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以下为《Overview of Wine in China 中国葡萄酒概述》的配套数字资源,这些资源在您购买图书后将免费附送给您:
  • 科学出版社
  • 9787030714145
  • 01
  • 440228
  • 圆脊精装
  • A4
  • 2022-10
  • 336
  • TS262.6
Overview of Wine in China is the first comprehensive and systematic introduction of Chinese wine in the world. The book covers the history of Chinese wine, the development of wine regions, grape varieties, cultivation and management, winemaking, wine tasting, wine services, Chinese wine education and scientific research, laws and regulations, and other aspects. The book also gives a detailed introduction of the distribution of wine regions in China, the general situation of the industry, the terrain, climate, soil of the wine regions, the representative wineries, and the characteristics of their wine. Fluent text, beautiful pictures, and innovative work not only make this book of high academic and collection value but also make it a rare guide to Chinese wine consumption and travel.