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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040593082
  • 1版
  • 458703
  • 46254224-2
  • 精装
  • 16开
  • 2023-03
  • 330
  • 200
  • 数学类
  • 本科 研究生及以上

 1 The Phenomenon of Gambling
  1.1 Aselectivehisto
  1.2 The gambler in fact and ficti
 2 Finite Probabilities and Great Expectations
  2.1 The probability concept and its origi
  2.2 Dice, cards, and probabiliti
  2.3 Roulette, probability and od
  2.4 Compound probabilities: The rules of the gam
  2.5 Mathematical expectation and its applicatio
  2.6 Exercis
 3 Backgammon and Other Dice Diversions
  3.1 Backgammon oversimplifi
  3.2 Rolling spots and hitting blo
  3.3 Enteringand bearingo
  3.4 The doubling cu
  3.5 Cra
  3.6 Chuck-a-Lu
  3.7 Exercis
 4 Permutations, Combinations, and Applications
  4.1 Careful counting: Is order importan
  4.2 Factorials and other notati
  4.3 Probabilities in poke
  4.4 Betting in pokersimple mode
  4.5 Distributions in bridg
  4.6 Keno type gam
  4.7 Exercis
 5 Play it Again Sam: The Binomial Distribution
  5.1 Games and repeatedtria
  5.2 The binomial distributi
  5.3 Beating the odds and the “law” of average
  5.4 Betting syste.
  5.5 brief blackjack breakthrou
  5.6 Exercis
 6 Elementary Game Theory
  6.1 What isgame theory
  6.2 Games in extensive fo
  6.3 Two-persongames in normal for
  6.4 Zero-sumgam
  6.5 Nonzero-sum games, Nash equilibria and the prisoners’ dilem
  6.6 Simple n-persongame
  6.7 Power indic
  6.8 Games computers pla
  6.9 Exercis
 7 Odds and Ends
  7.1 The mathematics of bluffing and the Texas Holdem invasio
  7.2 Off to the rac
  7.3 Lotteries and your expectati
  7.4 Thegambler’s ru
 Answers/Hints for Selected Exercises
 About the Author
