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  • 天津大学出版社
  • 9787561863800
  • 273780
  • 2019-06
本着保护生态的责任和义务,作者编写了这部生态英语阅读教材。作者从众多高质量原文书籍中经过认真仔细的筛选共编辑了30个生态环保文章,其内容包活生态学的基本定义、生态系统的范围、政治生态学、环境保护运动、雾霾给环境所带来的影响、国际气候正义运动、建设可持续的经济社会、环境与社会的联系、成功的法律法规、文学生态、水土资源的保护的重大意义等众多生态保护方面内容。 本书的重点不在于要渲染出精美的、照片级的效果表现,而是侧重于对渲染器本身的命令设置的理解和掌握。 全书共分七章,分别详细介绍了VRay的每一个功能面板的常用参数命令、VRay的灯光、材质和贴图设置以及渲染的设置过程,并通过多个精美的设计和渲染示例对VRay的几个重点功能进行了讲解,使读者能够快速地学会VRay的命令设置,并轻松地渲染出精美的图像。
Chapter One Essential Concepts of EcologyChapter Two The Scope of EcologyChapter Three Why Environmental Problems PersistChapter Four Ecology, Environmentalism and EcocriticismChapter Five Ecologists and Economists Can Find Common GroundChapter Six Political EcologyChapter Seven Facundo and Political EcologyChapter Eight The Environment MovementChapter Nine Possible Effects of Climate Change on SmogChapter Ten Matthiessen's Ecological ImaginationChapter Eleven The International Climate Justice MovementChapter Twelve Where Justice and Sustainability MeetChapter Thirteen Three Years to Safeguard Our ClimateChapter Fourteen Plan to Keep Carbon in CheckChapter Fifteen The Sound of Global WarmingChapter Sixteen How Much Is Clean Water Worth?Chapter Seventeen We Can Build a Sustainable EconomyChapter Eighteen Impairments in Marine Environments and Subsequent Economic Effects and LossesChapter Nineteen The Link between Environmental and Social JusticeChapter Twenty Compound Injustice and the Future of North-South Climate EquityChapter Twenty-one Several Paradoxes for the Journey: Communication Strategies to Mobilize the Climate MovementChapter Twenty-two Literature, Ethics, and the "Ecosublime"Chapter Twenty-three Ecological Problems and Competitiveness in Swiss IndustriesChapter Twenty-four Forest Landscape Ecology and Applications in ChinaChapter Twenty-five The Image of Evolution as Ruthless CompetitionChapter Twenty-six What Is Ugliness in Nature?Chapter Twenty-seven Seeing through the Eyes of AnimalsChapter Twenty-eight After NatureChapter Twenty-nine The Resource Conservation and Recovery ActChapter Thirty International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural ResourcesReferences