2. Biometrics Program to Prevent Illegal Immigration/117
Section C Development and Improvement / 121
Illegal Immigration/ 121
Water Police / 122
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty /
Unit Seven Combating Pirates / 126
Section A Listening and Speaking / 126
Dialogue 1. Reporting Piracy / 126
Dialogue 2. Controlling Pirate Vessel / 128
Dialogue 3. Investigation on Board/ 129
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 131
Text 1. Surge in Violent Attacks on Vessels off Nigeria / 131
Text 2. A Global Threat/ 136
Section C Development and Improvement / 140
Ships Facilities and Equipment / 140
French Maritime Gendarmerie/ 143
Selected Expressions for China Coast Guard on Duty/
Unit Eight Counter-Terrorism at Sea / 148
Section A Listening and Speaking / 148
Dialogue 1. Rescuing Hostages/ 148
Dialogue 2. Reporting Suspects of Terrorism/ 150
Dialogue 3. Catching Suspected Terrorists / 151
Section B Reading and Comprehension / 153
Text 1. Terrorism at Sea —— Potential Threat / 153
Text 2. Military Communications / 156
Section C Development and Improvement / 161
Unit Nine Convoying and Maintaining Fishing Order
Unit Ten Maritime Interests Protection
Unit Eleven Response to Provocation at Sea
Unit Twelve International Exchange