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  • 复旦大学出版社
  • 9787309101836
  • 1-1
  • 31041
  • 51166036-7
  • 平装
  • 2014-04
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • R
  • 医学
  • 本科 研究生(硕士、EMBA、MBA、MPA、博士)
梁正溜主编的《综合医学英语教程(共2册)》由八个单元构成,每单元分别由六个部分组成:Section 1:Assignments before Class要求学生在课前在网上探索有关知识,并将其与课本内容融合。Section 2:Audiovisual Lead-in通过一个视频和相关课堂练习,导入某个个医学主题。Section 3:Productive Reading围绕主题,并运用课堂活动形式,阅读一篇或两篇文章,从而达到知识和语言的了解和认知。Section 4:Knowledge Cognition利用数个视频和其相关的课堂练习,从各个角度深层次探索主题,从而进一步达到知识和语言的了解和认知。Section 5:Academic Exchanges基于上述教学活动,在一个设置的学术平台上进行总结性学术交流,提高教学质量。Section 6:Language Acquisition Activities在医学知识认知的同时,综合性地学习相关语言知识,使之成为医学英语学习的一个有机整体。
Unit One: Stress & Its Related Diseases
  Section One. Assignments before Class
  Section Two: Audiovisual Lead-in What Is Stress?
  Section Three: Productive Reading
    Text A: Multiple Stressors and Stress Build-up
    Text B: Doctors under Stress
  Section Four: Video-based Learning Activities
    1) The Harmful Effects of Stress
    2) Defining Coping Mechanism
    3) How Reducing Stress Can Improve Your Health
  Section Five: Academic Exchanges
  Section Six: Language Acquisition Activities
    1) Observation & Imitation
    2) Vocabulary Enlargement & Reinforcement
    3) Grammar & Structure Acquisition
    4) Reading Comprehension
Unit Two: Hypertension
  Section One: Assignments before Class
  Section Two: Audiovisual Lead-in What Should Your Blood Pressure Be?
  Section Three: Productive Reading
    Text A: The Silent Killer: Hypertension
    Text B: New Approach Tested for Hard-to-treat Hypertension
  Section Four: Video-based Learning Activities
    1) Hypertension, the Silent Killer
    2) Does Coffee Increase Risk of High Blood Pressure?
    3) Shaking Down Salt
  Section Five. Academic Exchanges
  Section Six. Language Acquisition Activities
    1) Observation & Imitation
    2) Vocabulary Enlargement & Reinforcement
    3) Grammar & Structure Acquisition
    4) Reading Comprehension
Unit Three: Stroke
  Section One. Assignments before Class
  Section Two. Audiovisual Lead-in When Stroke Strikes
  Section Three. Productive Reading
    Text A. Stroke of Luck
    Text B. Teaching from Experience
    Text C. Emotional Impact of Stroke
  Section Four. Video-based Learning Activities
    1) People with Shingles Are at Increased Risk for Stroke
    2) Strokes Increasing among Young People
    3) A Better Understanding of Stroke
  Section Five. Academic Exchanges
  Section Six. Language Acquisition Activities
    1) Observation & Imitation
    2) Vocabulary Enlargement & Reinforcement
    3) Grammar & Structure Acquisition
    4) Reading Comprehension
Unit Four: Obesity
   Section One. Assignments before Class
   Section Two. Audiovisual Lead-in Why Are We Fat?
   Section Three. Productive Reading
    Text A. A Faster Metabolism at Any Age
    Text B. Coca-Cola to Address Obesity for First Time in New Ads
   Section Four.. Video-based Learning Activities
    1) Coca-Cola Chimes In on Obesity Debate
    2) How to Understand the Healthy Body Fat Percentage
    3) Fighting Fat with Food
  Section Five: Academic Exchanges
  Section Six: Language Acquisition Activities
    1) Observation & Imitation
    2) Vocabulary Enlargement & Reinforcement
    3) Grammar & Structure Acquisition
    4) Reading Comprehension
Unit Five: Diabetes
  Section One: Assignments before Class
  Section Two: Audiovisual Lead-in
    Deadly Epidemic
  Section Three: Productive Reading
    Text A: Clinic of Tears
    Text B: Oh Sugar, Sugar! Diabetes and Insurance
  Section Four: Video-based Learning Activities
    1) Preventing Pre-diabetes from Becoming Diabetes
    2) Does White Rice Increase Risk of Diabetes?
    3) Glam Linked to Diabetes Risk?
  Section Five: Academic Exchanges
  Section Six: Language Acquisition Activities
    1) Observation & Imitation
    2) Vocabulary Enlargement & Reinforcement
    3) Grammar & Structure Acquisition
    4) Reading Comprehension
Unit Six: Breast Cancer & Prostate Cancer
  Section One: Assignments before Class
  Section Two: Audiovisual Lead-in Is the U.S. Losing the War against Cancer?
  Section Three: Productive Reading
    Text A: National Cancer Prevention Month: Tips to Keeping Disease at Bay
    Text B: Cancers of the Gut and Western Ills
  Section Four: Video-based Learning Activities
    1) Bra That Can Detect Breast Cancer
    2) Prostate Cancer Prevention Diet
    3) Dancing to Beat Breast Cancer  ~
  Section Five: Academic Exchanges
  Section Six: Language Acquisition Activities
    1) Observation & Imita